Out of the Chocolate Box

"Get out of here!"

The loud noise broke my trance and though my eyes could gather only lots of blood and rage, fighting people and screaming insults, I made myself get a grip (as much as possible) and retreat further into the corner. Why corner? Well, because it was the only place I could actually sorta hide into! Someone who screamed for me to get out never took into the account that there was NOWHERE to get out. All sorts of hits and punches were thrown and they made my escape impossible without getting at least a couple of them.

"Oh…would ya look at that?" I looked up, clutching my purse to my chest. My breathing was shallow as my eyes rested on a rather big dark-skinned man with purely white teeth as he wickedly checked me out. "What a bird like you doin' in a place like this?"

I should have bit my tongue, I know. Instead this came out:

"And what a goblin like yourself Is doing here? It's a mad world, trust me."

That definitely hit some kind of nerve (maybe his mom used to call him that and didn't love him enough, I wouldn't know) because he charged at me.

"What a sharp tongue ya got there.." His voice transitioned into a dangerous whisper. "Why don't we work on ripping it out?"

Something in the manner of his threat told me that he might actually go through with it. Or maybe it was all the brutality that was going on in the dark ally of one of the most wonderful capital cities of Europe.

"Micky, get done with the lass!" The words made the guy, Micky, turn around to nod to his…friend…I'm not sure I'd call a friend a person with whom you go around shaking life out of people…but then, what do I know?

Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for my new acquaintance Micky) the distraction gave me enough time to take out the pepper spray and when he turned around he was met with more than one sprays in the eyes.

Mickey screamed and though one hand went to his eyes, the other gripped my throat hard, pinning me to the wall. There was a dull thud and my head went dizzy. The guy that was holding me screamed in pain and screamed some very offensive names.

The truth was by that time I really stopped feeling and seeing anything and felt myself going numb a little from the depravation of oxygen. I struggled, I really did! Not one of these damsels in distress! But he was tall, strong and angry…and temporary blind thanks to me. The odds were in his favor by far.

I felt Micky unclench his enormous hands but my vision went all blurry and the darkness took over…

"Miss Sage?"

I stirred and open my eyes to see a nurse in front my hospital bed with a chart in her hands.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, thanks." I cleared my throat. "When did I get here?"

"A gentleman brought you in yesterday night. We got you name from the driver's license in your purse. You have a slight concussion and bruises all over you throat area."

I coughed slightly and tried to feel my neck with my hands getting a respond with sharp pain. Grimacing I looked back at the nurse.

"There's no need to keep you here any longer, I'll get the doctor to sign the papers. But I have to ask, you realize that we call the police in the cases like this."

"Hm…there's really no need for that. Somebody just tried to mug me and I don't remember anything about him beside the fact that it was a He." I shrugged. That was a lie but I was a remarkably good actress.

"Do you need me to call anyone? Relatives, maybe?"

"No, thank you. I don't have relatives here and I wouldn't bother anyone back home for a simple concussion."

The nurse nodded but the worry expression painted her features. She seemed to be around fifty with greying hair and I could only guess that she already had grandchildren – she just had that kind of look and aura around her.

"But I'm staying with a friend and I'm sure she'll do her best to get me on my feet soon enough." I smiled.

"Alright then. Your things are under the bed. I'll just get you signed out and some medication in case your neck or head will be a trouble."

"As in painkillers?"


"Oh, I'm a fast healer. There won't be any need for that." I smiled sweetly again.

After giving me another suspicions look, she turned to the door but stopped a couple steps after:

"Oh, and miss Sage."

"Call me Calina."

"Calina, that's a beautiful name..Well, the man who brought you in yesterday, he was in a hurry and dropped his wallet."

She fished a black leather item from the pocket of her scrubs and handed it to me.

"Thanks.." I said unsure.

"I thought you might want to thank him for help." She again made her way to the door. "A very handsome young man, if I may notice."

I chuckled and she left.

I flipped the wallet in my hands a couple times before opening it for inspection. There were some bills in it, couple credit cards, tickets to what seemed like a football game and a driver's license. Bingo! Well, hello, Peter Danham.

A\N – Hello-hello, everybody! I finally got my hands on the GSH story. Ow took me long enough though… Of course, I don't own anything but the plot and my OC's. Just so we get disclaimer out of the way!

Anyway, I would be thrilled to know what you think, what are your thoughts on Calina so far. And yes, we've already seen Micky (the sneaky git) so fast into the story. Well, waiting !impatiently! for your reviews!