Hey guys! So I'm back for story number two and this ones a definate knee slapper (hopefully). Like always please read and review and i hope you enjoy the story!


"God!" The two girls squealed loudly. They looked at each other excitedly, both of them barely holding in their excitement.
"Shirts!" The dark headed one did a little jig on the spot.
The brunette beamed and started dancing along with her. "On sale!"
With very little dignity (not that they had much in the first place) Kiara and Olivia held their heads high and very loudly bellowed.
And rushed into BBC store they had been gazing longingly at from a distance for the past hour, leaving very confused and slightly freaked out shoppers behind them.

Olivia and Kiara had been vacationing in England for the past two days, and will be continuing vacationing for the next month. They were both from Australia and had visited England when one of their friends had invited them over.

"Hey guys!"
Both girls smiled over the phone they were listening to. "Hey Ebbs! How's England?"
Ebony had laughed and replied with a smile evident in her voice. "Rainy."
The girls laughed. "Well you should know, we're very jealous."
"Well not for much longer." There was a pause over the line and both girls sucked in a breath. "My Uncle has finally went completely 'round the bend and given us half of his fortune. Meaning about five hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or pounds, or whatever. Anyways, you are both coming to England!"

Olivia and Kiara had frozen, their breathing deep and eyes wide.
"You aren't joking?" Kiara had rushed out.
Olivia had nodded. "If you are, you can look forward to being gutted by my personal gutterer."
"No I'm not joking! But if you send a crazed ninja gutterer after me, then I might have to change my mind." Ebbs had said.
Kiara and Olivia looked at each other and screamed. "WE'RE GOING TO ENGLAND!"
"Great." Ebbs shouted over the shrill screaming coming through the line. "So I'm going to say goodbye before you turn me deaf."
Both girls didn't notice she had hung up until five minutes later when they were asked to 'shut the hell up so my hospital bill doesn't have to include hearing aids'. Aren't old people the best?

So that was how Olivia and Kiara had ended up buying frankly the most adorable Merlin and Arthur shirts that were in existence. Olivia had walked out of the store wearing a royal red shirt with a cartoon of 'Prince Prat' on the front and Kiara had strode out like nobody's business wearing a blue shirt with a cartoon of the 'Clotpole Warlock' splashed across the front. They were very serious about their fandoms (it was a very, very serious business after all) and had agreed on characters for each other. Olivia was Arthur and Kiara was Merlin.

(There was also a wide range of other characters from their other fandoms. Such as Bones, Castle, Sherlock, Doctor Who, How I met Your Mother and the little green aliens out of Toy Story.)

They had gotten back to the house, both gleeful and incredibly proud of their shirts when Ebony had come across them.

Ebony had bleach blonde hair (dyed obviously but it was all the hairdressers fault) and pale blue eyes. She had a nose piercing and two lip ones and very sparkly eye shadow. (Olivia and Kiara both agreed that the sparkliness of it could rival the unicorns.)

"Oh for the love of god. You did not buy shirts!" She said, eating a crumpet.
They both looked at her, scandalized, as if muttering such words would kill the queen and her corgis. Olivia gasped out. "Of course we had to buy shirts!"
"They were in the store window! They were practically begging us to take them. They were obviously miserable in that shop." Kiara nodded.
"And we didn't want to leave such adorable things in misery!" Olivia patted her hand on Kiara's shoulder. "We did the shirts a favour."

Ebony glanced at each of them, torn between either shredding the shirts or sending the 'Shirt-Savers' to a mental asylum. She mentally crossed out both options as the first would most definitely result in her grisly death and the second would probably result in her being sent to a mental asylum as well. She was actually pretty much a psycho but a less showy and more 'I'm-Actually-Not-On-Drugs-It's-Just-Me' one.

"You two are hopeless." And she walked past them and out the front door.

Kiara and Olivia (after much shirt saving tactics and options for therapy sessions if the shirts had been abused at their previous home) decided to watch the fourth series of Merlin in the theatre room and so they prepared popcorn and created a legendary blanket fort of epic proportions. They popped in the first disc and were chattering quietly until the familiar saying 'In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a great man. His name? Merlin' filled the room. They got to the death of Uther before both of them were sleeping and snuggling further under the blankets, their quiet snores could barely be heard over the epic sassiness of Old Merlin on screen.

Their dreams filled with castles, magic and Gwaine's Pantene worthy hair.

Hope you guys liked it and please R&R!