A spray of scalding hot water shot out of the shower head and burned Stiles' skin on contact. The healing runes didn't allow for the burns to stay or cause him pain for long, but the tanned skin was raw from continuously healing itself. He knew that he shouldn't keep leaning against the wall and continue to ignore the fact that soon enough his body was going to be exhausted from the runes drawing energy from him. However, his mind was too clouded with the events that had occurred just over a few hours ago.

Stiles had just aimed the arrow at the little girl with the big, brown eyes when the door flew open and a large frame was blocking his view from her. The figure was a werewolf, but not just any random werewolf. It was Scott, who was growling rather loudly at Stiles while crouching protectively in front of the little girl. She, however, didn't see any danger and was peaking around Scott's leg to get a better look at the man with the bow and black swirly designs all over him.

Both Stiles and Scott realized who they were threatening at the same time, and both their mouths opened in shock. Scott stood up straight again, his eyes wide. Stiles gently let the bow lower and his muscles relax. Lydia made an annoyed noise in the back of her throat and stormed over to Stiles, snatching the weapon from his hands.

"I can't believe you just aimed this at her! You act like you've never seen a child before, Stiles. Where were you for the past five years? A cannibalistic island that hunted children and ate them for food?" She dropped the bow on the kitchen counter before turning back around and ripping the quiver of arrows off his shoulder as well. After depositing it beside the weapon, the redhead glared at him once more.

The little girl had completely walked around Scott and now stood between the two men, glancing back and forth from Scott's face to Stiles'. Finally, she turned to face Stiles and looked up at him, tilting her head back far. After tugging lightly on his sweats, she asked, "Are you Unca Siles?" Her words weren't fully formed, and she had trouble saying parts of words.

Stiles looked down at her, confusion written all over his face. His eyes were shining slightly, like they were beginning to water up with tears. He just stared down at the little girl, who patiently stared back at him and waited for an answer. The Vigilem could feel the eyes of Lydia and Scott on him, but he ignored them.


Everyone in the room turned their heads to who spoke. A mass of long brown curls framed a fair skinned face that was clouded with confusion. A slight smile was on her lips, and she walked quickly into the kitchen. It was Allison, and she looked ecstatic to see Stiles.

"Momma!" The little girl giggled, then literally jumped into her mother's arms. Allison didn't even bend down as the girl jumped the distance straight up that was needed to wrap her arms around Allison's neck. "Iss Unca Siles, isn' it?" Her brown eyes widened even more, waiting for an answer finally.

Stiles swallowed hard, his gaze on the ground. "Mom?" He managed to choke out. The already thick tension in the room seemed to thicken even more, and Lydia popped her lips lightly.

"How about I take Gen into the living room?" She asked, walking forward to pull the grinning - a very wolfish like grin, in fact - girl into her arms. Then they were in the living room, and the television was being turned on, and the volume lowered considerably to a quiet hum.

Scott stared hard at Stiles, who looked up to stare back at him without flinching. He noticed a few things by quickly flickering his eyes between the couple. Allison had a diamond ring and a wedding band on her ring finger, Scott did as well, and there was a bite mark that was peaking out of the collar of Allison's shirt. The fact that it hadn't healed meant that it wasn't The Bite, but rather the mate mark. Scott probably had one as well hidden somewhere. Stiles tried not to think of The Mark. "So you have a daughter, a legitimate daughter at that. Surprised you didn't knock her up out of wedlock, Scott. Anyways, Allison obviously has accepted The Mark. You're two year old daughter is named Jennifer. Oh, great! We're all caught up! You can leave now." Stiles didn't try to hold back the sarcasm, allowing it to pool out in full force.

"Her name's not Jennifer," Scott said gruffly, his face not changing from the angry scowl it was in. Stiles absent-mindedly thought that Scott was hanging out with Derek too much if he was able to perfect a scowl that well, but then he scolded himself for thinking of Derek. He had barely settled down at home and somehow that damned Alpha had found a way to squirm into his thoughts.

"Lydia just called her Gen. I obviously heard that, Scott. What? Won't even tell me what her name is because I was gone for five years. That obviously means I'm a serial killer or a rapist. Maybe I'm a devil worshipper and want to use her for a sac-"

"Gen is short for Genim." Allison had finally spoken up, moving to lean against the counter closest to the two men. Scott relaxed slightly when she moved closer, and when she noticed this, the young woman moved to wrap her arms around his side. Her fingers lightly danced on his side, almost in a petting motion. Stiles tried to focus on anything besides his old friends in front of him. He needed to calm down or he might punch the wall, and it was plausible that the Sheriff wouldn't be too happy about the broken drywall.

His amber eyes flickered to where the living room was, where Genim listening to the Discovery channel and Lydia telling her all the things the show got wrong. Genim just laughed, one that reminded Stiles of Allison, and said something along the lines of "I thought Afa tol' you to stop 'recting the TV in fron'a me?"

Lydia scoffed and there was the sound of weight being shifted. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him, now will it? Unless you plan on telling?" The two girls giggled lightly. It didn't take Stiles long to realize that 'Afa' in two year old - maybe three year old -speak meant Alpha. Stiles liked his dry lips, then swallowed hard and looked back to the very obviously married couple, if the ring on Allison's finger was any indicator, in front of him.

"Why are you here? I thought that by now you would have realized that-"

Scott let out a low growl. "That you don't want anything to do with us? Yeah, we got the message. I got the message when I called you to wish you happy birthday every year and you didn't pick up. I called to tell you I was going to propose to Allison, when she said yes, when we got married, when we found out she was pregnant, when she went into labor, to get you to come see Gen on her first and second birthdays, but you didn't answer!" Scott was yelling now, something he almost never did unless things were completely serious. He had begun to take angry steps towards Stiles, but the amber-eyed young man just stared back with his shoulders back and his chin held high.

"I get that you didn't want anything to do with us, Stiles! Trust me, we got it! But you are pack. You are D-"

Stiles' stare instantly turned vicious and he cut Scott off before he could keep going. "No I'm not! Just because he-"

"It doesn't just go-"

"I know that! But he was - is - wrong! I'm not! I never was and I never will be. I'm not pack either. I never was pack, and maybe the sooner you realize that the better." Stiles moved to the refrigerator and jerked the door open. He rummaged through it until he found a thing of meat. Taking it in his hands, he turned to face them once again. "Now, if you don't mind. I'd like to cook my father a healthy meal in honor of my brief visit to him. I would prefer it if you left before he got here and asks you all to stay." Hopefully Stiles' eyes made it very clear that he didn't want them there any longer if his little speech didn't.

Scott stared at Stiles for a minute, and the whole house was silent. By the volume that the two men were speaking with each other, Lydia was probably easily able to listen in without werewolf hearing. That meant that Gen could hear what he said perfectly. For some reason that made him feel a bit of remorse, but it didn't show. The only sounds that could be heard was the house creaking and popping like houses do.

"Come on, Gen. We're going to see Alpha." Allison was the one to speak, and she said it so soft that if Stiles didn't have the runes helping his hearing, then it would have been inaudible. That meant they couldn't tell what he was, probably because they had never encountered a Vigilem. He was surprised Scott hadn't asked about all of the tattoos, but when he glanced back at him it was obvious that the werewolf had just been looking at them.

Genim ran into the kitchen, too quick to be a human two year old. Instead of running to Allison or Scott though, she ran to Stiles and stood in front of him. He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow, but she just smiled wolfishly back at him.

"You smell funny." Stiles blinked, shocked by her statement. Before he could say anything in return to it though, she was speaking rapidly once again. "My birfday is tomorrow! Are yous gonna come, Unca Siles? It would makes Afa happy. I'm turning fwee!" She held up three fingers for emphasis, waving them wildly before continuing. "Will you come? Yous come! Afa would be sooooo happies! Sometimes he looks at pichas of Unca Siles and his eyes sweat." She dragged her fingers down her face, pulling her bottom eyelid down slightly and frowning sadly while doing so. Then her face turned back to normal in half a second. "I's not 'sposed to tells anyone though. Don't tells him I's told yous? Okay? I's sees you tomorrow Unca Siles. My party's at Afa's house! Bye Unca Siles!"

Stiles was in shock as the little girl ran to her mother and began to tug her out of the house, possessing more strength than a normal two, going on three year old. Allison followed her out. Lydia, who had walked in during the middle of Gen's ramblings, was behind her, shooting Stiles a knowing look that seemed to reach his soul. Then it was just him and Scott standing in the kitchen. Scott had gotten tenser when Gen asked Stiles to come to her party.

"She'll be upset if you don't come."

Stiles nodded once, then began to pull out other necessary ingredients he needed. "Yeah. Well I like her. She hasn't done anything to make me hate her yet." He gave Scott a withering look, and it looked like the werewolf visibly flinched a bit. Scott nodded once more before turning around and walking out the door.

Back in the shower, Stiles hit his head against the tiled wall in frustration. He knew that if he went to Gen's birthday party, then that would mean having to face the whole pack including Derek. If he didn't go, though, then Genim would be upset. He didn't want that because the little girl reminded him so much of himself. He knew that born werewolves couldn't get any attention deficits, but she probably would have had it if she was human.

He was snapped from his thoughts when a scraping sound came from his room. It sounded a lot like his window opening, and he made a mental not to lock it after he dealt with whatever werewolf was sneaking through it. Stiles had a suspicion of who it was, so he turned the now ice cold water off and stretched his limbs. Sure, all he had done was stand under the water, but he could take a real shower in the morning.

Grabbing the towel hanging up, Stiles dried himself off lightly before knotting it loosely around his waist and making his way across the hall to his bedroom. His dad's door was closed, but light was trickling out from the bottom of it. He hoped that his father wouldn't hear any of what was probably about to happen.

As soon as he stepped clear of the door, it closed and he was pushed up against the wall. It wasn't in an angry manner but more of a desperate one. Stiles felt a face pressed into the side of his neck, smelling the expanse of the skin there. Calloused hands had a grip on his wrists, and he could feel the slight prick of claws pinching his skin. The large body pressed against his, radiating heat and making very quiet whimpering noises in the back of its throat. The feeling of wet heat slowly made a trail on his neck, and Stiles assumed that he was being licked.

"So I see you're going to confront me as soon as I get out of the shower so I don't have any weapons on me. Careful, though. Maybe I use wolfsbane infused body wash." Stiles smirked when he felt Derek tense, freezing in his actions like he realized what he was doing. "But then again I'm just a puny human and could never think of something so smart. So please, continue with your useless scenting."

He felt Derek pull back, loosening the grip he had on Stiles' wrists, enough for him to jerk them away from the werewolf is he wanted to. He didn't though, having something more fun in mind. Just when he was about to speak, Derek let go. Stiles' smirk grew, but it was quickly wiped off when Derek's hand wrapped around his throat instead. His amber eyes widened and choking noises began to come from his lips.

Derek's eyes were red, and he was growling slightly. Stiles flailed slightly, trying to do something to get him away, but the Alpha had him pinned in a way that didn't allow him to move at all. "You sure do smell a lot like m-" His words froze, then the wolf picked back up what he was saying. "Like Stiles underneath all of the fire and smoke and brimstone and sulfur, but you aren't him. Not even close." The grip on Stiles' throat was gone just as the edge of his vision had started to turn black. He gasped for air, but the pain was gone quickly as the runes worked their magic. It just left him feeling more exhausted though since they had been draining energy from him for the past hour as he stood under the scalding water.

As he blinked to refocus his eyes, he realized that Derek was suddenly a lot closer. Stiles thought at first that Derek was going to kiss him, but when he saw the scowl that was on the Alpha's face, accompanied by a low growl and glowing red eyes, he knew that it was supposed to be intimidating. It wasn't, and Stiles decided that he was going to have fun with the situation.

His hands, now free from any grip they were in, reached up and trailed themselves along Derek's chest. The smirk Stiles had grew when the wolf tensed under his touch but didn't pull away. "God, you've gotten hotter over the past five years." He dragged his nails lightly back down the muscle of Derek's chest, making sure to brush over his nipples through the thin shirt. They kept going until Stiles got a grip on Derek's belt and had pulled their hips together forcefully. Blue-green eyes slowly trailed from amber to pink lips to tanned throat to muscled shoulders and chest and stomach to where their hips were pressed against each others.

"The Stiles that I- The old Stiles-"

"Grew up. He grew up, Derek. Now he isn't some weak little human who could be ripped open by some goddamned Alpha because he was trying to rescue people who never gave a fuck about him." Stiles had leaned forward and was spitting out the words like they were venomous, his grip growing tighter still on Derek's belt. "He learned how to fight for himself and lost someone who cared about him to some fucking supernatural creatures. But you know what he did?" He pressed his lips to the shell of Derek's ear, letting his lips brush it lightly before speaking hard. "He. Fought. Back."

Before Derek could respond, Stiles shoved him away and walked over to his suitcase. He didn't think twice about allowing his towel to drop as he grabbed a pair of black boxer briefs and slid them on. If he had the ability to smell emotions like weres could, then he was sure that the room would reek of the wolf's lust and arousal. He smirked to himself before turning to face Derek, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You can leave now."


Stiles' eyes narrowed, and he took a deep breath. Shrugging, he walked over to his wooden chest and opened it. His eyes scanned for a certain bottle, and he made an 'ah-ha' noise when he found it. Bottle in hand, Stiles turned to face Derek again, not trusting to leave his back to any supernatural for too long. He held the tiny bottle up so Derek could clearly see the dark blue powder in it.

"Either you take your little wolf ass and climb out my window, or I can test this species of wolfsbane that's effect has yet been discovered." Stiles shook the bottle for emphasis, and Derek tensed. "You can obviously hear my heart beat and know that I'm not lying. So run along because if I don't get my beauty sleep then I tend to get grumpy."

He waited for him to move or say something, but Derek didn't. He just stared back at him with red, glowing eyes. They stood like that for a minute before Stiles shrugged again and began to unscrew the top, but stopped when the sound of the floorboards creaking were heard. His eyes flickered up, and Derek was gone, leaving the window open and the curtains blowing in the breeze.

Stiles let out a soft sigh of what might have been relief as he looked at the window, then tightened the lid once more. He placed it back in its slot in the chest and walked towards his old bed. It wouldn't be anything compared to the king sized bed he slept on in Tristan's home, but it would be a hell of a lot better than the dorm mattresses he had to sleep on for the beginning of his college career before he met Ariel. His heart squeezed as he thought of her, but he managed to push it aside as he climbed under the covers after shutting and locking the window.

As his eyes slipped shut from exhaustion, Stiles realized that tomorrow was going to be a very long day.