Chapter 1: Secret Princess

Stella's point of view:

Fire! Hot blazing fire surrounded my ever corner. I knew where the safest exit was, but I was heading the opposite direction. I had to find them. I had to find my parents.

As I rounded the corner, I heard the loud familiar voice of my mother giving commands. When she saw me her eyes widened in horror.

"Stella you have to go!" my mother yelled/coughed out.

"No! I will not leave you" I insisted as a tear fell from my eyes. Even though I've known about this plan for months I refused to follow it. If they would have just asked me I would have said I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to depart from my parents. Not yet I was only 12!

"Princess Estella Marie Elisa Christina Renee Solaria, you will do as I say. Your father and I will stay here to protect the people, but you are the future of this country and I refuse to let this country's future burn with its palace. Now go!" I shook my head no with determination. Her authority was clear, but I wasn't having it. She would either come with me or I die with her.

She sighed and regret slowly entered her eyes, "You're as stubborn as your father." She sighed again before adding. "I'm sorry it has to end this way." She slowly caressed my cheek. "I love you so much and don't you ever forget that" she then backed away and said the one word, the last word I will ever hear her say.

"Guards" And just as soon as the word was out of her mouth the guards quickly showed up, and led me to the privet jet.

"No! Put me down! Mother!" My cries were useless as they continued to the door.

"Mother!" I screamed again, my mother slowly looked up and with tears in her eyes she turned around and walked away.

"No! Mother!"

"Stella!" A gentle voice called out to me.

"Mother!" I jumped up with sweat pouring down from my face. I slowly to a look at my surroundings and noticed that I was back in my room. More like the room I've been sleeping in for the past five years.

"No… it's Aunt Samera. Oh Stella please don't tell me you're still having those stupid nightmares are you" she asked with concerned eyes.

I rolled my eyes before answering with annoyance "Aunt Samera they aren't nightmares their memories, and I only get them once a year." I said remembering the terror that happened my last day as a princess.

"I know but it's been five years! You'd think you would get over them by now. I don't think it's healthy to keep everything bottled up like that." I sighed and simply rolled my eyes. I was not going to get into this argument with her again.

"Next year I'll try harder, Auntie. Now, is there anything else you'd like to say to me before I take my shower?" I asked as I rose from my bed and stretched.

"Oh yes I almost forgot… HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!" she ended by giving me a gigantic hug making me giggle.

"Thank you" I said with a smile.

"Wow, seventeen! Your mother must be in tears right now. Her baby girl isn't such a baby anymore." She sadly smiled, and I knew she was worried about her childhood friend too.

"If she's even alive" slipped through my mouth without a second thought. My aunt physically tensed at my words. "Way to go Stella!"

"Don't ever say that. You and I both know that she's fine" she said as though she was trying to believe her words herself.

"I know but sometimes, I get so worried. I really miss her, Aunt Samera" I admitted looking down.

"Don't we all sweetie, don't we all. Hurry and take your shower or you'll be late for school." I hugged her one last time before jumping into the shower.

When I was finally dressed and ready I made my way downstairs to find the rest of the family eating my birthday breakfast.

"Hey, hey, hey! Save some for the birthday girl." I stated with narrowed eyes. My uncle quickly dropped his fork, and gave me an innocent smile.

"That's what I was just telling Sky." He said pointing the finger at his son and my cousin.

"And I was just saying that I didn't care" Sky said smiling with a mouth full of mushed pancakes.

"Gross! You're disgusting" I said looking away.

"Aww" he looked at me touched. "I love you too, Stel."

I ignored his comment and sat down beside my Uncle. Not long after did my aunt hand me a delicious plate full of pancakes.

"Happy birthday Stella-Bell" My uncle said smiling as he hugged me and handed me a gift.

"Thanks Uncle Erendor" I smiled and quickly opened the small gift. Inside was a diamond necklace with that read the word 'Princess' and beside the last 'S' was a small tiara. It was beyond gorgeous, and just looking at it formed tears in my eyes.

"It's from me and your auntie. It's just a little reminder of who you are and where you came from. Do you like it" he asked well aware of the answer.

"No, I love it thank you guys so much" I said getting up and hugging them both. I quickly put on the beautiful necklace and glanced at the time.

"Come on Skylar! We're gonna be late for school" I said annoyed as I got my backpack and exited through the door.

"Haha very funny!" he said referring to his old nickname as he followed me out the door. We quickly got into his car, and he started the engine.

Before he pulled off I stopped him by saying. "Well? I'm waiting" he looked up at me and smiled.

"For what?" Sky's face looked innocent but I could see his eyebrow twitch. Whenever he twitched he was always lying.

"My gift you dork! Now give it here" I whined causing him to laugh.

"You are so spoiled" he said handing me a small red box.

Smiling I said "What did you expect? I'm a secret Princess." I winked before opening the red box. Inside was beautiful charm bracelet with only two charms. One was a tiara (I guess you could say it's my trademark) and the other was a small bottle of nail polish. The nail polish made me laugh remembering the only way I would talk to him when I first moved in was if he let me paint his nails. Since then we have been like brother and sister. That was the day he became my Skylar.

"Thanks, I love it" I pecked his cheek and giggled when he gagged.

"Whatever" He said as he took off, with the slightest smile on his face.

Once we got to school we went our different ways. Sky went with his jock friends and his annoying girlfriend Diaspro. I went with my girls, Bloom, Flora, Musa, Layla, and Techna. As soon as I came to this school they welcomed me with open arms. Since that day, we all have been inseparable.

As I headed to our table (before the first bell rings we have to sit outside.) I noticed a sudden awe from everyone around me. I knew for sure it couldn't have been for me because I've been here for like two years. Plus I didn't think I looked that great with my Victoria Secret sweat suit and my blonde hair in a sloppy bun with flip flops. I mean I looked like I always do. I looked like Stella Renee Johnson. The complete opposite from Estella Marie Elisa Christina Renee Solaria.

So I simply turned around to see what all of the excitement was over, and that's where I saw him. His hair was a soft brown, and unlike most of these American boys, it looked as though it was brushed with care. His beautiful brown eyes made me want faint at just the sight of them. But the best feature? The best feature had to be his lips. Those soft pink pillows made me want to immediately assault them with mine. Just the mere thought made my lips quiver, as though they missed his, even though they have never touched each other.

Realizing I was staring, I turned around and continued my walk to my table. But not before hearing our principal Professor Griffin say...

"Oh you must be Brandon Monroe, our new foreign exchange student. Welcome to Alfea High!"

Brandon Monroe huh? This might just be a happy birthday =)

A/N: This is my second story and I'm super excited to get it started I hope you enjoy! Please read and review, next Chapter will be up as soon as possible.

PS: It'll be in Brandon's point of view