Fallen Emerald

By: Wilona Riva

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom.

Originally part of a series of oneshots called "Woman of Years", I've decided to elevate this story to full fic status. Summary: Jazz notes something is wrong with Danny and follows him into the Ghost Zone. When Danny forces her back into the lab, she goes to Tucker and Sam for answers; neither of them knows anything. Three weeks later, Danny tells her, and that's where we'll pick up next chapter.

Big Sister's Intuition

"What the heck possessed you to follow me into the Ghost Zone, Jazz?" Danny asked, forming a ball of green energy in his right hand.

I eyed it warily. "Big sister's intuition," I replied.

"Wrong answer," my little brother retorted, thrusting his hand into my face.

I screamed and jumped back, right back into our parents' lab. "Darn, you, Danny!" I yelled.

"He did it to you too, huh?" Sam asked, poking her head around the corner.

"What do you mean by that?" I demanded.

"He's been going into the Ghost Zone more and more," Sam replied. "He won't even talk to us about what's bothering him."

"That's definitely not like him," I said, frowning in thought.

"We'd thought that if any one knew Danny the best, it would be you," Tucker added, joining in the conversation.

I sighed. "Nope. Fresh out of ideas."

"Psych ward ran out of crazy pills?" Tucker teased.

Sam and I stared at him for a moment, then laughed at the absurd thought.

"Don't worry, Jazz, we'll get to the bottom of this 'mystery' with Danny," Sam reassured me.

"Okay," I murmured.

About three weeks later, I got my answer.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in, Danny," I said, without looking up from my book.

"It's creepy when you do that," he grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Spill," I ordered. So he did, and I wish to God, he hadn't.