Author's Note (Part 1): Before you begin, no, this is not actually a part of the story. But I felt that I owed it to all of you kind individuals to try and post something!

*tap tap tap*

"Hey Engie, c'mere!"

"What's the matter, Scout?"

"The hell is this?"

"The hell is what?"

"This!" *tap tap tap*

"Oh, that! That, son, is the fourth wall."

"Oh, you mean the literary construct that separates the fictional world of the characters from the real world of the readers, permitting temporary suspension of disbelief?"

"You bet your britches!"

"Huh. Always thought that was just a metaphor."


"Now look what you've gone and done!"

"What? What did I do?!"

"You've gone and broken it!"

"But I wasn't even touching it!"

"You acknowledged your own fictional nature! That breaks it every time! And your out-of-character vocabulary seven lines back didn't do it any favours either!"

"Sorry, but I'm bored! Feels like we haven't done anything in forever! I've been waiting around in an emotional flashback ever since the last chapter came out."

"I know, Scout. But sometimes things happen and we gotta be patient."

"Have you met me? 'Patience' ain't exactly my middle name."

"What are you two doing?"

"Hey, Doc. We're just providing some light entertainment for viewers as a way to bridge the gap between chapters until the author has time to write."

"Don't talk like that! You'll break the... you-know-what!"

"Too late. He's already gone and shattered the thing."

"Gah! How long will it take to fix?"

"Hard to say. But there sure can't be an update until I've restored the division between the audience and the characters."

"Could we use the time to get some more choir practice in?"

"Not a chance. The narrative's been suspended while further chapters are pending. Our hands are tied."

"Hey, if the fourth wall's broken, can they hear us out there?"

"Sure can, Scout."

"And we've been talking like they ain't even here! Geez, if my Ma knew 'bout this, I'd be getting an earful for my bad manners."

"I think we already went over that bit of characterization."

"Come on, Doc! Repetition is a classic narrative device that reinforces important points so that the audience can remember them should they become essential to the plot!"

"And will that be essential to the plot?"

"How should I know? It ain't even written yet! But we're being rude to the folks on the other side of the wall."

"Come on, Scout..."

"Quiet, I'm talking here! Hello out there? I just wanted to let ya know that you guys have been making telling this story lots of fun for us, even if the author's been sending us through the wringer. We're going to keep pestering BlizzardWatch to get writing, but there's a lot of stuff going on, so I dunno when we'll be getting any attention. But we'd hate to disappoint you guys, so there will be more as soon as possible."

"Since when are you polite and reasonable?"

"Since the fourth wall broke and I get to act out of character. Look, thanks a bunch for all the awesome feedback! You guys rock! If ya ever need a favour, just give the Lake house a call and ask for Cornelius, 'cause I owe ya one!"

"Scout, this ridiculous filler has been going on way too long."

"I was just trying to be courteous!"

"Well, you can cut it out. Anyway, Heavy's got the 'Meet the Team' videos cued up, so we'd better go before he gets impatient."

"Do we gotta watch those again?"

"Not much else to do."

"I wanted to watch Say Yes to the Dress."

"Say Yes to the Dress?"

"Sure. This is non-canon filler. I can say whatever I like and the slate's clean when the story starts up again."

"Son, you are unbelievable."

Author's Note (Part 2): So until Engie can get the fourth wall back up, I won't be posting. It will most likely be early May before the next chapter comes along, for which I apologize. But if you would be so kind as to bear with me, I promise you several more installments and a lively finale! Who knows, maybe if anyone is interested, I'll put together a (non-music themed) sequel when I've got the time. But until then, there are plenty of other delightful TF2 stories out there, which I encourage you to read! Just don't forget about me, I'll be back! :)