Here is the conclusion of the story! I hope you all enjoyed it so far. Thank-you to everyone who's reviewed, followed and favorite this story. It means so much to me. I'm glad that I could write a story for you all to enjoy so much!

I will be writing a squeal to this. I don't have a title to it yet but, if the description says "Sequel to Royal Wedding" then you can know it's mine.

Alright, it's time to start the end of Royal Wedding.


The evil entity stood at the top of the temple, smiling a sadistic smile. "After all, you are my favorite fairy."

Vidia and Queen Clarion both glared at the Witch.

"Marissa." Queen Clarion said. "You should've stayed in your prison. You would've been safer down there."

Vidia was surprised with the Witch's physical appearance. She had expected some sort of monster; but not this. This, Marissa, was beautiful. She was had jet black hair and pale skin. She was about the height of Clarion and her wings were very similar too. Except, Marissa's were dark as the night. The witch began to laugh, a cold, cruel, laugh.

"You threaten me?" Marissa sneered. Then she smirked. "Very well. Oh, and take back your fairy. I have no further use for her."

They could see Marissa pick up a motionless lump on top of the temple. Marissa tossed it off the temple and Vidia quickly flew up and caught the fairy before it could crash into the obsidian stones below. Flying back down to Queen Clarion, Vidia set the fairy down on the ground. Clarion rushed over to the fairy's side and reached over to pull off the cloak, to see who it was.

That was when the fairy grabbed her wrist.

Queen Clarion gave a cry of surprise and tried to pull away. At the same time, the cloaked fairy had reached over with its other free hand and grabbed Vidia's wrist. The hood fell down to reveal Vixen, grinning maliciously. She looked at Vidia and her smile got even wider.

"It's payback, witch."

Vidia could feel her energy quickly draining out of her body. The longer the Fairy of War held her wrist, the more tired she got. Unfortunately, Vixen's grip was like glue, and impossible to break free from. Queen Clarion was facing the same problem. She made a move to kick the fairy but found she had a numb sensation throughout her body. She couldn't move.

It wasn't long before both Queen Clarion and Vidia passed out.

Marissa felt a small smiling curling on her lips as she flew down to land on the ground a few feet away from them. She shook her head. It had almost been too easy. She had been hoping to torture Queen Clarion a bit before she killed her but, she couldn't risk taking a chance. She needed to kill the queen while she couldn't fight back.

Marissa lifted up her hand, preparing for a spell. "Tell Queen Clara I said hello."


Marissa froze as an icicle grazed the side of her face, just barely missing an impalement through her head.

"You do anything to hurt Clarion and you'll be telling Clara hello yourself!" King Milori threatened. He sent a wave of snow at Vixen that caused her to go sailing back, breaking her grip on Clarion and Vidia's wrists. Milori jumped off Archimedes and landed between Marissa and the others. Marissa hissed, furious with Milori. She glared at him.

"I'll make you pay for that." Marissa growled. Then, she glanced down at his legs. She grinned sadistically. "How about I start with cutting off your legs?"


A fairy came flying out of the bushes, looking angrier than ever.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" Tinkerbell said. She flew up to punch Marissa in the face but the witch simply took a few steps back causing the tinker to sail right by.

"My, my, my," Marissa mused. "All of Pixie Hollow's most powerful fairies have gathered at last. Fortunately for you all, I have other plans."

"Other plans?" King Milori asked. Marissa smirked and darkness began to swirl around them. Tinkerbell shrieked and King Milori ran forward to grab the witch. She laughed maniacally as she was consumed by the shadows. When the darkness dispersed, Marissa was gone and so was Vixen. King Milori ran to Queen Clarion's side while Tinkerbell did the same with Vidia.

"Vidia. Vidia!" Tink said, shaking the fast flyer's pale shoulder. "Get up!"

Milori picked up Clarion in his arms and said to Tinkerbell, "Come. We must get them to a healing talent."

Tinkerbell nodded. She was about to pick up Vidia when she noticed something. There was an object laying where the witch use to stand.

"What's this?"

It was a few days later when Vidia finally woke up. She was puzzled to see that she wasn't in front of the temple anymore. She wasn't even at her house. Vidia observed her surroundings and noticed she was in single room that only functioned as a bedroom.

"That's odd." Vidia thought. "I wonder where I am..."

Vidia suddenly sat up, recognizing where she was. Only one place in Pixie Hollow looked like this.

"I'm in the palace." Vidia thought. "But why? Did Queen Clarion somehow break free of Vixen's grip and take me here?"

The fast-flyer's thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door begin to creak open. A fairy with chestnut hair and chocolate brown eyes came flying in quietly. She wore a white nurse's coat and carried a clipboard.

"Well, if it isn't Alcina." Vidia said, recognizing the healing talent. Alcina yelped and dropped her clipboard in surprise.

"V-Vidia! I wasn't expecting you to be awake," Alcina said hurriedly. She picked up her clipboard and quickly flew over to Vidia's side. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Hmm, let me think..." Vidia said, tapping her chin. "I'm stuck in a place I hate, got attacked by a fairy I loathe and I'm talking to another fairy right now that's equally annoying. Does that answer your question?"

Alcina sighed. "Yep, your alright."

"Whatever." Vidia said, rolling her eyes. "What am I doing here anyways?"

"After you and Queen Clarion were attacked by Vixen, you both passed out. King Milori and Tinkerbell chased the witch away and brought you back here. You've been asleep ever since." Alcina explained. Vidia groaned. So, she was saved by Tinker-breath and Mr. Clarion? That was a new low for her.

"Any other wonderful news?" Vidia asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You've been asleep for three days." Alcina deadpanned.

"Great." Vidia muttered. She set her head back down into her pillow, starting to feel fatigue. "So, why are you here? Is there something wrong with my chi?"

Chi is the energy that flows through ones body. Alcina was one of the first of the healing fairies in hundreds of years to specialize in treating a fairy's chi. In fact, it's so rare for a healing talent to specialize in this that there is only one other healing talent known to have this ability.

"Yes, Vixen disrupted the flow of energy in your body." Alcina explained. "Your chi has also been depleted."

Vidia grumbled under breath. She was going to have to get Vixen for that. Alcina put her hands on Vidia's arm and began to concentrate. Slowly, Alcina began to strengthen the chi flow. Vidia watched quietly as Alcina did her work. For several minutes, nothing was said between the two. Alcona started to get uncomfortable so she decided to talk to Vidia.

"There is a meeting coming up." Alcina said, off-handily.

"What?" Vidia asked, her head flipping up.

"Queen Clarion had just awoken a few hours ago and wanted to start a meeting to talk about the witch. It should be going on right now." Alcina said. "Wha— Hey! Where are you going?"

Vidia pushed herself out of bed and stood up shakily on the ground. "I'm going to the meeting. I have every right to be part of it. After all, I was attacked by the witch."

"Yes, but you're still too tired—"

"If Queen Clarion can get up, then so can I." Vidia said defiantly. "Thanks for the help, sweetie. TTFN!"


Vidia walked out the door and slammed it shut.

"But, what so you think she is planning?" the Minister of Autumn asked. "Marissa must have some sort of plan."

The Minister of Winter rolled her eyes. "Well, duh! Did you think she was going to make it up as she goes along?"

"You know, your attitude can get very tiring sometimes." the Minister of Autumn said, his eyes narrowing at her. She threw up her hands in a sarcastic gesture.

"You are tiring!"

"Please!" Queen Clarion shouted. Then she rubbed her temples. "I just woke up after being asleep for three days. Can't you all just get along?"

King Milori looked at Clarion concerned. "You shouldn't have started the meeting today. You're still tired."

"I'm fine, Milori. Three days is more than enough sleep..." Queen Clarion said. "So, is everyone that needs to attend the meeting here?"

"Present." the Minister of Autumn said.

"President!" the Minister of Winter shouted, raising her hand. The Minister of Spring sneered.

"How immature of you? Can't you just say present—" he began to scold.

"Please, Ministers!" Clarion said. "Don't make me repeat myself."

"Here." the Minister of Spring said.

"I too." the Summer Minister said.

King Milori stood by Clarion. "Present."

"Me too!" Tinkerbell said, flying up in the air. Fairy Mary rolled her eyes.

"I am also present," she said.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" They heard a snarky voice ask.

"Vidia!" Tink said, her face lightening up. She rushed over and hugged Vidia. "You're awake! I was so worried."

"Do me a favor and stop hugging me." Vidia said. Tinkerbell reluctantly did what the fast-flyer asked.

"I wasn't expecting you Vidia." Queen Clarion said. "Last I heard, you were still asleep."

Vidia smirked. "You should know dear, that nothing keeps me down for long. Not even a stupid Fairy of War."

"I was hoping you would have had more common sense than your queen and stayed in bed an extra day." A new voice said. Akimoto, the other chi healer, flew into the room and bowed to the Royal Couple and ministers.

"Ah, hello Akimoto." the Minister of Autumn greeted formally. Akimoto glanced at Vidia who huffed and crossed her arms. He decided to disregard this.

"I choose to come in here to stand by incase one of you two got sick again." Akimoto explained to Vidia. Vidia waved her hands.


"Is it safe for him to be in here?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Yes." the Minister of Autumn said without hesitation. "He is one of the most trustworthy sparrow man I know."

Queen Clarion pursed her lips. "Though he could be a bit more polite sometimes..."

"Oh, get over it Ree," Fairy Mary said. "Just because he pointed out that you're senseless doesn't mean you need to hold a grudge."

Queen Clarion sighed. "Very well. Besides, we have more important matters to discuss."

"That's right." the Minister of Spring agreed. "We here to discuss the problem with the witch."

Tinkerbell felt herself shiver as she remembered that evil being.

"What is she?" Tink asked.

"What do you think?" Vidia said, throwing up her hands. "Did you think that the witch was a tomato. The witch is a witch, duh!"

"I meant—" Tink said, glaring pointedly. "—Where did she come from? What does she have against Pixie Hollow?"

"Witches arrive in the middle of queen's reigns." Queen Clarion explained. "Only one per reign."

"Why's that?" Tink asked.

"Long ago, when Pixie Hollow was first starting out," the Minister of Summer explained. "Two fairies wanted to be queen. Only one was chosen though because Mother Dove dubbed the other one to corrupt to rule; their was much darkness in that fairy's heart."

"So, Mother Dove casts this spell on the queen so that queens arrive every few millennium." the Minister of Winter continued. "To carry on the Royal Line."

"The fairy who didn't win though, was very upset about losing the kingdom." the Minister of Spring said. "She began to practice in the dark arts, hoping to become as powerful as the queen."

"And she did." Fairy Mary said. "She even learned a spell to make sure that she has her own heirs arrive every few millennium. The time frame for them to arrive happens to fall in the middle of each of the queen's reigns."

"Oh." Tink said. "So, Marissa is after the throne she feels like her kind was cheated out of."

"Exactly." Queen Clarion said.

"But, it's about the middle of your reign now, isn't it?" Tink asked. "Vidia said queen's rule for 10,000 years and your around 5,000 something."

"5,853." Vidia corrected. Everyone gave her an odd look.

"How did you know that?" Queen Clarion asked.

"It doesn't matter." Tinkerbell said. "I'm just wondering if a witch has arrived yet."

Everyone looked at each other, as if someone other than themselves had the answer.

Finally, Fairy Mary shrugged. "We don't know. Sometimes, there is no way to know for certain. Witches don't always look like Marissa. In fact, most look like normal fairies. Some even act like normal fairies. Being a witch doesn't mean you're necessarily evil."

"It just means your part of the first witch's line." the Minister of Spring said. "But the beginning of it was so long ago that witches aren't nearly as corrupt now."

"Usually." Fairy Mary said. "Then you have fairies like Marissa."

"Um, guys." Vidia said, meekly looking at them. "I think I really am a witch."

They all just stared at her. "What?"

"I mean, I have all the requirements." Vidia continued, looking less self-assured than ever. "I arrived about a century ago; that's about the middle of Clarion's reign. Marissa also keeps calling me her 'favorite fairy' and acts like she expects a lot from me. Vixen even called me witch back at the temple."

"Maybe she was just using that as an insult?" Tink suggested. "Witch is used a lot for insults. Plus, tons of fairies arrive in the middle of a queen's reign."

Vidia went on as if Tinkerbell hadn't spoken. "It would also explain why Queen Clarion and I have never seemed to get along. We're natural enemies."

"That's a pleasant thought." the Minister of Winter muttered. Queen Clarion pursed her lips.

"I don't really think that we fight because your a witch." Queen Clarion said. "Let's not jump to conclusions based on coincidences. I don't think you're a witch."

"It doesn't matter if she is or isn't." King Milori interrupted. "Tinkerbell and I have something to show you all."

"What is it?" Akimoto asked. King Milori pulled a pouch out of his pocket. "This was found where the witch was standing. There's a note inside addressed to all of us."

"What does it say?" Queen Clarion asked.

King Milori looked around at everyone, for once looking very nervous. He realized that, in a few years at best, everything will change. He may not even see all these faces.

After a few seconds, he read the letter.

That's the end! Ugh, that was so short! But, I just couldn't find anything else to write.

I will be writing a squeal so, don't get your wings in a twist.

Btw, I edited the ending because I didn't like it and I wasn't quite ready to write a sequel. Also, I need Thorn for my next story.

I'll be writing a bunch of fairy one-shots! And I am open to requests.

Anyways, virtual cookies for all! I hope you all enjoyed this story.