Hey guys, i just had this idea because i was really bored. I am still writing my other story so dont worry! :) I intend this story to be a Two/ThreeShot, depending on the response i get. haha So please reveiw! and tell me if i should continue! :) xx

His handwriting was messy, ink splattering across the page. He thought it gave his friendly letter some character. The ink splash looked remarkably like a blood splatter. He knew by the end of the day, there would be someone's blood on it anyway.

SSA Jennifer Jareau was frustrated to say the least. Ever since Will had found another job in Virginia, he was gone every morning by 5 o'clock, leaving her to drop Henry off at day-care. Luckily she had found one that suited her hours.

'Mommy, I don't wanna go to day-care. I wanna stay home with you!' Henry whined, struggling against his mother's hold as he carried him to their car. Henry's longer blond hair was covering his eyes as he tried to escape her vice like grip.

'Momma's got to go to work, Henry. All of your friends will be at day-care, even Tommy!' JJ said, trying not to yell at her son. It was proving a challenge.

Henry pouted as he was placed into his car seat.

'I'll tell you what, Henry, Me and Uncle Spencer will come and pick you up afterwards and he will come over.' JJ said, this being her last bargaining option to get Henry to go to day-care.

'Really, mommy?' Henry practically squealed with excitement that his godfather was coming over.

'Yup! I promise!' JJ said as she got into the driver's seat. She sighed with relief that Henry had stopped his whining. He knew that Reid would also be excited to see his godson, he hadn't seen him in so long, the family of three had been on holiday for a week.

As JJ pulled up to Henry's day-care, she smiled at the fact that Henry had a big grin plastered on his face, the same grin she always got when he wanted cookies at the supermarket. She walked round to her sons car door and let him out of his seat. The pair held hands as they walked up to the friendly yellow painted walls of Sunny Sam's Day Care.

JJ spoke as she walked Henry in. 'You be good, Uncle Spencer and I will be back soon to pick you up!'

'Okay, mommy!' He wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed a hug. 'Love you Mommy!'

'Love you too, Henry.' Henry ran off in the other direction towards his friend Tommy, after JJ released him from the hug.

JJ stood there for a moment, just watching her beautiful baby boy in day-care. He's already in day care? Ugh, I feel old. JJ laughed at how much time flies, smiled at her boy and, noticing her watch, left the day care centre. She was already late.

Spencer could faintly hear the beep of his alarm, taunting him that it was time to wake up; the high pitched tune doing no favours for his already prominent headache. Reid dragged his lanky frame out of his bedroom and into the shower. The hot water on his skin woke him out of his sleepy daze. He soon stepped out of the shower with a tiny bit more energy, that energy needed to be aided with hot coffee, and soon. Once in his bedroom, he walked to his closet and pulled on his clothes for the day. He went with a grey-blue button up with a red tie and black vest, with some slacks and odd socks with his black Chucks. He surveyed himself in the mirror, he was never really pleased with his reflection, the man, or rather boy, staring back at him was tall and very skinny. He had dark circles under his eyes and unruly lengthy chestnut hair that hung around his youthful eyes. He sighed, but was contented when he saw a picture frame to his left of him and Henry. Reid obviously didn't know the photo was being taken; he was smiling goofily at his toddler godson, while holding him on his lap, reading a book to Henry.

Being released from the happy memory, Reid grabbed his gun and holster, placed it on his hip and grabbed his messenger bag on the way out the door to the coffee shop he went to every morning on the way to work. He sipped his strong black and sweet coffee and began his subway commute. He did not know that this would be the last time he ever walked this route.

The man walked into the office building, holding the messy letter in his hands. He was quite handsome, tousled blond hair atop his head, muscularly built. He walked up to the front desk acting flustered.

'Excuse me, I, uh, some dude just came up to me and told me to give this to the FBI, I was just on my way to work but he said that people's lives depended on it… it has BAU written on the front, what does that mean?' his voice shook in every correct place, convincing the women before him.

'That will probably mean the Behavioural Analysis Unit, ' she said unconsciously, she had been trained to deal with distressed civilians, even though she was just a receptionist. She took the envelope form the shaking man's hands and turned around to page security about the envelope. 'now sir, can you please give me a descript-' As she turned back around to face the man, he was gone. Must be late for work, she thought as she waited for security to arrive.

An hour later, the steady voice of Aaron Hotchner resounded through the bullpen.

'BAU team, conference room, now, you too Garcia.'

JJ and Reid had arrived only 15 minutes ago and were speaking to Morgan and Prentiss.

'Do we have a case already?' Morgan spoke, irritation biting in his voice.

'If we do, it hasn't come through me.' JJ spoke, her voice nearing anxiousness.

They exchanged glances as they made their way to the conference room.

'Have you seen it?' Hotchner spoke to Rossi as he was the first to enter the room.

'Yes, doesn't look too good.' Rossi spoke with worry.

Hotch just waited for the rest of his team who filed in, silently taking their seats.

'What's this about, Hotch?' Morgan began, looking at the envelope in his hands.

Hotch gestured towards the envelope, 'This envelope was delivered by a member of the public to the front desk this morning. It had BAU written across the front. Security and lab checks have been done, nothing but a letter inside.'

'What does it say?' Prentiss asked, wondering why Hotch was hesitating.

Instead of answering, a picture of the letter lit up the screen in front of the round table.

I have one of your own.

One you all care about very dearly.

I will give them back, unharmed, but not without a price.

One of you will be dead by the end of this day.

You have until three o'clock or my hostage will see a rather untimely death.

Once your decision is made, the chosen one will walk out of the building via the back entrance.

I shall then put a bullet in the subject's brain.

Inside the bullet will be the hostage's whereabouts.

No tricks or you won't get your treat.

Good luck, BAU.

One question was etched into every team member's brain. Who did they have?

'He obviously is trying to stall us; he hasn't given the identification of his hostage.' Reid was the first to speak once everyone had read the note.

'He?' Prentiss questioned.

'This UnSub is almost definitely a male. Females tend to be more sincere and explain why they are doing this, but this unsub has done the opposite. He had given us an ultimatum and been very direct while doing it.' Reid explained to everyone in the room.

The group nodded. Garcia just sat there, worry building in her gut. Who do they have?

'This UnSub is a male and is most likely acting out of revenge.' Morgan stated, examining the letter and its envelope.

'His hand writing tells us of his obvious anger, messy and rough looking.' Morgan explained at the other's looks.

'What if the writing is more out of nerves than temper?' JJ spoke, her voice wavering.

'No, this man is definitely a narcissist, his use of I have, I shall, I will, all indicate self-obsession which is key with narcissist and their ego's, they don't have nerves.' Rossi spoke to everyone, his voice sounded very neutral.

'Okay, Garcia, Reid, Morgan and Prentiss, you go through the case files, look for a man in his 30's or 40's that would want revenge on this team. Look at relatives of UnSub's that we have caught or that have died. Me, JJ and Rossi will search for his hostage-'

Hotch was interrupted by JJ's phone ringing.

JJ looked at the group apologetically, looked at the screen and saw Will's name.

'Will, Hey.' She said into the phone, her voice hiding the nervousness. She was smiling as she spoke.

Soon her face fell as the voice filled her ear.

'Will- wait what? No. I just dropped him off- No. it can't-'JJ's eyes widened in shock, water pooling in them.

'A-Alright, see y-you soon-n.' As JJ hung up her phone, she let it fall to the floor.

'I know who he has.' JJ spoke softly, her eyes staring up at Hotch.

Although he feared he already knew, when JJ spoke, his fears where confirmed.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she spoke.


TBC or not? Your choice! :)