Breath of Fresh Air

By Shahrezad1

Summary: No matter who they've been, or even whom they'll end up as, being in each other's presence has always been a breath of fresh air. Collection of Drabbles. Fluffy RedXCricket in content. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Ruby or Archie (ABC/Disney does). But I wish that they had one another! ;D


Chapter 1

"What's with the look?"

"What look?"

"That look," the words were said pointedly, a near irritable growl underlining the statement as one gloved hand was thrown out toward her grandmother mid-walk, "it's the same as the one you were giving me earlier."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Widow Lucas responded breezily as the door to their shared quarters was opened by an attending soldier. All of the major players in the resistance had one, especially after having just won out against King George. For sometimes it was all that kept them feeling safe at night.

Red, however, wasn't always sure whom the measure was supposed to protect—themselves or others. At this moment, though, she was leaning toward the latter, what with the irritation spiking through her veins.

"Don't play innocent, I'm not a child anymore," the younger woman huffed, hands on hips. Her grey-haired opposite merely shook her head with amusement, tucking her half-finished knitting project away, "and you can't hide your emotions from my nose.You're hiding something. And it started right after I spoke during the war counsel."

Her grandmother finally turned to face her, a pleasant expression on her face, "Red, it really was nothing. I was merely…amused by a thought that came to mind."

"A thought involving me?" the young woman asked wryly.

The widow sighed, dropping the act, and took several careful steps forward in order to place one wrinkled hand against her daughter-figure's cheek, "Red…Wolf's Time is coming. I have senses just as clear as yours, if not as strong. You are emotional and you are headstrong right now. Determined to maintain a cool facade, especially in the face of the counsel."

"But…?" Red prompted, frowning as she waited for more. True, she could feel the moon coming in like the tide crashing upon the shore of her serenity. But at this point she thought that through her acceptance of self and lots of practice that it was under control. Honestly, she was surprised that her grandmother had even picked up on her mood swings at all. Unless there was something else that she just wasn't saying…?

"But…did you notice," Widow Lucas asked softly, quietly, "that it become easier after Jiminy spoke? Did you feel the anxiety lessen and disappear? Because I did. You may not have been projecting your worry and anger, but you sure shared something else."

With that she gently patted her granddaughter on the cheek and left their parlor to step deeper into their quarters, whistling an old ditty along the way.

And leaving Red dumbfounded and blushing in her wake.


AN: This was made in response to a screencap a friend of mine posted on Tumblr. In which Granny looked a tad too satisfied and amused for her own good. XD