A/N: Welcome! This is the prologue to my newest story idea. It's basically going to be told through letters from Natasha to Clint, except for this and the chapters titled with Part so-and-so, as opposed to months, which are going to be told from mostly Clint's POV until closer to the end I believe. So we're going to see how this works out.

As always, thanks for reading!

June 15, 2013

In her hand is an envelope.

It is red, one word written in cursive across the front. The room is still empty, bed having been untouched for quite a while. It is dark with the shades closed and the sinking feeling comes back, as if it will be the last time she stands in this spot.

With a sigh she pulls open the drawer of his bedside table. A rather large stack of similar envelopes sits inside. Besides a flipped over picture frame and a box of matches, the drawer is otherwise empty. Her free hand hovers over the stack for a second before reaching for the picture frame. The photograph is one she has seen many times in the last year and the tears that threaten to fall just from looking at it remind her why she put hid it in the first place. She recognizes herself, of course, wild red hair and green eyes, laughing at something she no longer remembers. The man with his arm around her shoulder, also laughing, his sandy blonde hair and blue grey eyes gazing happily at the camera...she runs her fingers lightly over him as if some connection will be present. Instead her phone beeps from within the bag slung on her shoulder, simply a reminder of what she's really supposed to be doing. Replacing the picture, she lifts the envelopes and slides the new one into the rubber band on the bottom. She returns the room to its untouched state before leaving, pausing at the door to take one last look, again getting the feeling it will be her last time there.

"Let him know for me, J," she says to no one.

"Of course, Miss Romanoff," replies the British voice of the towers AI unit. "Now if I might remind you again, there is a car waiting downstairs for you."

She takes a deep breath, closing the door behind her.

Leaving the safety and peace and heading into nothing but uncertainty.