Scene 4

(Disclaimer; don't own, don't think I ever will, though if this position changes I'll let you know asap because I know you would want to)

(Lisbeth is seated at a bar, wearing a low cut dress showing off her new figure. Her neck is still slightly red and an outline of a wasp can scarcely be seen. She has a glass of red wine in front of her.)

That boy keeps looking at me. And it's not even with disgust. When they took the bandages off I couldn't believe it myself. But now...It's like I'm a whole other person.

And I like it.

(Lisbeth drinks from her glass and rubs the lipstick off the rim slowly)

In the past six months I've thought about things. I've thought about what to do next and where to go. And I've organised my life. But right now, who really cares?

I'm a new woman. My tattoos are sexy and not obvious. I'm feminine. And I no longer look like a teenage boy

But it's not changed anything really. When I get back to Sweden and back home, I'll still have to look around and see everything touched by him and remember.

My situation remains the same. I was fucked over by someone who I thought actually loved me. But I'm stronger now. I can cope now. I can go back and deal with it, I can see him and carry on with my life despite seeing his face plastered over the media for whoever he pisses off next.

I don't have to be a victim any more, especially not to myself. I'm not weighed down with dirty looks and ignorance from people in the world. I have the opportunity for invisibility, to blend with the beautiful, and it's an overlooked skill.

(Lisbeth looks to have made up her mind, lips set and drinks down the rest of her wine, moving over to the young man who has been looking at her for the best part of half an hour)

I'm over you Blomkvist, and I'm over my train wreck. I'm a new woman and can take care of myself.

I just needed a kick. And I sure as hell got one.

(Lisbeth walks up squarely to the man and smiles brightly)

AN: Well, that's it! Thank you for reading and please review! Even if it's just a word! It would be so fantastic