The Power Of The Four Chapter 8: Dreams, Time And Weaving
Author Note- I DO NOT own CardCaptor Sakura. Only My OC'S
Derek's POV
(Dream) I am standing on top of the building with the others. There are petals falling from the sky. I Guess because of the cards was there last time but has been replacing by cherry blossom petals. I see figures standing on the CN tower. One with wings and long hair from the outline. Another looking like a teenage girl holding a white feather. Beside her was another teenage girl with a floating charm. On the feather were tattoos, floating within an orb, while the charm is floating like a feather in the wind around the other. They feel like star cards. Like the last time The Jump is positing on my feet and I start to run off the building.
(Reality) "Ahh" I scream. When my eyes adjust I am on my bed and Kero who has made his "home" with in my desk woke up and looking at with concerned.
"Are you alright?" Kero asked.
"Not sure, had a weird dream that felt so really" I revealed. I am unsure about telling Kero about my inner most feelings that almost no one ever see with the exception of Diana of my journal I have been keeping over the last year with this kind a dream. I start pulling out my journal, Kero look complexes and said "Have you been having this kind of dreams allot?"
"Yes, and each time I jump off the building toward the big CN tower" I answer then remember something else "and it shows the cards falling from an angle every time expect this time it was cherry blossom petals, and the three figures" why didn't the cards appear like last time.
"When was the last time the dream happening?" Kero asked.
"The day the star cards were let free" I responded.
"And the three figures were new I suppose?" Kero asked.
"Yep one had wings, it could be Yue, right? And the other two were teenage girls. One with a white feather and other with a floating charm" I responded.
Kero looked concerned before continuing "Yes, the winged man is probably Yue but the girls seem to be part of the missing card set" Kero responded.
"Kero what are those? Missing set of cards?" I asked.
"After she creates The Hope card, which you guys will face soon, there are 6 cards that were created under Hope's power of the Stars. Because of the unfortunate end to my friend and mistress, she was in the middle of creating a new card. All of the cards were remove from this plan of existence expect two that you saw. They are called The Memory and The Weaver. The Memory was create during a time where people from another world came to ours and it power is to let you see a memory of someone or the card itself, while The Weaver has the power to protect others or defend itself with magic." Kero explain.
"How is The Weaver's power different than the other cards?" I asked.
As Kero was about to answer, Lilly come barging in and yell "Time to get up" then leaves. "Kero, I would like an answer when I get home from school today" I demanded before walking down stairs.
Time skips
Lilly's POW
I sit outside at my gym classes on one of those warm fall days, where we supposedly trying to play soccer when I see my teacher Ms. Haven Bottom call everyone in.
"Alright, we have a new student for period 5 Gym, miss Lynnette Li all the way from China" as Ms. Haven Bottom told us her name I remember HER. When Lynnette was standing in front of Ms. Haven Bottom we look into each other's eyes and looking at her with pure hatred and it not something I normally do on a daily base. When the other kids in my gym class notice I was staring evil at the new girl they started to run away because they know what I get when I'm mad, and NO ONE likes it. It just me, Lynnette and Ms. Haven Bottom while the others are trying to hide in the school.
"You" I whisper with venom.
"You" Lynnette whisper back with more venom. The grass unknowably started to change from green to Blue, not any blue an dark/light blue that symbol the moon around Lynnette.
"I call the powers of the moon show the spellbound sword" in the place of a little ball on string into a sword attach to the string. I sense something. This must be the magic sense that Derek was talking about. Lynnette must have notice it as we'll because she was heading towards the school clock tower. I pull out mine key and spoke
"Key of the Star, Power of Magic, Power burning bright, reveal the staff and shine your light. Release!" I pull out Fly because I won't be able to run anywhere close to Lynnette.
"Fly, release and dispel" with The Fly card's help I was able to reach Lynnette and the clock tower. Noticing something inside the tower while seeing Lynnette entering the building. I start fly upward to the top when I start hearing a voice.
"Time, you need to leave or else one of the Cardcaptor children will capture you" this mystery looks teenage girl who is holding on to a floating charm. Her charm glow blue and she turn her head looking directly at me.
"Who are you two?" I ask polity.
"Fine you stupid girl, I am The Weaver and the old man with the hourglass is The Time." 'The Weaver and The Time. Sound hard, I think Kero told us there are cards about time itself. This might be one of them. I try to pull out The Windy to bind them but something is stopping me!
"What are you doing?" I ask/demanded.
"My capture is premature like yourself but The Time isn't. You may want to capture it before the Li child shows up and be weary of them because the Li clan is very powerful" with that The Weaver using her charm vanish and I heard banging on the door. With The Weaver's grip remove I started my battle with The Time.
"Windy, create a chain and bind The Time, Windy" Windy flowing from her card and bind up The Time.
"Time, Return to your power confined, Time" with The Time return to it card form, The Weaver using her charm's power that is present on the door is removed. I look at the door with Lynette looking mad and screaming with disgust in her voice
"How dare you steal a Li Star card, you commoner" Lynnette screams while I take a fighting stands. Out of the purple something bounces and left.
"What was that?" I ask out load.
Lynnette looks madder than before "I thought we had that card, why would it activate?" Before she could attack me or respond, something was picking me up and we were jumping.
"Good thing I got there for your sake" the person said that sounded like Derek. When I look up it was Derek.
"Anyway what we fighting now, I just capture The Time" I said with coficendent.
"Kero said it called The Dash "Derek responded.
"Where Mathew and Logan?" I asked.
"They fighting a martial art expect card called The Fight, it will be a while before they capture that one. But we need to focus on the task at hand and beat The Dash Card." When I was drop on a roof to see The Dash running around the city even scaring old lady's off their rockers.
"Fly, Release and Dispell" I use fly to attempt to stop the fly but can't seem to touch it.
"We need to be faster than fly but how?" I asked.
"Force know my plight, Release the light! Lightning" I notices the Lightning tried to attack the dash. It misses barely but seam to scare the dash closer to us. When we look towards where the lightning we see the boy li with a sword in hand with no little girl in around.
"Hey, even though we fighting for the cards it doesn't means we can't be friends of source" Caleb said looking at Derek. He was looking back at the Li with a small blush. I have to look at this at a different time because The Dash is escaping. We try to jump/fly behind it but it ends up escaping.
"Dammed it The Dash escaped, Kero is going to be mad at us. I hope the others are more successful than us" Derek said while Caleb comes over to us.
"YOU were the cause of us losing The Dash, now run away before I find you and hurt you badly" I said in a monotone voice that sounded threating which it should have.
To Be Continue
Author Note- I am working on this story next few Chapter allot and I'm also working on a Mini series and I'm am also working hard on that as well. I will try to get more Chapters up when I get from my Beta as soon as possible, until then Read and Review Please