The Pocky Game

Chapter 1

I know, I know... I didn't finish chapter 3 of the strippers offer, I know! But I just couldn't get this idea in paticular out of my mind! I had ate some pocky and I was like "BAM! NEW FUCKING IDEA!" And I just HAD to write it before it dissapeared from my beautiful mind! But yes, I am very sorry nonetheless, that of those who liked the strippers offer, that it didnt't get finished, but I'll get back to it soon, I promise! X)

Disclaimer: You know damn well Tite Kubo has allt he rights -_- lol

Warning: Smutt, smutt, smutt, kissing, touching, language and... Smutt lol :D

"Fuck, 27"

"Aww man, I got... 29"


Ichigo was the last person to stare his cards over before he realized he bust. "Looks like I'm out to" he said placing his cards on the table. Ichigo and his friends where currently playing Black Jack and to be frank, the only one who seemed to be winning was Renji. Apparently now, he was stalling like he was trying to count the points up in his head. The group had already known that he was going to win and was just holding out to deepen the suspense. Chuckling, the red head held up his cards in one hand preparing to slam them down with all his might. "21 again!" He yelled, showing the hand of three 7's. The grin on his face was absolutly priceless as he boasted about winning for the 5th time that night.

"This is bullshit, these cards are fuckin' rigged I swear" Grimmjow said slamming his cards on the low table. "Aww mad because I learned how to play 10 minuets ago and I am now Kicking all of you guys asses" The red head teased, waving his cards infront of the blunettes face. Slapping the annoying flaming haired douche, Grimmjow stood up to stretched his legs.

"No one cares about what the hell you won Renji" The orange haired teen mumbled as he untangled his legs from sitting indian style and stretching with a low groan. Still sitting at the table where Orihime, and Uryu, and as well as Ichigo and Grimmjow, they had gotten bored with the simple card game as well. They'd been staying the night over Ichigo's house adn so far this was all they played since they decided to play games in all. Orihime suddenly jumped, as if she'd gotten the chills and yelped. "Hey guys! I got an idea! You ever play the pocky game?" She chirped. Everyone gave he blank stares, clueless of what the hell the big breasted teenage girl was talking there heads, they still gave her a 'Whaattt?' type of look. She gasp as she clasp her mouth in disbelief. "You guys soooo have to be kinding right?" she asked ritorically then continued "Let me show you!". They watched as the young girl got up and ran to retrieve her bag. Taking a seat, Grimmjow went to lean near Ichigo's ear to whisper to him making the boy jump.

"Hey, ever heard of this pocky game Ichi?"

"It's Ichigo and no, I don't even know what pocky is" He said with all honesty.

Seeing that Orihime had tooken her seat around the oval shaped low table, they once again gave her their full attention. Flashing the red box with yellow letters exploiting the sticks off pocky that it was chocolate flavor. "You guys like chocolate right?" Orimhime asked before tearing the plastic after getting a nod fromthe group. Waisting no time, she pulled a tan stick out with a dark chocolate coating on it. "THIS, is pocky"

"Okay? And how do you play this game?"

"It's simple!" she giggled handing Ichigo a pockey and Uryu one.

"Hey what the hell, I want one too"

"Well that's not how you play!" Orihime pouted, giving Grimmjow a stern look. The blunette didn't get it, what kind of game only gave sweets to one person when sweets where involved. Ichigo gave a questioning look at the pocky, wondering what this tasty treat had to do anything with the game they where supposed to be playing. "Ummm Orihime, what are we gonna do with this?" "I was just about to tell you" she smiled. Placing the stick like sweet in her mouth, she explained. "First you get a partner" She said staring at Uryu. "Do you mind me demonstrating with you Uryu-kun?" She asked. Blushing and adjusting his glasses that had not needed the fix, he nodded. "great!" Grabbing Uryu by the face, she made him look in her direction.

"Then you take the pocky and have the othe person take the other end, then you slowly start to eat away at the pocky until you guys get close enough to kissing! You can kiss if you aren't afriad to, but you're also allowed to pull away if its uncomfortable, like this" Slowly she began to eat away at the pocky. Uryu was shocked by this meer act of bluntness and felt heat rush to his cheeks, but simply began to chew away at the sweet as well. Thier mouths where milimeters away before Orihime blushed and pulled away. "See" she giggled, scrathing the back her head nervously "Like that!" Uryu was blushing as well, once again adjusting his glasses. "Y-yeah, like that" he said looking away from the group.

Grimmjow smirked, finding already that this game was quite interesting. He looked at Ichigo who had been twirling the chocolate covered sweet in his hand. 'he looks like he's about to shit bricks he looks so nervous' He snatched the pocky out of the orangettes hand and placed it in his mouth. "Hey berry boy, lets try" He said bluntly. Orihime clasped her hands together in amusement. "Yeah Ichigo, you try". Oh god, how could Ichigo deny such a face of innocence and say no to it? He couldn't! He smiled and glanced at a smirking Grimmjow, already feeling butterflies gather in the pit of his stomach.

Nervously. he gave a curt nod. "O-okay"

Grimmjow's usual shit eatting grin grew wider as he saw the orange haired teen hesitated and flush at something so simple. 'I swear this kid is too cute' . Asking again to be sure he was ready, he placed the pocky in his mouth again and looked toward Ichigo's way. Orihime was already gasping in happiness and they hadn't even started.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3, go!"

Then and there Ichigo and Grimmjow slowly began to eat away at the chocolate treat, getting closer and closer by the second. Ichigo couldn't help it, Grimmjow had been so close, and closer than they had ever been before. 2 to 3 more bites and there lips would be touching. He could see the infamous smirk the blunette was carrying even when he wasn't bale to make it because his lips where wrapped and focused on this pocky. Both Grimmjow and Ichigo paused for a moment, letting cocoa brown eyes meet electric blue ones, taking in the others facial features fully. 'That jaw line, it's, pretty damn impressive, those eyes are such a blue they make me' he paused his thoughts and shivered at the thought of something so filthy running through his mind at the moment. 'What the hell am I thinking!? That's not okay, I a guy!?' "Hey berry boy, you okay?" He asked speaking around the last bit of pocky in his mouth. Snapping out of thoughts, Ichigo nodded.

"You guys are so close, finish it!" Orihime mused.

"Alright, alright" Ichigo mumbled blushing. He felt like his heart was going to leap head first out of his rib cage from such close contact. He didn't know if he could do this. Okay, okay, he could, but he was definatly chickening out.

Smiling, Grimmjow cupped the back of Ichigo's head and closed the distance betweent there mouths. He felt the teen struggle against the grip, trying to pry his mouth free of his own. The blunette hadn't expected to get such a sweet moan from Ichigo, yet it was from protest, not plesure, but Grimmjow didn't mind both. He loved a struggle.

"Oh... oh my gosh!" Orihime gasped, clapping her hands together happily, bringing both the pair of kissing boys back from their ministartions. "You guys did it, you really kissed!" Ichigo realized that he actually had let Grimmjow kiss him and furiously whipped his lips of the others taste.

"I never knew you where sucha good kisser Ichi"

"S-shut the hell up!" He stuttered, the blush staining his cheeks still clear in view. Leaning over to Uryu, she whispered something into the raven haired boys ear, getting a nod, Orihime sat back in her spot. "Me and Uryu gonna go down stairs and get something to eat, k? Be right back!" The duo quickly unplanted themselves from their seats around the table and made quick pace to the door, not even looking back and slamming it shut behind them, leaving the awkward couple in the room in silence.

"Orihime-chan, do you really think this is a good idea leaving them alone and then having the nerve to evesdrop on them?" He asked the orange haired girl as he kept his ear planted to the wall right near the room they just left. "Ofcourse it is, just trust me, I got a feeling something sexual's going to happen" "Sexual?!" "Shhhhh!" She shushed her glasses claud friend. "I think I hear something!" Planting thier ears back to the thin wall, they tried to keep quiet and listen closely for any sounds/

"Soo, was that so bad?" Grimmjow asked as he rested his weight on his palms behind him, legs spread out. He didn't get a reply from the red head, but actions spoke louder then words. He knew that Ichigo's emotions where in all types of chaotic typhoons and he was clarely embarassed. The emotions of embarrasement, anger and utter shyness spread across the teens face as he lightly, yet repeatedly rubbed the back of him hadn over his lips, like that would rid the taste of Grimmjow. There was a pregnant silence between the two before anything was said again. "You know, if you didn't wanna do it, ya' didn't have to, they said you could-" "It's not that" Ichigo interuppted."It's just, I dont know, we never made that close of contact, and you know, I thought you where straight in all, not gay" Grimmjows eye's widened in suprise of why the red head was so flushed and upset. "Who said I was gay?". Ichigo watched as Grimmjow inched closer with his notorious grin. he backed away a bit.

"You know damn well that's besides the point I'm tryingot make Grimmjow" He said scowling at the man. "Well then, what is your point?". The amber eyed teen needed time to actually think about the point he was trying to make to Grimmjow. yet he had no reason at all. Before he could fix his lips to reply to Grimmjow, the man captured his lips in a chast kiss. It was so unexpected to the young teen, so gasping and widening his eyes where the imidiate reaction, and the blunette took full advantage of that. Pushing his tongue past the lucious pink lips, letting his tongue explore the wet cavern of the orangette's mouth. The orange haired teen moaned again, but this time it wasn't of protest, but of pleasure.

Pulling away from the kiss, he looked into hooded lids of the orangette in front of him. "Ya' still taste like chocolate" Grimmjow said smirking. Ichigo looked away, still trill tramitized by the kiss. "S-shut up" he said mumbling. "You don't look like you want me to from the way you where just moanin'" the blunette said chuckling. Ichigo wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry Grimmjow was so true. It may have been a simple kiss added with a bit of tongue, but he wanted more. He wanted that body above his, holding up his legs and doing all types of sexual things that would resemble a wet dream wanting to come true. True Ichigo never thought of Grimmjow that way, but the kiss made his change his mind. This time Ichigo closed the distance between them, cupping the blunettes face in his hands. This time it was time for Grimmjow to be shocked, but nonetheless he kissed the boy back. He snuck his hand under the light blue t-shirt that looked so good on him, not even clashing with his bright orange hair. Ichigo moaned when he felt a hand brush against one of the now perked nubs.


That was it. Grimmjow was already holding onto a thin strand of patience as it was when they began to passionatly kiss. He Pushed Ichigo back to the floor, causing them to hit the floor with a gentle thud. Ichigo wasn't shocked by the action of Grimmjow pushing him back, he was kind of hoping he'd get that reaction once he moaned, even though he wasn't to sure he should have made the sound, until he realized how much this kiss was bringing pleasure to him, then he gained the courage to do so and took a shot.

They parted from the kiss, only a thin stran of siliva conecting eachothers taste. Ichigo had a blush that was almost a ridicoulous shade of red and his breath was in short pants as he writhed under the musclular body above his. "Grimmjow.." He mananged to breath out between uneven breathes of air. "Ichigo.." The blunette mumbled before closing the distance between them again after catching his breath.



"Did you hear that noise?"

"What noise?" Uryu looked dumbstruck if anything, and to know what she was talking about was something he hadn't known. She gave him a look of disbelief. "You seriously didn't hear that thump noise?" "Oh that one? Yeah, but it probably was just the house settling" "Noooo, it so wasn't, it was-" Orihime paused, retracting her ear back to the door, hearing another noise made on the other side again. Pushing her glasses claud friend's head back to the door. placing a finger over his lips right after. "Listen!" He nodded frantically at the sudden feeling of hi shead being slammed to the door so carelessly, but nonetheless, listened.

For a moment, Grimmjow had stopped his heated ministrations for a moment when he heard a thump outside the door. "What the hell?" He mumbled as he kept his hand underneath the Orangette's shirt, still listening carefully. "What wrong?" Ichigo asked in panted out words. Grimmjow shook his head nothing as he continued off from where he once was doing his job. Kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin behind the boys ear. Receiving small moans of pleasure from him. He rubbed the pink nub in his hand, twisting it between his index finger and thumb, rubbing his finger over it softly each time. The blunette smiled when he Ichigo pushed his hips up to meet his and rub his half erect cock on Grimmjow's fully hard one. "You like that huh?" He whispered into his ear along with other sweet nothings. He loved when he broke out into to shivers, a obvious yes. He looked into the amber eyes and was amusing the fact they where watery with tears, half lidded and glazed over. He decided to go lower, perhaps to see what his next reaction will be. "G-grimmjow" That sound sent a tingling feeling straight to Grimmjow's lower regions, puttin him on the edge already.

Crawling between the boys legs fully, he felt thier erections brush against eachother. Grimmjow tisked his teeth at the feeling of clothed erections making contact. "Damnit Ichigo" he mumbled again. Just when he went to reach for his button to his pants to free his aching erection, a knock on the door sounded them. 'Shit!' Both Ichigo and Grimmjow in sync.

Cliff hanger! Tell me if you like it so far! If it sucks, you love it, hate it, wanna print it out and shit on it! I shall get chapter 2 done shorty! Not to long though! Love ya!