A/N: Hullo there! This is my first attempt in writing an Eyeshield 21 fanfic even though I've read the manga like, a dozen times over! I suddenly had the urge to read fanfics about my OTP of the series and bam! Ideas came knocking on my door!

I hope you enjoy this and that it's not too messy or OOC or anything.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Eyeshield 21, seriously!


by manycoloredeyes (previously known as fate-star)

Anezaki Mamori had always known what she wanted in life. She would ace her exams, steer clear out of trouble, get a college degree and then work as a kindergarten teacher. Maybe along the way she would find a guy and who knows, she would settle down with him and have a family of her own. Sounds simple right?

But life is a never that simple and Mamori found out about that soon enough.

She indeed met a guy who would turn her life upside down and she, blinded by her overprotectiveness over Sena, was determined to do anything to get even with the demon incarnate by the name of Hiruma Youichi. By the time she realized what she was doing, she was in too deep and all her plans she laid out earlier in her life had derailed so badly.

It's only high school, she comforted herself one day while she was preparing the data for the Devil Bats' next game. When I'm in college, I'll focus on my dreams.

Indeed that comforted her as she went all out, being a manager of the school's American Football team, not knowing that she had plunged herself deeper. Before long, a pair of green eyes haunted her dreams and occupied her heart. She brushed it off of course until the reality of graduating high school and parting ways jolted her awake.

By now, she had allowed that demon to have a hold on her heart that the thought of parting with him hurt. When she confided in her friends, they too brushed it off, saying that it must be out of habit and after a few months, she'll be fine. But Mamori knew better than that.

The next thing she knew, she enrolled into Saikyoudai even though it wasn't her first choice for tertiary education and once again, became the manager of the American Football team. By then, she discovered that her love for that sport was genuine and so were her feelings for a certain trigger-happy quarterback.

4 years of hard work and tears later, Anezaki Mamori was graduating and stepping into the working world at long last. She was now a certified teacher and had already secured a place in one of the local kindergarten. When asked whether it was okay to just leave American Football behind, she said that it was time to get back to reality and that she had had enough of that sport for a lifetime.

She was lying of course.

Because one month into her work she found herself scribbling down formation lines and teaching the kids about American Football every other day. She tried to stop herself before she got into trouble but it was no use.

3 months later, she received a call from America. An offer to become the manager of a rising football team. She flat out refused at first. Those days were long gone and she finally achieved her dream. Or did she?

It wasn't until she was roughly kidnapped on her way to work and was on the first plane to America that she realized what was going on. Someone was pulling the strings. And the feeling that she had tried to forget for half a year resurfaced.

She saw him the minute she walked out the departure gate.

"Glad you can make it, fucking manager," he cackled gleefully and she let out a sigh.

"Took you long enough to come and get me."

Mamori couldn't hide her smile and launched herself into his arms finally realizing that dreams can change and as much as she adore teaching children, she now prefers planning out strategies and being by a certain blonde haired demon's side.

A/N: Please send me review if you like it or have any questions. :D