A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to my newest story here. This one is going to be a few chapters long though I'm not sure the exact length yet as my muse has yet to tell me where I'm going with this.

As always, I own nothing and I am making no money from the writing of this fiction. Everything belongs to J.K Rowling, Warner Bros etc.


A cold draft swirled up from the stony depths of the dungeons, gently ruffling the soft, bushy hair of the girl standing at their stoic entrance. She shivered, but the dungeons lack of warmth was nothing new to Hermione Granger. Most of her free time was spent in the dungeons hunched against the permanent chill, her brow scrunched with concentration. Her friends thought she was barmy for wanting to occupy her free time with the severe Potions Master in the chill of the dungeons. She easily shrugged off their dismay-she knew the afternoons and evenings she spent learning and working with the man were well spent.

It was a privilege for her to be able to work with one of the most skilled Potions Masters in the Wizarding World. After the war two years ago, Hermione had returned to Hogwarts to finish her final year, something she knew she always wanted to do. Graduating with top marks, she decided to pursue an apprenticeship with the Potions Master. Much to her surprise, the dour Severus Snape had agreed to take her on.

Her upper lip curled up in a smile, remembering how easily he'd taken her on as his apprentice, almost as if he'd wanted her there. Now, after all of the hours they had spent going over variations of specific potions and even creating new ones, she started to imagine he had agreed so easily only to have a colleague of similar intelligence with whom to bicker and debate.

The mental stimulation she achieved while in the company of such a brilliant wizard was something she never had been able to get from her two best friends. Harry and Ron didn't understand her fascination with such a difficult and boring subject, but Hermione simply ignored their jabs about spending valuable time with the 'bat of the dungeons.' Of course Hermione wasn't complaining about "wasting" so much of her time with the man who occupied many, if not all of her fantasies.

She knew it was impossible to ever have anything more than a professional relationship with Severus Snape, but that didn't stop her from dreaming about him. Coming back to Hogwarts as Snape's Potions apprentice was one of the best and worst decisions of her life.

While she was learning so much more than she could have ever learned in University, Hermione was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on her work. Since the art of potion making was so hands on, the two of them were almost in constant contact with each other. The earthy smell of Potions ingredients that clung to his frock coat were oddly appealing; the graceful movement of his fingers as he prepared said ingredients was mesmerizing, but most of all it was his voice as he gave her instructions.

The silky tones that he used while passionately talking about his favored subject were downright intoxicating. Each and every word that fell from his lips was sinful and Hermione could feel herself falling harder and harder for the man.

Oh, she knew her fascination with him was ridiculous. She held no notions of moonlight walks or romantic words from Severus Snape. It simply wasn't in his nature to be romantic and Hermione wouldn't want him any other way. Darkness filled his past and present though he tried to keep it at bay, and yet Hermione was drawn to his darkness like a moth to the flame. She wanted to be consumed by him, body and soul.

Her idle fantasies distracted her from the chill that was slowly seeping into her skin as she traveled farther into the depths of Hogwarts dungeons. All too soon, or not soon enough, Hermione found herself at the door to Snape's private lab. With a steady hand she knocked on the door to announce her arrival before slowly pushing it open.

"What are you doing here on a Friday afternoon, Miss Granger? Shouldn't you be out carousing with your friends?" His voice slithered over her skin like a caress and Hermione tried to repress her shudder of excitement. Luckily, his back was turned as he tended to a potion and he didn't see her as she quickly regained her composure.

"I didn't have any pressing plans for today, sir, so I thought I might see if you needed my assistance. It is, after all, what I'm here for." Hermione had not planned on the husky tone her voice conveyed and yet it seemed to be having an interesting effect on the Potions Master. If she didn't know any better, she could have sworn she saw him draw a deep, steadying breath.

Perhaps he was not as immune to her as she originally thought.

Suddenly, her day seemed a bit brighter. The boredom she felt while in the presence of boys her age was unwanted and she didn't want to waste her time on something she knew to be dull and pointless. Hermione had known for a while that she was not an ordinary young woman so it would stand to reason that no ordinary man would be able to satisfy her.

The many debates that she and Severus engaged in were more fulfilling than any other encounter with a male that Hermione had ever had. Perhaps the time had come to force the hands of fate a bit. Hermione wanted excitement and there was a veritable amount of it to be had right in front of her. All she had to do was reach out and take it. The consequences of what might or might not happen be damned!

"I didn't ask for you to be present today, so you may leave." Severus said with an air of annoyance. Hermione caught the slight glance that Snape gave her over his shoulder. She admired the way his inky black hair was tied back with a piece of leather and the way the ends of it bushed his black frock coat with each move of his head.

"I don't have any other plans for this evening. If you don't mind, I would like to stay and help." She ventured as she watched him carefully. He merely grunted in response.

How Hermione longed to run her fingers through his hair as she was snogged senseless by the man. Shaking her head, she started to unbutton her more formal robes to be more comfortable as the fires lit under the cauldron were making the room a bit stifling.

"It is rather warm in here today." She smirked when Severus simply nodded in her direction. "Aren't you warm?" Hermione slowly moved around his work table so that she could see his face. As per usual, his expression was stoic and not easily deciphered. His years as a spy had taught him to hide his emotions well.

Severus finally looked up from his work. The flaring of his nostrils at the sight of her was all the encouragement Hermione needed. He wanted her. That much was clear as he took in her tight Muggle jeans and plain white tee shirt. A sliver of pale white skin was visible where her shirt was riding up; it gave Hermione pleasure to see Severus' eyes darken with desire.

"I thought I told you to leave, Miss Granger. I have work to do here."

"And I am here to alleviate some of your…work." She smiled at him as she pulled her curly hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck.

"Well, if you insist on invading my personal space then you might as well fetch me some essence of lavender and some Valerian Sprigs from the store cupboard." His voice was curt and seemingly annoyed but Hermione knew better.

As she made her way across the room to his private stores, Hermione could feel the heat of his gaze at her back. The thought made her smile.

For a few moments, she looked through the ingredient list in order to find what Severus wanted and it seemed as if the jar containing the lavender was empty. Hermione was about to turn to inform Severus of the unfortunate turn of events when she felt a presence at her back.

Immediately, Hermione could feel the heat rolling off his clothed form to envelope her in a cocoon of pleasant desire.

"Have you found what you are looking for?" His voice was low and deeply seductive. Hermione was sure he knew the effect it had on her.

Not daring to look over her shoulder at him for fear of breaking whatever intimate spell had been cast, she simply answered, "I'm not sure. I haven't yet completed my search, though there are a few elusive things that I have yet to acquire." She felt rather than heard his chuckle and the knowledge that he was enjoying their little game thrilled her.

"You continue to surprise me, Miss Granger. Haven't you heard that little girls who play with fire are bound to get burned?"

When she opened her mouth to retort, he silenced her by placing a soft kiss at the nape of her neck. The only sound that she was able to make was nothing more than a slight gasp of air. Never in her wildest dreams did Hermione imagine the man ever kissing her; be it on her lips or the nape of her neck. It was almost too good to be true. The contact was gone as soon as it started and Hermione was left feeling breathless by the merest amount of contact.

"The lavender is to your right." He said, spinning away from her and returning to his slowly simmering cauldron. Hermione exhaled sharply when she realized that nothing more would happen today. He was onto her game of cat and mouse. Severus Snape was nothing if not stubborn and it irked her, especially when her body was humming with unfulfilled lust. He wanted to play dirty.

Well two could play at that game.

Hermione retrieved the full jars of lavender and Valerian Sprigs and headed back into the fire.