Didn't expect this to get another chapter after nine months, did you? The first Gen VI fanfic ever, and now a new chapter to celebrate the release of the two games!
Meloetta was roaming through Lumiose City, feeling satisfied for some reason.
"Boy, it sure feels good being here in the Kalos region!" Meloetta thought to herself. "I can still imagine when everyone had little idea of what all this was gonna be!"
The three Gen VI starters, Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie popped out in front of Meloetta.
"Oh hey it's you. It's been a while." Chespin stated.
"Yeah. About nine months." Froakie croaked. "So I take it that you now know."
Meloetta nodded, a grin on her face. "Yup." she agreed.
"Oh, everything Nintendo's revealed up to now is just scratching the surface of things here in Kalos." Fennekin pointed out. "Just wait until more people start their adventures here."
Meloetta nodded. "Ok. So what now?"
Then, a Gogoat walked by, giving Meloetta an idea as she floated up on top of Gogoat. "Go Gogoat Go! I wanna see the rest of Kalos!"
Gogoat sighed, feeling used as Meloetta rode Gogoat out of Lumiose City onto anywhere else.
The three Gen VI starters watched Meloetta and Gogoat disappear into the distance.
"Hey, what if people started riding people?" Chespin assumed.
"Maybe in the Reverse World!" Froakie slapped Chespin silly with his paw.
Meanwhile, somewhere above the skies of Kalos, Yveltal watched Meloetta riding on top of Gogoat. "I should get the opinion of Arceus for this." Yveltal thought for a moment. "Oh never mind!" he stated out loud, flying away into the sunset, with Xerneas stepping out of a nearby forest, watching Yveltal as he flew off.