~}|{ ~ Dear Readers: ~}|{~

Ok so I decided to do the first chapter as just an Auth note, because I think that you should all be well informed of what is to come….If you don't want to be bothered by the EPIC-ness of my Auth note please skip to Second Update.


Fair warning shit is gonna be weird this will be a mature rated, adult situations, ADULT language. There will be death and gore ( Zombies remember) there will be character death.

1. I do not own Glee, or the characters.

2. I do not own any quotes or music I will be using.

3. I will be brining in new characters and I might do a cross over.

Taylor's Epic Notes of Randomness

Please see below

How the story became an idea:

So I had this nightmare the other night about Zombies, yes I said Zombies. Now I'd be the first one to admit that I'm not really a fan of things that are slimy, missing pieces of flesh…or really anything creepy thinking about touching me..so eating my brains …YEAH NOT FUN! So then its planted into my head all I can think about is zombies and I am up two nights straight plotting this stupid Zombie story !

Inspiration of Relationships

I had to get it out so that I would finally have a restful night Zombie free. That being said this story is so ALL over the place I pulled on ideas and relationship from stories that I have read over the last month, so yes I was inspired by others, but I'm certainly not attempting to steal anything. If that makes sense ? And when and if I remember the stories/authors I will mention them. But I would check out my favorites cause I bet I added them.

Romantic /Relationships/Personalities

So romantically Rachel is all over the place and as the story progressed you will know why she is just fu-bar'd. There is a legitimate reason for her issues, so please hang on until I get to the reveal. I hope to shock a few of my readers. I have yet to decide who she will end up with in the end, but I KNOW what will happen in the middle and it's going to be AMAZING …well I think so (blush) Shelby, Beth, Coach Sue, Mr. Scheuster, Coach Beist, Dr. Lopez, Santana, Brittany, Puck, Fin, Jacob ,Artie, Quinn …ok I have to stop the I can't give away all my secrets. Ill all make an appearance among many more.

NO ONE IS CANNON, well not really. EXPECT the unexpected.

Major changes plot wise from Glee TV:

Quinn and Puck got pregnant in Freshman year, they were 15.

This story takes place in Senior year

Santana never had her "summer surgery".

Quinn has custody of Beth.

Russell Fabray died a few years ago.

Santana's mother also died years ago from cancer.

Quinn has a younger sister Charlie

Santana has a younger brother.

Brittany has three younger siblings.


{I'm sure there is more but I can't remember right this moment}

Plot: I know Finally!

Rachel freaking Berry is POP-ULAR ! Yes she is my friends and she didn't have to kick anyone's ass to do it, thank you very much, she just had to wait it out for people to see her as the star she is. She is head Cheerio, bisexual, the holder of many a hearts, and a secret nerd ( crap I let that one slip), Sole Captain of Glee….the list goes on she has her hand in all the cookie jars.

She runs her cheerios with help from Brittany as they have been best friends for years (hidden Bff's) . Lopez and Fabray aren't too happy that they're somewhere in the middle and not the top. Finn, Puck, Dave are Rachel good friends. But one of them harbors less then platonic feelings for Captain Berry.

There are still clicks, the jocks , the gleeks, the cheerios, the science nerds the AV nerds and the skanks.

So everything is fine Monday back to school after winter break starts off nice and slow with no issues, the Mayans where wrong the end of the world never happened ! Let's drink to that.

That is until Captain Berry gets a garbled phone call from her fathers, that what they had feared about since the day Rachel was born, has indeed come to a conspiracy theorists reality. Her secrets are about to be exposed, and she in the constant battle of her own emotions involving the people that are tagging along.

Now it's a race against time, and the odds to save as many people as she can, doing what she had been trained for her entire life. With the help of her friends and maybe a few enemies. Hopefully she'll finally get it right.

I hope that you enjoy

Thanks for reading the Epic-ness of Author notes

Love … Rainbows…and Zombies (ewww)

