I am so so so so sorry the update took so long my college work demanded my attention.

So in this chapter there's gonna be some sibling bonding (Catching up for lost time) some violence but only mild. As before there will be some OOC moments throughout the chapter.

After walking in the control room hand interlocked with each other. Megatron lead and sat Matrix on his throne making and the drones stop working and look dumbfounded at them.

"Activate the screen transmission I wish to talk to the troops" Megatron ordered gruffly. Soundwave simply nodded and activated it.

"Attention troops as rumours have said I will be embarking on universal space voyage in search of a powerful means of destroying the Autobot" he announced proudly. "As a result of my absence I will be placing Matrix in charge till my return.

"W…What?" Starscream half screeched "But I am your second in command I should be in charge."

"Starscream. Matrix has proven herself many times that she is worthy for being in charge" Megatron commented. "Unlike you who have tried and failed many times to terminate me and overthrow me."

"Ahehe ah yes that. But I have learned from my mistakes my lord I live only to serve you" he grovelled.

"My mind is made up. Matrix is in charge, if I find out any of you have disobeyed an order from her on my return you shall not live to tell why. Is that understood?" Silence fell into the room. "I SAID IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!?" he growled.

"Yes sir!" all the troops said at once.

"Good now I must depart. Matrix will you accompany me to the flight deck?" he grinned.

"Of course master" she said with a sassy smile. She got up and walked with him to the flight deck giving him one last kiss before he transformed and flew into the space bridge.

Matrix walked back to the control room wings held high. She went and sat back in Megatron's throne legs crossed lady like.

"My lady" Starscream said in a rather quiet voice for him.

"Starscream you do don't need to call me my lady. Just sister or Matrix will do" she smiled.

"I'm sorry but you are the leader now I must address you accordingly."

"That's an order Starscream" she frowned.

"Yes of course sister" he smiled.

"Better" she grinned. She then noticed that the troops were still standing there doing nothing. "What are you standing around for? Get back to work!?" She ordered.

"Yes Ma'am!" they said then got back to work.

"Starscream as I am now in command I shall need a second in command. Will you be that second?" she asked.

"Yes of course my sister" he chirped.

"Soundwave you will continue to serve as third in command."

Soundwave nodded and continued to work. The monitors then stared to beep and flash.

"What is going on?" Matrix demanded.

"It's the Autobots Ma'am there attacking one of our energon mines!" a drone stated.

"Then go and stop them! now!" She growled.

"Yes ma'am!" and with that they set of to fight the Autobots. "Ma'am! We are in need of help the Autobots are gaining the upper hand."

Matrix growled in frustration. "Blow the mine then! Trap the Autobots were they stand."

The drones do as ordered, little did they know that the Autobots bridged out before the mine blow up. Matrix watched on the monitor as the blown energon made a large cloud of blue smoke. She growls at the thought of losing that mine.

"Incompetence! How is it that you could not fight the Autobots even when you outnumbered them four to one!?" she roared viciously.

"We are sorry Ma'am, we were not prepared for and attack" one drone spoke up.

"Not prepared! NOT PREPARD! You should always be prepared! We are at war you fools!" she raged.

"We will try harder next time Ma'am" the drone vowed.

"Next time. What makes you think there will be a next time for you?" Aiming her blaster at them she fired on them off-lining them. "Take note. All those who fail me will serve the same fate as these scrapyard rejects"

Starscream just stood wide eyed at his sister's sudden viscous streak. As did the drones but soon they got back to work not wanting to get scraped.

"Clean these up now. Their remains are hurting my optics" Matrix said with boredom running through her voice. Sitting back on the thrones she watched over the drones as they worked. The day passed by fast and soon it was time for Matrix to recharge. Though she did not go to her quarters rather Megatron's. Entering the very large room she look in awe at the size of the birth she walked over to it and perched on the edge thinking of when she will shear this birth with her Megatron. She laid down on the birth and quickly fell into recharge.

*Time skip*

A few months had passed since Megatron had left for space now. Matrix had moulded well to being the leader of the Decepticons. Not only had she developed her leader skills she had also bonded more with her brother Starscream. They had been closer than ever in the last few months than they ever had before the war. Walking thought the halls of the Nemesis she and Starscream were coming out with a new plan to trap the Autobots.

"I think using the humans as bait would work perfectly. Since the Autobots have such soft sparks towards them" Starscream boasted.

"Yes that would work rather well" Matrix agreed.

"Then shall we put this plan into action?" he asked.

"I believe further planning is in order. We need to think of all the ways the Autobots can fight back before we go in blasters at the ready" she stated.

"Hmmm I guess that would be the better option." They walked back to the command room to talk it over more. After planning it though fully they put it into action. Sending the drones to capture humans and takes them to a decepticon made volcano.

"What do you want from us?" one of the humans screamed. The drones just ignored her screaming for help and questions of why they were doing this. Not long after the Autobots got word that the humans had been captured.

"We must save the humans" Optimus ordered.

"This has trap written all over it" Arcee commented.

"I agree with Arcee. Optimus this is a Decepticon trap no doubts about it" Ratchet Stated.

"That may be but agent fowler's earth defences with not be able to fight off the Decepticons" Optimus said with a little sorrow in his voice.

"Fine I've locked on to the signal" with that ratchet opens the ground bridge.

"Autobots roll out!"

"When will those Autobots get here?" Starscream whined.

"Your wait is over brother. They're here" Matrix grinned.

"Fools, they will fall this day Ahahahaha" Starscream laughed.

"Time for me to make my appearance" Matrix transformed and flew to the top of the volcano. "Prime! I was hoping you would come."

"That's Matrix. Ha does she think she can win against us?" Bulkhead said pounding his fist together.

"I do not know. All I want to know where is Megatron?" Optimus frowned.

"Maybe she's changed her mind about loyalty and gone against him" Arcee said.

"That is very unlikely. Matrix is completely loyal to Megatron" Optimus stated.

"What are you waiting for Prime? Come and face me" Matrix provoked him.

What will happen next?

I'm sorry it's short. I hope you like this chapter. If you have any thought on what should be in the next chapter don't hesitate to say in a review or PM.

Ps. Sorry for any grammar and spelling problems.