This is my second story. Hope you like it!

When I was younger, my brother I were close, much like best friends. I was the youngest of the family, only 6 years old. My brother and I were only different in a single year of age. We never left the castle, nor did we go out doors. My brother, being the eldest male child, was set to a chosen path. The flower garden that grew within the walls of this castle were to be his own responsibility when Father passed on.

The night my dear brother was told of his awful fate, we tried to flee from the castle. The man that I called 'Father' caught us and beat us both. Out of spite, he curse me and to prove so, he carved it into my hand, something to be a life long scar.
As I began to to scream from the agony that my curse brought, my dear brother, all so kind and gentle, picked me up and cradled me in is arms.

"Aristar, put that witch down!" 'Father' scolded him roughly. In defiance, Aristar never let me go. He took me with him instead and covered me up in his own bed.

"Shh, Alyson, I won't let him hurt you ever again" My dear brother, Aristar spoke words that were kind and promising, but all in vain. He had done his best to comfort me, and I fell into a deep, restless slumber.

It wasn't long before I was given a horribly rude awakening by 'Father' dragging me out of bed and Aristar pleading with the man to leave me alone. My brother stuck blows against the man, but it was again, all in vain. The monster I called my 'Father' one, drug me out to the castle gate.

"Begone, you traitor, you shall never be welcome here again!"

And with that, the elder threw me out out the gate, along with the leather satchel that I tried to use in our escape, never able to return without dire consequences.

I am only 6 years old.

My name is Alyson Krory.

I don't have a home.

I have just been disowned.

All right! Review please! I really want to know how I did this time!