Jeff soon arrived back in the states, in a city we call Las Vegas. AVGN, Nightwolf, Sub-Zero, and the jury were sitting on a mock up stage of the tribal council set, waiting for Jeff with the votes.

Jeff soon arrived and greeted the survivors.

"What's up?"

All of the contestants cheered.

"Excited I see. Anyway, it's time to read the votes. Before I read them, here's whats at stake. One millions dollar prize, and the title of Sole Survivor. Tonight, you want to see your name. It takes at least 4 or 5 votes to win. I'll read the votes."




First vote,


Sub-Zero. One vote Sub-Zero, one vote Nightwolf.

Angry Video Game Nerd. Tied one vote each now.

Nightwolf. Two votes Nightwolf, one vote Sub-Zero, one vote Angry Video Game Nerd.

Nightwolf. Three votes Nightwolf, one vote Sub-Zero, one vote Angry Video Game Nerd.

The winner of Survivor Edenia, NIGHTWOLF!

Cheers erupted throughout the whole audience, with Nightwolf calmly bowing to the jury and the final 3, thanking them for the win as well as the spirits. Both AVGN and Sub-Zero congratulated him on the win. Soon the jury came over to the Final 3 and started to congratulate them. Then afterwards the first 7 contestants booted, Rain, Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Kabal, Kano, Stryker, and Kenshi, soon joined them. Sektor was not invited for obvious reasons.

"He believed in the ancient Native American spirits and with his strong beliefs and morals, Nightwolf was able to bring Earthrealm back together after a critical tribal council, and with it all under his belt, Nightwolf truly deserves this!" cheered Jeff.

– – – – –

Thank you for reading my seventeenth season of Survivor.

AVGN got a vote from Jade; Sub-Zero got a vote from Smoke; and the rest voted for Nightwolf.

AVGN will be considered 3rd Place and Sub-Zero 2nd Place, as AVGN got 7 total votes, and Sub-Zero had 0 votes. That counted against either of them during the game.

Nightwolf, in the original write up, was meant to be the villain, which was pretty much doing the same stuff Sub-Zero and Smoke did during the merge. Also during the Finale, Smoke and Sub-Zero flip flopped positions.

I hope Nightwolf didn't get too annoying with his whole spirit talk. Compared to N. Tropy of Virmire, who always talked about time, and didn't do anything, Nightwolf did a lot, so hopefully it made him likable.

The next season is Survivor: Destiny Isles, with 20 pre merge boots from SEGA All Stars to Edenia. 10 of which you, the fans, voted in as players.

Manono: B.D. Joe, Barney, Bomberman, Jared, Niko, Quan Chi, Rain, Rizzo, Samara, and Shadow

Salani: Ashton, Cloud, Dexter, Hartman, Leafeon, Luigi, N. Tropy, Tails, Urcle, and Vixey

This will be premiering sometime next week. I hope you all enjoy it!