Jeff Probst walked onto a boat, with a pleased look on his face.

"Mortal Kombat. A battle between Earthrealm and Outworld. Hosted by the Elder Gods. Earthrealm must keep on winning, otherwise Shao Kahn, ruler of Outworld, will conquer Earthrealm."

"This season of Survivor, we'll be doing just that. Earthrealm vs Outworld. Joining them will be two returning players, each of them with a rivalry to settle."

The contestants started to be lead, by producers, out onto the boat.

"Last one remaining, as usual, wins a special prize; $1,000,000! Let me give you my perspective of each castaway."

– – – – –

Name: Kenshi

Age: 36

Species: Human

Job: Swordsman

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: Kenshi reminds me of No-Face from Redemption Island. Basically, Kenshi is... how I put this... blind just like No-Face. He wears a blindfold over his eyes, and like No-Face, he uses telepathy to see. I think Kenshi is likable, and could win.

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Name: Sheeva

Age: 43

Species: Shokan

Job: Master Jailer

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: Say hello to Sheeva, our first four-armed contestant. She is a tough cookie, and I really believe that Sheeva may turn out to be the strongest female contestant we've ever had. In terms of the game? I don't think Sheeva can win, she'll follow more then lead.

– – – – –

Name: Kurtis Stryker

Age: 33

Species: Human

Job: Police Officer

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: Being a police officer, I think Stryker is going to be gaining both allies and enemies, depending on how he plays. He's definitely going to be a threat when it comes to challenges, and I think he can lead Earthrealm.

– – – – –

Name: Tomas "Smoke" Vrbada

Age: 33

Species: Human

Job: Ninja

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: I like Smoke, but he is rather mysterious. Akin to his name, smoke emits from his body. If Smoke gets into a good alliance, he can go deep into the game.

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Name: Noob Saibot "Bi-Han"

Age: 33

Species: Wraith

Job: Netherrealm Guardian

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: Don't be fooled by his name, Noob is a demon in challenges. A servant of Quan Chi, I believe Noob Saibot is going to be a fierce competitor, but also a feared one. If he isn't on good terms with his tribe, they'll boot him soon.

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Name: Sindel

Age: 53

Species: Human

Job: Queen

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: Sindel is the Queen of Edenia, where the season is taking place. Her knowledge of the islands might help her tribe out early, but otherwise, I believe her status as Queen will make her an early target.

– – – – –

Name: Sektor

Age: 33

Species: Cyborg (Formally Human)

Job: Lin Kuei Cyborg

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: Sektor is a unique character. He shows no mercy whatsoever, and is filled with anger and ruthlessness. I believe that while Sektor might be useful in competitions, I believe his social game is horrible.

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Name: Kano

Age: 36

Species: Human

Job: Weapons Dealer

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: Kano holds little to no loyalty to anyone, preferring to work on his own. He reminds me of Shadow from SEGA All Stars in a way. But unlike Shadow, he'll make alliances and deals in order to save his own hide, and then backstab them when he feels like it.

– – – – –

Name: Ermac

Age: 25

Species: Fusion of Souls

Job: Enforcer

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: Ermac isn't just one person, he is a legion of souls that he has collected. Because of this, he refers to himself as we, us, or our. Ermac is a force to be reckoned with, and I fully believe he'll go deep into the game.

– – – – –

Name: Jade

Age: 25

Species: Human

Job: Ninja

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: Jade's a tough cookie, but then again, this is Mortal Kombat, most of the competitors in this season are going to be strong players. I believe Jade is going to be a strong strategist, and might pull off some big moves to further her game.

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Name: Raiden

Age: 42

Species: Elder God

Job: God of Thunder

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: Protector of Earthrealm, Raiden is the God of thunder. I believe Raiden is going to be a huge asset for Earthrealm, and possibly lead them into victory over Outworld.

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Name: Quan Chi

Age: 41

Species: Demon

Job: Sorcerer

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: I think Quan Chi will bring some new strategies to the table. He's a powerful sorcerer, and I believe he will use his vast knowledge to his advantage. We'll see how Quan Chi does, he'll greatly surprise me out here.

– – – – –

Name: Rain

Age: 22

Species: Human

Job: Prince

Tribe: Outworld

Jeff's Assessment: Being the youngest guy out here, Rain has something to prove. I believe he's the least evil out of anyone on the Outworld tribe, and that might make him an early target. But I hope Rain pulls out an underdog win.

– – – – –

Name: Sub-Zero "Kuai Liang"

Age: 23

Species: Human

Job: Ninja / Cyromancer

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: Cold as ice, Sub-Zero is not to be taken lightly. We might actually run into a plot line we never had before, as Sub-Zero's older brother is on the other tribe, Noob Saibot, who was killed and revived by the sorcerer Quan Chi. We'll see how that plays out.

– – – – –

Name: Nightwolf

Age: 33

Species: Human

Job: Native American Shaman

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: Oh boy, Nightwolf. What's there to say about this guy? He's very skilled in the mental challenges and he can be physical when needed. If Raiden doesn't end up leading Earthrealm, I'm putting in the bets for Nightwolf to be their leader. He's got a big heart.

– – – – –

Name: Kabal

Age: 26

Species: Human

Job: Former Criminal

Tribe: Earthrealm

Jeff's Assessment: Kabal is asking for a sympathy vote, even more so then Kenshi. He's basically out here on life support. He was burned alive by Kintaro, a tiger shokan, and with Kano's help, Kabal was given a respirator to help with breathing. I hope Kabal pulls it through.

– – – – –

Jeff smiled, "The two returning players are ruthless players of Survivor that have each played twice, and they have a rivalry to settle. Several fans might already know who they are, so to all of you gamers, mice, puppets, and nerds? Stay tuned."

– – – – –

Survivor Edenia will be premiering soon. There really isn't a date set. But they won't be uploaded at the same time as Ultimates is. The next thing I'll work on is Ultimates Ep. 5, which is close to being finished, while the premiere of Edenia will be uploaded a few days later. So, I hope you enjoy the cast!