It's finally time for…the grand finale. I purposely delayed it a day so that the wait would be dramatic for you. After this chapter, I'll post another chapter with "The Case of the Missing Boy" but then I'll take a week break from writing fan fictions.
Christian Lumarta was watching the trial unfold. The news channel had managed to set up a camera in the courtroom and was watching the trial. He heard a female voice behind him. "They put themselves in a dangerous position."
"I know that. However, they're smarter than Phoenix Wright, they'll get out of this."
"I sure hope so. After all, I'm supposed to be the Master, not Maya Fey."
"Don't worry. If they fail, you still have me."
*Back at the courtroom*
"I didn't kill him! All I did was try to postpone the trial! I saw her shoot him from a distance! I swear it!"
"Hmm…Mr. Wright, this seems to be an odd turn of events. Your cross-examination."
She's closing up. Gotta hit her hard and fast.
"I didn't kill him! All I did was try to postpone the trial—"
"Hold it! So all you did was to postpone the trial?"
"Yeah, I did. Of course, my goal was to gain more time to kill Maya, but it seems we failed in that regard."
"I see….!"
Did she just say "we"?
"So who is this other person?"
"You said so yourself, 'but it seems we failed in that regard.' So who is the other person?"
"Mr. Wright, what are you getting at with this?"
"It's quite simple, your honor. The other person…is in fact…the killer!"
"What?! I thought you said Kelsey was the killer."
"I did say that, but she was an accomplice to the crime. The real killer is someone else!"
"OBJECTION! Herr Wright, since you seem to know so much about this murderer, why don't you tell us who this murderer is."
It all comes down to this. I have to think of everything that has happened so far.
The judge slammed his gavel. "Mr. Wright, please tell us who this murderer is."
"Very well…the real murderer is…Gary Crinkle!"
"It's the only thing that makes sense your honor. Gary posed as a security guard. Why? To make sure no one snitched on him. However, his plan changed when Carly Martinez used him as an excuse as to why she knew all about Maya."
"So, in other words, Herr Wright, Kelsey is the accomplice to the murder, while the real murderer is Gary?"
"Yes, his sister, Kelsey, was covering for him and Carly Martinez would take the fall."
"She would willingly take the death penalty?"
"That is something we still have to prove, motive of why she would take the fall."
"Well…do you have any thoughts about this motive Mr. Wright?"
"Well…if we go back to what has happened through the past week, we can clearly assume one thing, blackmail."
Out of the corner of his eye, Phoenix saw Carly twitch.
"How would you get this conclusion, Herr Wright?"
"Simple. Both Kelsey and Gary blackmailed their brother Jonathan into trying to kill his fiancé. I'm sure they found something out about Carly. Remember that Stacy told us that Carly knew Kelsey and were talking on the phone. Kelsey must have found something about her that was blackmail worthy. Then, she used Carly to do whatever Kelsey wanted her to do."
"So…this whole murder…came from the intent of trying to kill Maya?"
"Yes. Someone out there thinks that they should be the Master of Kurain Village. There is enough power associated with the position to make someone do drastic things to get it…including murder. Looking down the family line of the Master, sibling turned against sibling and family against family in order to get the coveted position of Master. This is no exception. Somehow, that person managed to convince most of the Crinkle family to side with them, probably by promising them power. Jonathan had no idea of this, which is explained by what he is doing now."
"Doing now?"
"For the past few week, I've been receiving texts. At first, they were from one Max Galactica. However, the Crinkles were on to him, so he was forced to stop feeding me info to stop their plans. That's when Jonathan came in. Devastated by the fact that he almost killed his fiancé, he tried to make it up to her, by helping me protect her. He warned me of a plot to poison Maya just two days ago. A plate of poisoned cookies were delivered to my office, but he called me, telling me about it. If it wasn't for him, their plans would have succeeded. Jonathan never wanted Maya dead. He truly loved her, but the influence of his family and what he did in the past basically forced him to almost kill her."
"So…that's the back story to this whole fiasco?"
"Yes. Now, I know that the prosecution will ask me where the proof is, and there is proof, with testimony. I believe that if Jonathan were to testify right now, he would coincide with my story, am I correct Jonathan?"
"…you are correct. I'm surprised how smart you are Mr. Wright, figuring this all out with just the slip of the tongue. Anyways, I was there when the victim, Joe Marly, was murdered. My brother and sister both committed the murder however. Joe was held by Gary while Kelsey shot him. Then, they placed three extra bullets on the ground to mess up the investigation. They wrote down Stacy's name because Carly gave her name to them. Carly had nothing to do with the murder, except with the name written down."
"JONATHAN! YOU TRAITOR!" Kelsey and Gary both shouted in unison.
"I was never loyal to your cause, therefore, I am not a traitor. Jail will do plenty of good for you guys. The old brother and sister I know are still in there, somewhere. Hopefully, they'll come back out during your sentences."
While Jonathan was talking, the judge whispered something to the bailiff who whispered something in his radio. A few seconds later, three armed officers walked into the courtroom. "Kelsey and Gary Crinkle, you're under arrest for the murder of Joe Marly, attempted murder of Maya Fey, and blackmail. You have the right to remain silent…" (speech continues)
As Kelsey and Gary were led away, the judge cleared his throat. "Will Stacy Cluman take the stand?"
Stacy rose from her seat and walked up to the stand. "Stacy…this is only a formality, but the court finds Stacy Cluman…NOT GUILTY!"
The crowd cheered and applauded. "That is all, this court is adjourned."
Phoenix and Maya left the defense's desk and into the defendant lobby, followed by a recently freed Stacy. "Mr. Wright…I—I don't know what to say. Thank you so much!"
"You're very welcome Stacy."
"Mr. Wright!"
Turning around, Phoenix saw Jonathan running up to them. "Congratulations in there Mr. Wright!"
"Thank you, however, I couldn't have done it without you."
Stacy looked at Jonathan. "Yes…thank you. You basically gave me my life back...I can never thank you enough."
Jonathan grinned sheepishly. "No problem. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you were found guilty."
Stacy blushed. "Thank you."
Phoenix grinned, noticing something was up, until he heard more voices. "Way to go pal!" and "Maya! I'm glad you're safe!"
Turning around, Phoenix saw Gumshoe, Ema Skye, and Lloyd Grescham run up to them. Lloyd immediately went up to Maya while Gumshoe and Ema went to Phoenix.
"I knew you could do it Pal! Besides, if things went south, we had a backup plan."
"You did?"
Ema gave Phoenix a proud look. "Gary will be charged with more than just one murder. I figured out, through the powers of science, that Gary also killed Apollo's client with the croissant."
"Ah, so if Jonathan's testimony didn't turn out well…"
"We would have come in and saved you."
"I see…thanks guys."
While everyone was talking, Phoenix stole a glance at Maya who was talking to Lloyd. Phoenix's heart yearned to go over there and finally confess to her, but he figured she had enough to think about for today. (Therefore, no Objection!...yet) Finally, Phoenix raised his voice. "Well everyone, why don't we go celebrate, my treat!"
Everyone agreed. As they were leaving the defendant lobby, Maya whispered to Phoenix, "I guess I'll have the most expensive thing on the menu then."
"OBJECTION!" (There is is…just now what I had planned on originally)
And that…ends Objection. *cries* I'll really miss this story, since this started my fanfiction career. However, I still have a whole series with this story planned, also with many parts from Objection! will be implemented into "The Case of the Missing Boy." Also, my friend has also started up a fanfiction career, just not with Phoenix Wright. He'll post it under miscellaneous: anime and it will be called "The Eyes of Death." Read it when he posts it here soon, I assure you it will be a good story. Okay, don't forget to review, and thanks for reading. Next week…the sequel to Objection! "The Continuous Objection!" will be posted.