
As the boy lay sleeping with his head in my lap, I knew that was all I ever could and ever would be able to give him. He had cried himself to sleep in my arms for what felt like the millionth time. I gently stroked a strand of his snow white hair away from his sleeping face.


It surrounded me, and so it surrounded him. Crushing in from all sides. A constant reminder of the loneliness we were both forced to endure.


It had been a century now since he had banished it from my heart. For a century he had been my world. My light. My muse. My everything. I could suffer through an eternity of loneliness and hate, so long as I had him.


It shadowed his face. His beautiful, angelic, pale face. He was a being of light, and I a being of dark. He didn't deserve to be trapped down here with me. Not once has he told me, but I could tell that he wanted more than just me.


He can't stand it. It's always around. He wants, deserves, a family. Good people like him to love him. Care for him. Give him what he never would be able to. A life in the light. Not me.


I remember how it had felt all that time ago to let it rule my life. I let it seep back in, having no choice. I will do whatever I have to to give my love what he deserves. Even if I have to pay the cost.


I gently pull away, whispering unheard apologies to him. I step back into it, fading into the shadows. It is time for Pitch Black to be feared once more...

First off, huge thanks to Anthrakas for letting me use their picture as cover art for this story. I love it! Go deviantart search it :D

Secondly, my apologies for the shortness of this chapter. I meant it to be a sort of intro chapter. For some reason I actually really enjoyed writing it in this style. Though I'm not sure if I should do the entire story like that. What're your opinions? Review please! And if you like BlackIce go join the forum and write stories with me and the other members. It's a ton of fun ^^

Just because I'm curious...what's your favorite line/passage from this fic? Review it or PM me ;)

Also, I just joined Tumblr! So look me up on there for sneak peeks and other awesomely random things too

I kind of want to write an ROTG fic with someone. Like a legit co-authored fic. I'm not picky on what it's about or if it's AU or not. Anybody interested?