Hello everyone,

I know this is something none of you have been hoping for when you get a notification in your email! But this is just...well, an update on everything since I haven't been doing very well on letting all you watchers/followers of my other fanfics (aside from Gumwin). So, please take the time to read through this entire message; which will explain what's been going on and how/what I plan to do with all my stories on this website. (Also side note: this message will be posted on all of my fanfics, of all different fandoms so if you read several of my stories I apologize for the repetitiveness.)

So around the time I started and stopped writing was between 2011-2013, it's been nearly three years since I've updated anything other than Gumwin (Re-Write), right? I've moved house to house in that span of time around, oh...five times! And now I've moved from Washington and to Oregon, a huuuuge move of which we still have to go back and get our stuff and bring it over into another storage unit. As of right now i'm staying at my aunt's place with my mother and sister so it's a bit of a squeeze right now! Hopefully we'll find a home for us here soon, though, and I'll finally have my own privacy to hopefully let my OCDness kick in and get shit done.

I'm in 11th grade this year, and I'm 16 years old, meaning I HAVE to start growing up and looking into possible part time jobs, and college. What will I be doing for college? Hopefully something with animation, but we'll see how that turns out. This year, however, instead of going to some shitty little school with teachers who don't know how to teach and bully/humiliate their students, I'm doing online school at ORVA.

Why does any of this matter/relate to fanfics, and why am I telling you this? To try and make things as clear as possible for all of you. I may not have consistent updates for stories, because I have a lot on my mind lately, homework, college, jobs, etcetera. BUT with the online schooling; I have way more free time to do what I want than i would in a public school. Therefore, hopefully time to catch up and update on all my stories.

The other fun bit I forgot to mention to all you; I lost the USB during one of the first moves that held ALL MY FANFICTIONS ON IT. I'd had quite the collection of chapters and plots for different stories on there, but now it's gone so i have to start out fresh. Not...that I wouldn't though. I'm considering trying to re-write all of these fanfics so they're more up to date with my writing style. We'll see how that turns out (please leave your thoughts in the reviews).

Anyways. i've gone through and...deleted quite a bit of my stories, unfortunately. Because I absolutely hated the way I wrote them. Like that crappy HTTYD/ROTG Hijack fanfic, and the Big Four fanfic, aaand my regular HTTYD fanfic! Along with an old Gravity Falls one which includes...well, little kid me shitty logic. SOOO. Let's just pretend none of those existed and hope that I'll write for those fandoms again sometime soon!

Ninjago and TAWOG fanfics are my main fandom writing focus. The center of attention is on the pairings of all the stories Kale (Cole/Kai) and Gumwin (Gumball/Darwin):

- Framed (TAWOG)

- Turn of Events (TAWOG)

- The Flaws of Fire (Ninjago)

- Blanket of Stars (Ninjago, although I promised if I got more than five reviews I'd re-write it, which I will since I got 11)

- The Dungeon of Pain and Sorrow (Ninjago)

- Of Love and War (Ninjago)

Whew! That's a lot of stories I have to update ^~^ and I really, really mean it when I say I'm sorry. I'd also lost my...well, interest in both fandoms for awhile! I'm currently marathoning TAWOG to get back into the spirit of that, and I hope to do the same with Ninjago. That's hard considering I'm also in the MLP:FIM, GF, SU, and Homestuck fandoms, too? I hope to write fanfics for ALL of those.

...Okay I realize I'm ranting and should get to the point here.

My main priority is Gumwin (Re-Write); seeing as to how I promised a Gumwin 2 to allllll my watchers. Secondly, I'll try to focus on the Ninjago fanfics which I'm guessing I'll definitely re-write and have to re-plot, as well. The rest of my TAWOG fanfics come third in importance... I will be adding this author's note to the end of the chapter that will take it's place here whenever I get to updating this particular story!

Overall; Keep an eye out for any more updates and PLEASE realize I've been through a lot the past few years and things may change...and if I have to, there's always the possibility of me ending the stories due to stress, or simply deleting and starting over but that's a last resort type of thing.

If you have ANY questions what-so-ever regarding updates don't hesitate to leave a review on any story, I will do my best to get back to your questions and help you understand the plans.

Thank you SOSOSO much for your patience,

Stormy (KhaoticVex)