Copyright: Star Wars is owned by Disney, The Old Republic is owned by Bioware and this is just a fan creation for the purposes of recreation. Everyone get that? Then please enjoy the story.

I thought Star Wars was owned by George Lucas-

He sold it to Disney.

He sold out?

Yes, he sold out least we won't have anything as bad as the Phantom Menace.

I liked that Movie! about the Holiday Special?

The what?

My point exactly.

Nwûl tash. (Peace is a lie.)

As Coruscant burned, a young boy ran to an injured man in robes and took out a med-kit to help him. Before he could administer the bacta to the wounded yellow eyed warrior, the boy was pushed back by the warrior before a great piece of debris was pulled from the floor and crashed into the man's head.

Dzwol shâsotkun. (there is only passion.)

His skull cracked again after the jedi through him into the pillar and released his hold, allowing the boy to fall to the ruined floor with only one eye to see the world around him.

Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk. (Through passion, I gain strength.)

As he walked, his head still hurt. He could still feel the metal couplings within his skull and upon his chin. He felt the false eye in his right socket that moved at his command. He heard the cries of the republic trooper who continued to fire at him despite his broken legs while the Sith Marauder boredly deflected the laser bolts and lifted the soldier into the air and pried the man's head off of his shoulders.

Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan. (Through strength, I gain power.)

Observing the blade of a fallen jedi, Emae felt drawn to the cyan color of the saber. It reminded him of the jedi who had scared his skull and broke his body. It felt ironic that the fallen jedi commander in front of him had believed him to be a jedi. Either the aura of war upon this world had clouded the jedi's senses or this particular jedi was a complete idiot who had been naturally selected for death.

Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha. (Through power, I gain victory.)

He noted the figure of the jedi apprentice who stood over the corpse of her fallen master. Her face twisted by delight and rage, her robes torn and cut to expose a body which heaved with the rising darkness within this girl. She turned to look upon her new master and Emae simply reached out his hand. Their eyes remained connected while she stepped towards her master and took his hand. She then turned back and caused a docked warship to fall upon the corpse of her master to the shock of all but Jaesa and her impressed new master.

Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak. (Through victory, my chains are broken.)

Wielding two lightsabers, one cyan and the other blue, Lord Emae watched the bisected form of Darth Vengean fall backwards with his upper half falling more gracefully while his lower half crumbled into a heap before him. He sheathed his lightsabers and turned away from the fallen darth while Baras' lesser apprentice stood upon his feat. Nearby, he saw his apprentice beam with desire and pride in her master while a newly arrived female Sith Inquisitor nodded in respect to her fellow Sith Lord.

Wonoksh Qyâsik nun. (The Force shall free me.)

Slayer of many Jedi Knights, champion of the dark side, corrupter of the pure and now a recent conqueror and murderer of a Sith Lord.

Lord Emae'Tha of the Sith Empire sat amidst a typhoon of a darkness and rage while he sat within it. The typhoon came from within him and yet he controlled it rather than allow it to control him. He focused upon the past few days when his master, Darth Baras had called him to Dromund Kas to rescue his fellow apprentice and team up with him to murder Baras' master, Darth Vengean of the Dark Council.

Though the task was complete, Emae remembered the last words of Vengean before the fateful duel that left him as only half the man that he once was...

"Before you arrived, Baras was but a bit player. He would be no one without you."

"Your talents are wasted on that man. It sickens me! Your master does not deserve you, he's a coward! Pushing buttons in the darkness! You and I...are people of action."

Though Vengean likely said these words out of spite for Baras rather than for Emae's benefit, the Sith Lord heard the truth within those words. Baras was powerful, but absence from the front line of the war between jedi and sith, light and dark had lessened his power and connection to the force. Baras now more greatly trusted in his own intellect, his cunning, his scheming...subjective terms for his own thoughts which ultimately originated from crude matter. Emae had learned more from his travels than he had from that fat bastard.

And now he was at a crossroad...

As Baras had orchestrated the death of his master, so too would Emae come to overthrow his master. It was an unspoken, unbroken tradition within the ranks of the sith lords. In order for the apprentice to become the master, they must dominate and strike down their master or die trying. Therefore, it only made sense for Baras to anticipate Emae's eventual attempt.

Though Emae had little doubt in his success.

"Master?" Hearing the door of his bedroom open, Emae felt a passionate hungry presence which pleased and teased his own, "Master...the dark side surrounds you as a cloud from Bespin."

"I have been in thought Jaesa." Emae allowed his feet to touch the ground and opened his eyes to see Jaesa loosely wearing her alluring robes that he'd won in that "rewarding, but excruciating game of Huttball", "As you know...Baras' master is now dead...slain by my hand and Baras is the one who reaps the rewards."

"Yet we both know who is the greater of the two of you." Jaesa stated without a shred of doubt in the tone of her voice, "Did I...displease you?"

"You saw Baras on Dromund Kas." Emae stepped closer to the girl, pleased that she had not stepped back, "What did you see?"

"Intelligence...darkness...a calculating process of schemes, thoughts and paranoia." Jaesa replied and took a step towards her master, "As well as great fear whenever he looks towards you."

"As he should." Emae said and ran his finger over Jaesa's face brush away loose bangs of hair, "The time shall soon come when I also seek to overthrow my master...are you complacent to be used as my tool?"

"You wouldn't bother." Jaesa said and grabbed her master's hand while using the other to caress the metal platings upon Emae's chin, "I know want to kill Baras your own power and your own hand. I would not dare take that honor away from you master."

"And what of your honor?" She gasped in surprise when Emae reached into her robes and caressed her right breast with his free hand while Jaesa's breathing increased, "You tremble with fear and do not raise your hands in resistance..."

"I am your's...master..." Jaesa's hand trailed along her master's neck and tore open his nightshirt, revealing a heavily scarred body and athletic body that had been honed by the past year of triumph and struggle, "One will be the True Emperor of the Sith and when that will need an heir to your throne."

"Do you know what that will require of you?"

"Master...I may be a virgin but I'm no stranger to...reproduction." Emae reached out of Jaesa's robes and grabbed hers while he began to laugh, "What's so funny?"

"You claim to be no stranger and yet you are a virgin."

"For someone as powerful as you, I'm surprised that you've yet to choose a future queen." Jaesa shot back, bringing Emae's attention to how Jaesa was the first woman who he had ever cared to lay eyes upon, "Or...are you also pretending? Master?"

"Are you being insubordinate?"

"And if I am? Will you punish me?" Emae thought for a moment and walked out of his room. Uncertain, Jaesa followed her master into the briefing room where her master now stood at the far end of the room, "Master..."

"No need for words." Propelling himself into the air, Emae tackled the off-guard Jaesa and fell to the ground with her in his arms, "We have restrained ourselves for long enough..."

"I couldn't agree more..." Jaesa said while she made no effort to keep her master from tearing open her robes, exposing her aroused breasts to the man who she both served and loved, "Fulfill me my love..."

"Of love..." Emae picked up Jaesa and placed her upon a table before he mashed his lips onto hers. The girl returned the kiss with equal passion while their hands searched and pried for any obstacle to their contact which could be removed...

"Hey Master! I wanted to talk-" Vette whistled while she saw Emae and Jaesa locked in a violent embrace of kisses and groping. She snuck a peak at Emae's impressive length, but felt something build in the room that told her to leave, "Later..."

Now becoming overwhelmed by his passion, Emae placed Jaesa against the console and used the force to pry open her legs. She made no effort to resist and used the force to pull her master down to her. They kissed while Emae aimed his excited saber and plunged into Jaesa's waiting flower. She shrieked in pain after Emae's full length entered and filled her. He heard her sob and for a moment, he considered pulling out before he caused her more pain. They stayed like this for a full moment while Jaesa's sobs turned into excited moans.

She was using her pain to further excite her.

"You're learning..." Emae whispered to her before kissing her and pulling halfway out before thrusting back in. Her hands found his back and dug in while he continued with a slowly increasing pace. He found her breasts and licked and swallowed the aroused nipples while he continued to claim this unsoiled girl.

"My lord...we must discuss our upcoming mission-" Malavi Quinn's thoughts immediately went to the back of his head when he saw this scene. Jaesa's back was braced on the console of the Briefing Room with her legs wrapped around the waist of Lord Emae. Lord Emae was rapidly thrusting in and out like a piston while Jaesa cried out excitedly. To his credit, the Imperial Officer managed to keep his composure and decided to step slowly back into the cockpit, "It can wait."

In the control room, Emae felt the walls of sensitive flesh tighten around his throbbing saber. Any illusion of control over his emotions had ceased to exist, he howled like a great Korriban Beast and mashed his lips against Jaesa's. His saber then released within her with one last thrust and his essence leaked out upon what little remained of Jaesa's robes. Feeling his domination slacken, Jaesa allowed her building passion to empower her...allowing her to twist her master onto the console while they were still connected and take the initiative.

Activating the transmission in the process...

"About time..." In his room, Lieutenant Pierce continued to clean his heavy rifle. As a veteran of rough ground combat, Pierce was no stranger to the sounds of love and lust that now echoed throughout the entire ship. It had woken him from his nap, but he decided that he could always wait until the two sith warriors were done riding each other rather than interrupt them and die very horribly, "I'm getting a sonic suppressant at the next spaceport."

"Apprentice?" Baras' hologram asked when he appeared on the console, "What do you have to report-" The Sith Lord was treated to a front row seat of his apprentice's pupil mounted upon Emae and rocking her hips up and down while he held her ass-checks and pistoned into her with a velocity equal to one who used Force Speed, "Very nice, you've finally found a use for your new apprentice-"

"Faster..." Unconsciously, the young Sith Lady reached through the force for anything that would enhance her experience. Which resulted in a ring of force power compressing upon Baras' helmet who was too shocked and surprised by the scene before him to block the assault.

"Apprentice-" Baras was stopped when he felt the force grip around his neck while the previous pressure built upon his helmet, "Stop...stop"

"More...more...harder! Harder!" Jaesa madly rode her master's saber while Darth Baras collapsed to his knees in pain, holding his neck while bled flowed out of his compressing helm. While the Sith Lord died, his murderers remained ignorant of their actions, encompassed by their coupling, "YES!"

"JAESA!" Emae roared and allowed his saber to explode within his climaxing Apprentice. Behind them, the hologram of Darth Baras fell to the ground, blood freely dripping from the stub where his neck once was before the transmission ended. Too tired to move and not wanting this to end, Jaesa purred while her master caressed her stomach and right breast and kissed her, "That...that was amazing..."

"They were right...the first time is always painful..." Jaesa stated, with her emotional momentum curbed, her lower parts now felt very sore, " just added to the...overwhelming a dam breaking inside of me..."

"Then I'm glad to have plugged that hole." Emae told the heavily breathing girl and saw where his hand had been previously, "I think we may have turned on the communication...Baras might have seen us..."

"Forget about him master..." Jaesa whispered to Emae who lifted her up with him when he stood on his feet and carried her to one of the couches, "I bet he's burning with fury and envy. I beat your length far exceeds his...just like your power."

"I have no doubt about that." Emae told his lover and allowed the cold air of the ship's interior to stiffen the hairs of his naked body, "I'll simply be courteous."

"You're no fun..."

"All fun and no work makes Sith into Jedi." Jaesa chuckled while Emae activated the communication array to contact the number that was called several moments ago, "Lord Baras? This is you copy?"

"See? He's probably asleep in a Council Chamber-"

"Is that your cover story?" The Imposing figure of Darth Malgus asked as Emae and Jaesa felt his power even thousands of light years away, "You wished to contact your master, Darth Baras? No?"

"Actually...I wanted to talk to Shatele Shan...what do you think?" Emae sarcastically asked, feeling somehow emboldened by the shamelessly naked woman who lied behind him as if daring him to mount her while this Sith Lord watched.

"If you want to know about your master..." Malgus bent down and held up the headless form of Emae's master while Emae stood in shock, surprise and barely contained joy, "I assume that the assassination of your master was not a planned event?"

" wasn' least not yet..."

"Then how come his head is gone?" Malgus asked using his other hand to pick up the crushed upper half of Baras' helmet, "And why are you naked?"

"I like to feel the breeze on my bare skin..."

"She does too?"

"Her? She's currently in the heat, I was helping her...calm down." Emae heard both Jaesa and himself laugh after finishing the sentence. Within the hologram, Malgus placed Baras' helmet upon Baras' headless body and stared from the deceased Sith Lord to the apprentice who had murdered him, "I was an accident."

"There are no accidents in the force." Malgus stated when a nearby trooper walked in and stood with widened eyes at Darth Malgus holding the corpse of Darth Baras. The trooper then grabbed his constricting neck while Malgus didn't bother to turn around, "Your power appears to have grown much greater than Baras predicted. Plan Zero was still initiated on schedule, no?"

"You're welcome."

"I just wanted to know." Malgus unceremoniously dropped the corpse to the ground while Emae barely surpressed a snicker, "Meet me on Onderon, we will have much to discuss."

"Am I to be arrested for the murder of a member of the Dark Council?" Emae thought for a moment and decided to correct himself, "Or...two?"

"No...I wish to make official your rising status in the ranks of the Sith Empire." Malgus stated with his eyes staring into Emae's yellow eye, "Darth Rathan."

"Darth What?" Emae's question was unanswered when the transmission stopped and Emae as left standing in the middle of the briefing room. He kept his composure, allowing the multitude of emotions to flow through his mind as he meditated on the past hour. He remembered accepting Jaesa's proposition for sex and with his enhanced clarity, he relived the past hour in it's entirety.

He recalled contacting Darth Baras by accident and how Jaesa used the force to grip his helmet while transfixed in her own passion. Overwhelmed himself, Emae remembered joining Jaesa and gripping the neck of his overweight master...using his pain to feed their growing passions while they continued until the Spymaster exploded at the same time that the couple climaxed.

He had killed his accident...

"Master?" Emae felt Jaesa's chest press against his back and his apprentice lick his neck, "Now no one will suppress you now..."

"I just wish that I could've seen his face when he died..." Emae admitted, feelings of utter triumph built within him as he continued to stand in place, "Did the computer save a recording of our "transmission" with Baras?"

" did master...all the way to the end..."

"It'll due."

Author's Notes:

So some are probably asking why I wrote this story?

Different reasons and I'll share some of the most important with you.

One, I noted the shortage of JaesaxSith Warrior stories and decided to contribute by adding my own spin on their relationship.

Two, I always wondered about different ways of killing Darth Baras without having to wait until the final chapter of the Sith Warrior's storyline. Some of which included throwing carbon monoxide grenades at him; telling the Dark Council that Baras orchestrated the murder of one of it's members, even if it was someone that they didn't like; or the simple fact that the Sith Warrior should be strong enough to kill Baras himself after having just killed Baras' master. There's also the fact that Baras never even taught the Warrior anything at all, he just sent him out to kill people...what kind of Sith Master is that?

Three, I just had a thought about Baras' helmet and how his outfit makes him more vulnerable to another sith. What would happen if somebody shot lightning at his mask? Wouldn't the lightning go straight into his face and by proximity, his brain? What if someone just decided to force crush that helmet? Would Baras be able to counter the attack while his brain is being crushed like the inside of a sardine can? How come we can't try to force choke him through the comm like Vader did to that Admiral in Empire Strikes Back?

Four, I've never written a lemon before and felt like trying out some rules that I set for myself when these kind of situations happen. I tried not to have this come out of nowhere, afterall those who've played the game should know that Dark Jaesa is a compulsive nymph who eventually comes out and begs the Sith Warrior to turn her into his personal whore. As for the whole pain to pleasure thing...Sith thrive on emotions of passion and pain right? So shouldn't sex with a sith lord be glorious for them because of everything that it involves?

Five, nobody has written an M-rated Jaesa fic yet and I felt like getting first dibs on something on this site.

Six, I always wondered what the Sith Warrior's "Sith Name" would be. Since he's supposed to be the "Wrath of the Emperor", I just made up the name Rathan as derived from Wrath.

Seven, I tried not to be too detailed and in-depth about the actual intercourse while being tasteful enough to let my readers know that they're doing the "reproductive dance".

Eight, The language which Emae was speaking in the beginning is the Sith Language.

Nine, If I do branch this out from a one-shot, I have no idea as to what to do with it.

Ten, Thanks for reading!