Sorry about the lengthy absence, I've been swapped with college work. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and thank you all for your patience :)

You guys rock :)


Felicity watched her boss beat the crap out of a wooden dummy with a bamboo stick, which was part of Wing Chun training as far as she could tell (she had looked it up when she'd seen him grappling). He was working up a real sweat and it extremely distracting. Eyes on the work, Felicity. You do not need these images to add fuel to the fire. The fire being the crush she was developing on her moody, broody, quite, argumentative boss. So it was a lot more than developed, but nobody else needed to know how far advanced it was - and now she was making it sound like it was a disease or something - maybe she was over-thinking this. Shocking, I know. Me over-thinking something would never happen. Except days ending in Y or when ever there was a shirtless Ollie around (which was a lot). He was not the type that she was usually attracted to, but there was something about him. Something that was pulling her in more than she'd like. Sighing, she turned her eyes back to the computer, while Oliver and Diggle continued to discuss the latest person about to be crossed off the list. Ken Williams - the guy who had a son.

Felicity was sure that Oliver wouldn't kill him. Despite her conviction that Oliver was the type of person to kill without reason, she had to look at this practically. Given his past transgressions - for lack of a better word - her logical mind told her there was a possibility that he could get a bit bow-happy. She also had to take into consideration that her little crush could be clouding her judgement. She knew instinctively that Oliver was a great guy once you got past the first three inches of his emotional defense system (and that was only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak). Still, she needed him to tell her himself exactly what he was going to do, even if that meant making him angry and locking him into his own Arrow Cave.

"Felicity! Did you just - "

She jumped in her seat and slowly spun around to meet the rage painted all over Oliver's face. " - computer override your lock. Maybe a little." She pinched her thumb and forefinger together trying not to let her fear show. She wasn't afraid that he would physically harm her, but he did have one scary rage face. That was another thing that she'd seen change. He no longer hid his temper from her. In fact, he more or less bossed her around acting like her very own drill sergeant. She might be a geeky IT girl, but that didn't mean she wouldn't stand up for what she believed in.

"What are you doing?"

Felicity explained about how she'd pulled up information on Williams and that he was the windowed father of a ten-year old boy. He gave her a look that said, 'your point being'. That pissed her off. "I told you I'm only in this to help Walter, not to be an accessory to orphaning little kids."

"I'm just giving him a warning,"

"Has it ever occurred to you that you could do some real good in this city? Beyond just recovering people's stock portfolios and there saving accounts." Felicity watched his face go blank, washed clean of any emotions that would give what he was thinking away in that moment. That didn't stop her from noticing how rigid he had become, even more so than when he was tensed for a fight. He bent towards her still seated body, his eyes on the computer screen, invading her personal space. Her nose was about an inch away from rubbing against the scruff along his jaw and he smelled way to good for a man who'd just finished a work out.

"You're not the only one who knows how to reboot my system," he growled, capturing her in his angry stare. She swallowed down the anger and okay, a bit of fear, but he wasn't gong to intimidate her like he did everyone else.

"I made a mistake." Thinking you could listen to reason.

"Getting in my way? I don't disagree." Of all the egotistical...

"No!" Felicity stated loudly and firmly, trying to stay calm. She pushing up from her chair, trying to force him back. He gave about an inch forcing her to keep her back bent until she could manoeuvre around his scowl and suffocating presence. The look on his face was one of confusion and surprise. He hadn't expect tame little Felicity to fight back. Well, you've got another think coming mister! "Signing on with you. Even provisionally."

Then like the angry person that she was, Felicity stomped her way out of the Arrow Cave.

Oh crap, I forgot to say goodbye to Diggle.

She might be mad, but she didn't like being rude.

Felicity was pursuing the latest figures that had been given to her by one of the Departments upstairs when she heard the voices coming from her office. They'd finally shown up then. After a glass of wine last night, she'd fully expected for Oliver to show up and scare the bejesus out of her at the some stage, but it hadn't happened. He was probably off somewhere (at Williams house) licking his wounds. Oliver didn't strike her as the type to be used to girls telling him no, in any capacity. I might have a crush on him, but I am not letting a pretty face and ripped body degrade my senses. except maybe when I'm asleep, bit I can't help it then so it doesn't count... Right? Felicity had grown bored of waiting and decided to wager a new pair of pink panda pumps she'd been itching to get her hands on. If they showed up by tomorrow she'd get them, if not then she'd expect an arrow in her back. No correction, she'd expect a verbal warning and then an arrow in her chest. Oliver was the honourable type after all.

Squaring her shoulders she walked towards her office to find the two men eyeballing each other. Oliver was just inside her door, so she glared up at him as she walked past. "I had a bet going with myself in how quickly you two would visit to tell be not to reveal your secret." Which she wouldn't do not matter what. It was his secret and she respected that. It didn't mean she wasn't going to make feel nervous about what she would do. I can't let him think he can walk all over me. His to bossy as it is. "Look's like I won." Pink Panda shoes come to momma. Felicity sat down in her chair and turned her attention towards her computer.

"Actually Felicity, I was hoping I could get you to change your mind." She looked up at him, her face expressing her feelings on his next words, 'this had better be a good pitch'. "I was worked up on adrenaline last night and I didn't exactly put my best foot forward. I was hoping you'd give me the opportunity to do that now." It sound like he'd rehearsed that little speech, but the earnest look in his eyes, despite the forced words was swaying her. She had to remember what Dig said about Oliver, even he needed help sometimes. He just didn't like asking for it. She wasn't about to let him off easy though.

"How about you start with Ken Williams? Did he also get to enjoy your adrenaline last night?" She couldn't help the sarcastic twist of her lips at the word 'adrenaline'.

"No he returned the money that he stole just in time to put his son to bed." Now I sorta feel bad, but he still needed to hear. She subconsciously adjusted her glasses. "Like I said Felicity, just a warning." A news bulletin on her computer distracted them from their conversation. A female cop - McKenna Hall - was reporting on a criminal called the Dodger.

"You know I heard about this guy," Diggle piped up. "They ball him the Dodger because he avoids getting his hands dirty. He uses hostages to do his stealing for him."


"Puts a bomb collar around their necks. Last year a guy in Madrid didn't steal what The Dodger told him to and he took his head off. Literally." Felicity listened to Diggle's explanation feeling increasingly disgusted by the cowards actions. Those poor people were forced to steal or die. That just wasn't right. She felt Oliver's eyes on her, but when she looked, he was watching Diggle. Huh, maybe I was imagining it?

"And now the psychopath is in Starling City. To bad his name isn't in your notebook." The words were out of her mouth before she could comprehend just how rude she sounded, but then she forced herself to ignore the urge to apologize. She was trying to make a point.

"You know," Oliver began, placing his hands on his table and leaning forward. "Not all the people I target are on the list. Every once in a while I make an exception. Hostage taking jewel thief. For example. So why don't you help us take him down?"

They should really add sweet talker to his list of attributes, right below infuriating...

"Come on, let's go get lunch." Oliver offered to take them to The Belly Burger and since Felicity was starving (and extremely curious about what Oliver was about to say) she took him up on his offer. Diggle merely smiled and said, "I love there burgers."

"That's not the only thing you love about it," Oliver muttered under his breath so that only Felicity could hear him. She gave a confused look and he shook his head. "You'll understand when we get there." She was intrigued despite herself and followed the two men out of her office, locking it up behind her, and into the elevator.

"So to catch this guy we need to either figure out where he is or where his going to be." Oliver got straight down to business as soon as they were all seated, much to Felicity's stomachs dismay. They'd barely gotten their food.

"Is this really how you guys figure out how to get your target? Over burgers and shakes?" Felicity was secretly delighted. Being out in the daylight and discussing their mission over food made things seem more on her level. It just gave an air of normality that she needed to assimilate into her new reality.

"Sorry it took me so long," Carly, the waitress that Diggle had been watching like a hawk since they'd arrived, apologized "I'm waiting on a bunch of particularly rowdy customers."

"You need me to handle that?" Diggle asked, looking at the aforementioned customers over his shoulder. Felicity was sure that if Carly asked Diggle to do anything he'd go we'll above the call of duty.

"I appreciate it, but I'm a pro by now." Carly smiled warmly, her eyes lingering. There was definitely something between them, she just wasn't sure either of them had admitted it yet.

"I'll be here if you need me." Diggle was a real smooth talker. Oliver could stand to learn a few things from him.


"No. No, ah, that's my sister-in-law. Sort of." Diggle looked to Oliver for help explaining the situation.

"Carly was married to Dig's brother and he passed away," Oliver explained for Diggle. It was nice to see how much the two men cared for each other even if they butted heads more often than not.

"We'll, looks like she's hot for you," Felicity clucked her tongue and winked at Diggle trying to defuse the melancholy mood that had sprung up around the table.

"Ah, can we get back to crime fighting, please?" Diggle gave them both a 'don't go there' look, which Oliver promptly ignored.

"Actually Diggle, you probably should ask her out."



"I'll do that just five minutes after you ask out McKenna."

Oliver had a love interest? This was good. It would help Felicity push through whatever crush she had on the man. "Ooh, the Detective on the Dodger case? You have a thing for her?"

"Ugh - "

"Yes." Oliver and Diggle engaged in an alpha male staring competition as they pitted themselves against one another. Felicity was highly entertained by their antics. It was like watching two brothers fight over the size of there - ah - muscles.

"I don't see you asking Carly out." Diggle drummed his fingers against the table and got out the booth. He was a man on a mission and Felicity felt the smile that stretched across her face at his obvious determination to step up to Oliver's challenge. Felicity was vaguely aware of Oliver calling her name, but snapped to attention once he started talking business again. She was not about to let him walk away from catching the Dodger.

"This guy. His targeting a very specific type of jewel. We figure out why and that'll give us the how to catch him."

"I have an idea."


"Your crush object with a badge said they were working with Interpol?"


"Why don't I work up a little tech, you distract her with a little flirty-flirt, slip said tech into her phone, it'll turn into a micro-transmitter and boop, we'll learn everything she knows."

"Hmm." Oliver looked like he was working her plan over in his head. "It's not how I typically get my information."

"How do you typically do it?" If the conversation wasn't so serious Felicity was sure she would have started babling about not meaning like 'do it' as in sex, but 'do it' as in how would you make that arrow hit its target, but thankfully, for once, she kept her mouth shut.

"I find the person," he paused, briefly, "and then I put the fear of God into them until they talk." Felicity raised her eyebrows at the emotionless description he had just delivered. "But we can try your way."

Felicity almost broke out into a verse of Hallelujah, but thought better of it. He had agreed to go after someone not on the list and take on broad one of her ideas, she was not about to push her luck. "Thank you," she said instead. He lips flattened out in that smile that wasn't a real smile, but he nodded his head acknowledging her gratitude about more than just listening to her plan and actually going through with it. Before either of them could say anything further, Diggle walked back toward the table, a huge grin on his face. Obviously things had gone well. "Go Dig," Felicity congratulated him, with a smile and a fist in the air. Diggle just shook his head at her and turned an expectant eye towards Oliver.

"Guess its my turn to take up the gauntlet." Oliver slid out of the booth and walked towards the door without so much as a goodbye.

Felicity and Diggle watched him go. "You know sometimes I wonder how his family don't see just how far his gone." Diggle was speaking more to himself, rather than Felicity, but she felt compelled to comment nonetheless.

"They're just so happy to have him back, they are willing to let the little oddities slide. Of course there bound to have noticed something, but if it were a family member of mine who'd died and then come back to life..." Oliver had this air of stillness around him most of the time, the kind of a snake waiting to strike. He was never more alive than when he was hunting down targets. He did a great job of hiding it from his family and the general public, but Felicity saw how lonely he was. He felt the burden was all his own, because he was the one who exacted revenge/justice. "Well, I wouldn't want to see him marooned on Island all over again just because we couldn't accept him for who he is now. That's his biggest fear. That the people he loves, the people who knew him before, will never accept who his been forced to become."

Felicity, Oliver and Diggle sat around her computer listening to McKenna's phone conversation. The Dodger had evidently been busy, killing a man and injuring three others at an art gallery.

"Whose Cass Derenick?" Oliver questioned prompting Felicity to bring up his arrest jacket on one of her screens. She listed out all of his offences to the two men, while Oliver paced around her desk.

"This guys a fence," Diggle summed up. "The Dodger is looking to unload that ruby."

"Which means he'll be in the market for a new fence. One he hasn't you know," she turned to look at the back of Oliver's head, "killed."

"So we find the fence, we find the Dodger."

"I heard on the news; the Dodger got away. Hopefully the night wasn't a complete waste. Your date. How'd they go?" Felicity greeting was met with less than happy expressions as she pulled her coat off and placed it on the back of a chair.



"You two suck at lying." She was sad that they both seemed to have had such miserable times. She'd have thought that Diggle at least would have been happy to finally go out with Carly. She didn't know much about McKenna, but she was beautiful and she had known the Oliver of before. Felicity knew that her crush would never go anywhere. She was destined to stay in the friend zone and that was okay. She'd get past it, but she wanted him to be happy.

"The police and I busted it up before the Dodger could get himself paid." Ah the old change the subject routine. Sorry buddy, not biting.

"Don't change the subject," she said, wagging a stern finger at him.

"Is your hacker chip still working?"

Felicity sighed as she sank into her chair. She already knew better than to pressure him into talking. If he wanted to talk, he would. If he didn't, well you'd better have a doctor on stand by. "You two are no fun." She checked the status of her 'hacker chip' on the computer screen. "Yep, still getting a strong signal."

"Pull up the police records on everything the Dodger has stolen so far," Oliver requested.

"What are you thinking?" Diggle moved to sit behind Felicity watching her work.

"We know the Dodger has a taste for a very specific type of antiquity."

"Yeah," Felicity agreed softly, resting her chin on her knuckles. "These all look like there from the Ominous decade. The last ten years of King Ferdinand reign."

Diggle huffed. "And she says we have no lives." Felicity glared at him over her shoulder.

"Are there any other places that sell or display the Ominous thing?"

"Decade," Felicity corrected somewhat petulantly. She had a life, it just happened to revolve around computers. "Not really. I guess people in Starling City prefer the Elizabethan era."

"Starling City Cancer Society." Oliver nodded toward the pull-up on the opposite screen. "It says right there they're holding a fundraising action tomorrow night. We could lure him out into the open."

"With what? A fake?"

"No, the Dodger clearly has a trained eye for this sort of thing. His not going to fall for anything less than the genuine article."

"Where are we going to get out hands on a rare Spanish antiquity?" Felicity couldn't keep the incredulous tone out of her voice.

"You really have no idea how rich his family is, do you?" Diggle scoffed, clearly enoying teasing Felicity.

Oliver quirked an eyebrow and shrugged; some of that rich bad boy attitude showing through.

Great, now I'm going to have to find a dress.

Felicity was watching the tiny dot on her phone screen as she meandered through the crowd. Sure the auction was for a great cause, but this kind of swanky party wasn't her type of thing. She did know, however, how to dress herself up for occasions such as this. The gold dress she'd seen online was the something she could rationally buy, because she had a reason to wear it. She didn't spend much time on her hair opting to let down and tame the waves that she already had. Now add a head band and wallah; she was ready to foil a robbery and take down the Dodger. She just hoped she didn't have to do any running, because the heels weren't ideal for that.

Oliver and Diggle walked up the stairs toward her and she greeted them with a small smile. Neither of them commented on her appearance for which she was grateful. She felt nice in her clothes, she did not want to know if they were out-of-place. "So, I'm getting a good signal from the GPS I put in the your families broach. I can track it on my phone. Speaking of have you given any thought to what might happen if doesn't work and he absconds with your family jewels?" It took her a few seconds and two amused looks from the men walking with her to realize how bad that last part sounded. "Sorry that came out very wrong."

"Let's just keep our eyes open, Felicity."

Yes, that's exactly what I'll do. Just after I've recovered from the hot flush of embarrassment that coursed through my body at the mention of Oliver's 'family jewels'. Of all the lame ass things that have come out of my mouth, that has got to be the worst. Felicity continued to mentally berate herself as she moved through the crowd intending to get closer to the Spanish antiquity. It was then that she saw the dot begin to move on her screen.

"Hey!" Felicity called after the man with the brooch in his hand. "That brooch was donated by the Queen family. If you want it your gonna have to bid." Her words were forceful, even more so then she'd intended. It irked her to think that this man standing in front of her killed people for some pretty jewels and lets face it, money was a big factor to.

"Actually love, I thought I'd just take it." He spoke arrogantly, confident of his success and in a move that Felicity didn't see coming, he had a collar slipped around her neck and secured before she had time to blink. Why am I even surprised? His a thief for God's sake. He has to have quick hands. "Don't even think of alerting the police. If you do I'll have no choice, but to push this little button," he showed Felicity the small transmitter he had in his hand. "I'm sure a pretty girl like you would miss having a head." His smile was full of malice and cockiness. He thought he was going to get away with this. "Now run along Blondie, I have places to be."

"You won't get away with this," she hissed.

"Oh, but I already have." Two thoughts were running through Felicity's head as she desperately searched for Oliver and Diggle. I don't want to die and that bastard cannot get away with this. Upon spotting the two men, she reached out and grabbed Oliver's elbow as he turned to leave. "I think we have a problem."

"Get away from me. If this thing blows - " She backed away from Oliver and Diggle, not wanting them to get in harm's way. If someone was going to die tonight, it was going to be her. She was not taking her friends - because that's what they were, even if it was in an unconventional sense - with her.

"It's not going to happen." Oliver's voice was rough as he tried to reassure while Diggle took stock of the bomb around her throat.

"The Dodger said that if I called the police... I'm going to be decapitated, aren't I?"

"Alright the tracker is on the move." Oliver was speaking calmly and rationally. "If I find him I can get him to disarm it. Talk me in. Try and stay calm."

"To late." She watched Diggle's face as he opened something on the collar. Since she hadn't seen it for herself, she couldn't tell what he was seeing. Oliver watched him to, waiting for his reaction.

"Go. Just go, go, go, go."

Diggle had her sit down as he worked on the collar, trying this and that to remove. She was focusing on the dot on her screen, as Oliver rang in. "Talk to me Felicity." If anyone could save her now, it was these two. She just had to keep telling herself that.

"Heading towards Adams and O'Neill's. At the clip his going his got to be in a vehicle." Felicity was doing a good job of staying calm so far, but her voice was think with emotion as she directed Oliver towards her would-be killer.

"I'm mobile where is he?" Felicity pulled out her tablet from her bag, glad that she'd had the foresight to bring it. Not that she could be so easily parted from her technology, but she's never been so glad to be a geek before. "Talk to me Felicity."

"First time anyone's ever been grateful for traffic cameras. His one block from your position. If you cut through the Plaza you'll end up right behind him."

"Where is he now?"

"I got him. Got him. Got him. Driving north, at the light ahead of you." She watched Oliver weave in and out of traffic trying to forget about her possible death. "Dead ahead. Good. Hard right."

"Got him!" Oliver chased him down on the bike, driving up along side the car. Suddenly the tire of Dodger's car exploded and Felicity was sure that there an arrow involved somehow, although she couldn't make it out on her screen. The car ended up on its side, but The Dodger wasn't down. He crawled from the car, like the worm that he was.

"Don't do anything stupid. I had the foresight to collar up a particularly inquisitive blond. I assume she's a friend of yours. Touch one hair on my head and she loses hers. You've got quite the choice to make, don't you?"

"Not this time." In a move even faster than the Dodger's, Oliver threw a tiny arrow that caught The Dodger in the forearm. "Your median nerve been severed. You couldn't push that button if you tried." Felicity held her breath, waiting for the confirmation that Oliver had won and she was not in fact about to kick the bucket. There was a beep and she was suddenly released from her collar. Shaking with relief and possibly hyperventilating she bought her hand to her neck. "Oh thank God!"

"Why are you doing this? I'm exactly like you. I only steal from the rich." Felicity continued to watch the screen. She wanted to make sure that Oliver got out of there alright. Dodger tried go take him out with the cattle prod, but Oliver reversed it on and he went down.

"I'm not Robin Hood."

Felicity silently agreed.

Felicity was pacing back and forth, back and forth, back and fourth wearing down the fabric of her carpet. Her mind was attempting to reason that yes, she was alive, no, she hadn't died and was now stuck in limbo where she was destined to walk back and fourth for the rest of her phantom life. Come on Felicity. Pull it together now. I'm sure this isn't going to be the last near-death experience you have. For some reason that thought failed to comfort her (as it would anyone who'd just mentally admitted that there was more possibilities that they could die). She should just get used to the danger. After all, she had been the one to place herself in the situation where the Dodger could wrap a bomb collar around her neck. It wasn't Diggle who'd forced her to go after him at the auction. It wasn't Oliver who'd made her confront him and tell him to give it back.


That was all her.

Felicity was so out of it that she failed to scream when she turned on her heel to march back across the room and ended up walking straight into a hard, muscular chest. A familiar scent surrounded her and she resisted the urge to throw her arms around him. Instead she backed up a foot and paced around him. He was still wearing the suit from earlier and she spotted the motorcycle helmet on her coffee table.

"Felicity?" She ignored the concern in his voice and kept pacing. People were faced with death everyday and she needed to learn to deal with it. She needed to be strong. She needed to... I need to get out of my head!

Rough, calloused hands wrapped around her wrists tugging them away from her neck. Felicity had been unaware of her movements, but she'd been clutching at it, expecting to feel the collar. She stared up at him, attempting to figure out why he was here. Maybe he was trying to make sure that she wasn't about to quit Team Arrow again? Maybe he was here to talk her into staying? Not that she was going anywhere. If her brush with death had thought her anything, it was that she didn't want guys like the Dodger hurting - killing - innocent people. She opened her mouth to reassure that she wasn't leaving, but he spoke before she could; his words surprising her.

"You're alive."


Oliver felt like shit. He'd cleared the air with McKenna, but he couldn't get the image of Felicity with a bomb collar around her neck out of his head. She was his to protect and the first time she actively helps him, she almost dies. That was not the way he'd wanted to introduce her to his life. His real life. Now, here she stood in the gold dress from the party, her eyes big and scared and all he wanted to do was go find some bad guys and beat them into oblivion. It would make feel better for a nanosecond, but then the guilt would swarm back in. She had tried to protect them. When she'd thought her head was going to explode she had wanted them to leave her so they wouldn't get hurt. She was stronger than she looked, maybe not in the physical sense of the word, but when it came to choosing his and Dig's life over hers, she hadn't hesitated.

He was no longer accustomed to giving or receiving comfort. The Island had turned him into an emotional recluse. Sure, in the heat of the moment like with Laurel, who'd been a big part of his past life, it knee-jerk reaction to offer her comfort, but Felicity was an unknown factor. She wasn't like Laurel or Sarah, Helena or McKenna. In fact she was like no girl he'd known before. It made him unsure of how to approach her. Their interactions, so far, had been on semi-professional basis. He was unsure of how to reach put to her; to offer some semblance of relief to her turbulent thoughts. He could see the internal war she was waging, but what he couldn't figure out was what it was that she was warring with herself about.

The gold of her dress caught his eye again and he was momentarily transported back to his first glimpse of her at the auction. It wasn't that he hadn't noticed that she was pretty. He was a boy and she was a girl after all, but there was something about seeing her with her hair down. The only other time that he had was the night he'd broken into her apartment to offer her a job, after she had beaten him with those flowers. It stirred something in him that he choose to ignore, but for just a second tonight a thought had crossed his mind. What if The Hood didn't exist and I was just a guy at a party who'd spotted a pretty girl across the room who intrigued him? He'd quickly shaken that thought from his head and let reality take its place. Now, here they stood and all Oliver wanted was her forgiveness from putting her life in danger. The words refused to leave his mouth.

Felicity's face slowly softened, the fear leaving her big blue eyes. He still held her wrists in his hands, not knowing what to do. Oliver did not like that feeling. It was something he associated with his early years on the Island. It was a mental state he didn't care to return to. He had chosen to turn off his emotions for a reason. They made him weak, but now he was finding that it was his lack of emotions that was his true weakness. We do what we must to survive. Then you try to break out of that mind set... if you can. Felicity gently tugged her left hand out of his grasp, drawing him from his thoughts. She wrapped her liberated hand around his right wrist. She then tugged him towards her couch and directed him to sit. He wasn't sure why, but he silently obeyed her directions, half curious about her actions and half something else. She disappeared into the kitchen.

She's alive. He kept repeating those words over and over in his head, much the same way that she had paced. His mind was unable to deal with the concept that he'd almost failed to protect her. The woman occupying his thoughts made a reappearance, carrying two tubs of ice-cream in her hands, two spoons and a blanket slug over her forearm. She waved them in front of his face. "Which one?"

Oliver selected the Mint Chocolate Chip, which seemed oddly appropriate. Felicity smiled briefly at him before settling into the opposite corner of the couch with Strawberry Cheesecake. "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, okay?" She pressed play on her remote and a movie came one. "It's an oldie, but a goodie." She dug her spoon into her own ice-cream and brought it to her mouth. Oliver watched her for a moment, perplexed by her behavior She was taking care of him? After what she had gone through tonight as a result of her affiliation with him.

"Felicity I - "

"It wasn't your fault, Oliver. I went after Dodger. I choose to and you saved me." Her eyes were on the TV as she spoke, but she glances his way, another smile playing across her lips. "Now, be a good anti-hero and watch the movie."

Oliver found himself smiling back and finally turned to his attention towards the TV. That something else he couldn't figure out before, that was the other half of his reason for staying; it was nice that someone who knew the truth about him was willing to look after him.