There I was, innocently walking along the power lines, admiring the golden streams of sand from the Sandman, when suddenly a dark shape flew past, almost knocking me off balance. I pursued the shape until I got to a dark alley.

I cautiously looked around, ready to defend myself.

"Hello mate, been a long time" Wait, I knew that voice. An oversized bunny walked out of the shadows. "Blizzard of '68 I believe. Easter Sunday, wasn't it?"

"Bunny! You're not still mad about that, are y-"

I was cut off by a bright ball of light falling from the sky, screaming profanities as it went.

"What the hell?" We stared at the approaching light in absolute shock.

After a few more moments of falling and screaming, the light hit the ground between us with much less force then expected. It then started to groan.

The light had dimmed down by now, exposing a teenage girl in a summer dress, barefoot, lying face-down on the ground, groaning loudly.

"What the fuck just happened?" the girl said to herself, rolling over. She sat up and looked straight at Bunny, with her back to me.

"This is going to sound a bit weird, but are you the Easter Bunny?" Her accent was identical to Bunny's, but slightly more subtle.

Bunny was still in shock over what just happened, all he could manage was a slight nod.

"Awesome! But if you're here, in this alley, then…." She started frantically looking around. I wonder what she's looking for.

She turned around and stared, Right. At. Me.

"J-j-ja-…." She struggled to talk. After a few moments of silence she yelled unexpectedly.


She can see us? She can see me? But she must be, what, 17? I have never heard of a Believer that age.

Bunny seemed to get over his shock, and spoke to the girl,

"Where did you bloody come from?"

"I don't know, one minute I was in my bedroom, suddenly I'm falling through the freezing cold sky, then I landed here"

Me and Bunny exchanged glances,

"I'll take her to North" Bunny said, "Fella's"

Two huge Yetis' came out of nowhere and threw the girl and me into a red sack, and tossed us through a magic portal.

Hey darlings!

I know this is a short chapter, but it's more of a prologue than anything.

Exoh 3