Chapter 7

++Author Note++ Thanks to those who reviewed and favorited and what not. As I said before, there're no promises as to when updates will be provided… just know that I have no plans to ever completely abandon this story. I'm sorry it took so long, my beta tried to convince me to make longer chapters but since I'm so busy all that does is extend the time it takes for this to get to you all. I thought that I would go ahead and post this and ask if you all would prefer for me to just wait and give you some longer chapters or just to post what I can when I can? let me know!

RasalasQuinn221: I looked it up from a Latin name database J

Now onto the next installment of Silver site.


Harry felt nearly dwarfed by their powerful presence and if it weren't for Sin lending him support from his shoulder he wouldn't have had the strength to do what he did next.


Queen Scylla closed her eyes as the ringing, melodic voice of the child caressed her ears; breathing deeply before returning her gaze to the small being that stood before her. She heard much in that voice: innocence, wonder, power… so much power it fairly sang across her senses. Such a little thing, so small, so seemingly fragile…

Even from the distance between them could she see the ring of silver in the child's eyes. She recognized it for what it was, her mind flashing to her mother. Her beautiful mother, once a Libyan queen, loved by a god but loathed by a goddess. The gift of Sight once a blessing became a curse that eventually destroyed the proud woman of her memories. As she gazed into verdant depths she knew she could not allow another to suffer the same fate.

He would learn. Not only to harness his Sight but to use everything at his disposal. The Lamia were a powerful, proud race after all, and the weak did not survive long in their ranks. Oh yes, even his beauty would be a weapon to be honed. They would teach him and he would flourish… she'd make sure of that.

Harry shifted a little awkwardly as the women continued to examine him… the standing one with what seemed like a lot more surprise than the sitting one. Should he say something else? Should he introduce himself maybe? Should he…

"~Child…~" He nearly jumped as the sitting one interrupted his internal ramblings "~come here.~" She lifted a clawed hand and gestured to the space beside the throne. He didn't even think before complying, the power and authority in that deep, nearly velvet, voice compelling him into action.

He watched as the standing one shot the sitting one a look as she backed up slightly as he ascended the ramp of the raised throne. The power of the two even more obvious as he approached. They're so tall! He thought as he finally stopped next to the sitting one, noticing that he barely came up to the standing ones belly button.

"~You ussed the Ritess to bring yourssself to uss child.~" The sitting one stated as she leaned towards him; reaching out to his face, gently running a claw against Sin on the way, before tenderly cupping her hands around him. She bent down slightly, her large, reflective black eyes gazed into his own. "~The magicss would not have brought you to uss had you not had the Right, Need, and Ssoul to fulfill them. Know thiss little one. You have the Right because you have the power to withstand the journey here. Magic would not let you passss through itsss domain if you were weak of heart or ssspirit. You have the Need because you are young and you have sssuffered, But you have the Ssoul to not only withsstand, but to overcome. A Ssoul full of ssstrength and the will to ssurvive… the ssoul of a sssnake. We will protect you child… we will not sshelter you. We will provide the meansss for you to protect yoursself. Do you undersstand?"~ She asked almost gently.

Harry could not help but be mesmerized as he looked deep into her eyes… the truth of her words seen clearly within their depths. Though he was a happy child by nature, it didn't mean that the cold and loveless life he had been forced to live at his relatives hadn't taken its toll on him. Maybe here he could find family, not just relatives, but family. This was the start of his destiny; he just knew it and the thought of it nearly made him giddy. He had to resist the urge to happy dance as he didn't think that would make a very good impression of the pretty ladies so instead he just smiled and leaned into the warm hands against his face.

"~Yess ma'am!~"

The sitting lady had a small smile upon her face as she squeezed his face gently before releasing him. "~I am Scylla, queen of the Lamia and besside you iss my daughter Samorn. Sshe will be your caregiver and ssshe will teach you the waysss and hisstory of Salusauria and our people.~" Harry flicked his eyes to the one he now knew was named Samorn as she startled at her mother's declaration.

"~Mother?~" Samorn questioned. Her voice lighter but just as melodious as her mother's.

Queen Scylla looked upon her daughter almost casually (Harry thought he might have seen Samorn's eye twitch at this, but he could be mistaken.) "~You will watch over him daughter, and train him asss you would train your own. Thiss iss all I assk dear one.~" Samorns lips pursed for a minute before the sighed out and her shoulders drooped for the barest of moments.

"~Very well mother… I ssshall do asss you ssay.~"

Samorn glided towards him and laid her hand upon his shoulder before gently turning him around and leading him down the ramp and away from the throne. As he approached a large arched hallway that he assumed lead to the exit, he couldn't help but glance behind him as he walked. The sight of Queen Scylla curled upon her throne, her dark eyes watching them as the candlelight reflected and danced around her… the only thing keeping the vast shadows of the immense chamber at bay, was sure to be an image burned into his memories for the rest of his life. This is it. He thought to himself as he once again faced forward. The beginning.

Author's Note++ Thanks for reading, Let me know what you thing. k bye.