Italy dashed ahead in the woods. "We have to find her!" He was referring to the star.
"she didn't land too far from here!"

"Italy, wait!" Even Germany and Japan were having trouble keeping up because as Italy pushed the branches and twigs out of the way, they suffered from the recoils. Germany thought, why is this so important to him, anyway? Why does he feel so drawn to a rock?

Japan was starting to run out of steam, probably because he was getting a cramp from just eating, "Oh, my belly hurts…I hope we find it soon…"

The three reached a clearing in the woods. The trees above had been destroyed or were still burning; the star must have landed with a great force and at one point had to be on fire. There was a giant trench where it crashed and the friction forced it to stop. They saw some glowing through the other trees that had collapsed, but it was very faint.

Italy tried to climb through the broken trees and tossed aside the limbs to find the star. "She's right under here!" Italy tried to lift a large log, but couldn't manage to harness enough strength.

"Move over," Germany pushed him a little so he could get a grip; now even his curiosity had made him want to see the star. Japan and Italy also helped move the log, but Germany was the biggest might. When the log was moved, all they could do was stare at the glow. It was memorizing.

The star looked like a glowing orb, round and an aura of many colors, but it seemed like its light was fading. It would occasionally flash and the bright light was slowly dimming.

"She's still alive!" Italy was relieved.

"Yes, but I think she must be seriously hurt," Japan noted.

Germany looked at Japan in disbelief. "Now you're going along with this?"

Japan looked at Germany seriously. "Does it looke like a normal rock to you?"

Germany had to admit that Japan was right and gave in. "Ok, Italy, what do you think we should do, then?"

Italy ran up to it and embraced it despite Germany shouting desperately not to touch it. The Star was about half of Italy's height, but was very wide and heavy. If they even wanted to haul it somewhere, it would take a group effort. As soon as Italy touched it, it started to glow a little brighter.

"W-what…?" Germany was astonished.

"I think it likes you." Japan walked up next to Italy.

"Really?!" Italy asked. "I like her, too!" Italy was suddenly silent. He stared at the Star as if he was in a trance.

Japan and Germany grew worried at Italy's long silence and the look on his face. Germany put his hand on Italy's shoulder, "Are you alright?" But Italy didn't answer.

"This is bad," Japan began, "I think the star must be communicating with him using telekinesis."

"Now you're saying it talks?" Germany was finding all of this too strange to be real.

"It is not hard to believe," Japan said simply, "I watch anime a lot."

"Then…do you think it's an…" Germany didn't want to finish the sentence. If this was an extra-terrestrial being, then were they in some kind of danger?

Italy blinked a few times. "Wow…"

Germany and Japan tried to talk to him again. "What did it say?"

Italy turned to them and smiled, but he still looked like he was in some kind of trance. "She showed me her story…"

Germany looked skeptical. "It has a story?"

"Yes," Italy began to tell them, "She's from another galaxy and was trying to find the reason why there was life on earth and no other planets, but as she entered the atmosphere, the gravitation force pulled her in and she lost control."

"Italy is actually making scientific since," Japan had to admit. "Did the star tell you all of this? So then how can we help her?"

Italy shook his head. "Um…" he seemed like he was back to normal, "she didn't say, but she feels like if she stays here it will be dangerous."

"Then we should hide it," Germany reached out to grab the star, but it flashed rapidly before he could, so he drew back. "What's wrong with it now, Italy?"

"Not sure," Italy touched the star again for a minute. "It seems like she doesn't like you, Germany."

"What?! Why not?" Germany was upset. "It's just a stupid star so what does it care?"

"Because you don't believe in her," Italy explained, "As she entered the atmosphere, she heard you ask her for a selfish wish, or something."

"I don't believe this," Germany mumbled. "Then tell her that I'm sorry and that she can't stay here. It will take all of us to move her."

Italy nodded, "I'll tell her." The star seemed to have a low hum and it turned pink. "She says ok."

"What's with the different colors?" Japan asked.

"Stella says that she trusts me." Italy smiled.

"Probably because you were the first to make contact with her," Germany scoffed. "Wait, did you just name that star?! Italy, you can't get attached to it!"

"But Germany, I love her!" Italy explained, "besides, 'Stella' means 'star' in Italian, so it's not like I really named her."

Germany sighed. "Whatever, let's just hurry up before anyone else comes."

It took the three great efforts to move the star. First they had to lift it out of the trench and then they had to roll it to a safer place.

The Allied Forces reached the site where the star had fallen, but all that remained was the aftermath of the crash. The dawn was just starting to break through the blue sky. All of them could only stare at the trench and the pushed up ground where the star made its rest. The trees also looked as if they had been forcefully moved and scattered.

"They really exist…" America finally managed to say.

"What really exists?" Britain waited for the now-excited America to respond.

"Aw, man! Now everyone will believe me for reals, yo!" America was closing his eyes tightly and laughing to himself in a way that everyone though he finally had lost his mind.

Britain sighed and said to France, "you were the one who thought he should be leader…"

France also let out a long sigh and walked up to America, "what is real?"

"ALIENS!" America grabbed France and shook him.

"What? I thought it was a star?" France was confused and grew worried that now they might have to fight beings that weren't from this planet – he already thought Russia was pretty abnormal as it was, possibly an alien.

"How else do you think the ship disappeared so quickly," America couldn't be detained from the idea. "We thought it was a star, but really it was a space craft, man!"

"Look!" China pointed to footprints on the ground. "Someone, or something, carried it off."

America frowned. He was detained. "Yeah, well, the government probably wants us to think it was some kind of hot-air balloon or a military exercise. They just dragged it away before anyone else could lay eyes on it." He still was convinced that it was aliens.

Russia started walking in the direction of the foot prints and everyone watched him. Didn't he ever stick around to wait?

"Wait, bloke," Britain protested, "we need to come up with a strategy..!"

"While everyone is talking, I will do finding truth." Russia said without stopping.

"You heard the man!" America dashed off after Russia, he was never one for making a plan of action, either. "Let's go save that alien! You guys back me up!"

"Are you mad?" Britain shouted after them, he looked at France for some help in persuading them, but France only shrugged and followed. "Geez, thanks a ton."

China hugged his small pet panda, "I no want aliens to come over earth! I want to go home and eat fortune cookies that tell me happy lies!"

Britain sighed, China had finally lost it, but there was no way the other countries could make a discovery without him, so he went to catch up, leaving China to worry alone.

Meanwhile, Germany and the other two found a safe place to hide the star and began to think of a plan.

"Stella wants to go back home," Italy was worried for his star.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Germany demanded. "I guess we could just strap rockets to it, can't we?" he asked sarcastically.

Italy looked at Japan hopefully, not sensing Germany's sarcasm.

"I am sorry," Japan admitted, "our scientists have not invented rockets that can travel to outer space yet."

"Oh…" Italy looked down sadly. He patted Stella gently, "don't worry, we'll find a way to get you home soon." The star's glow couldn't be seen anymore because of the daylight, but it hummed in agreement.

Germany took out a map from his back pocket and unfolded it. He examined it for 'safe' places they could hide the star if they needed to move it again.

Japan was trying to think about how to create launch rockets from coconuts, but he was coming up blank.

Italy was just blabbering nonsense to the star.

A whole day passed and they still couldn't decide what to do with the star. Right now it rested on the sandy beach, not far from the forest clearing. All the while, Italy kept blabbering to it and it hummed back as if it were laughing.

"I think Italy has found a new best friend," Japan chuckle a little.

"At least he's not bothering me," Germany wasn't shy to let others know what a nuisance Italy was. "Zat is fine if he wants to talk to that star all day." Germany was too busy trying to come up with a strategic plan, but was interrupted when Italy screamed, "Germany, look!"

Germany and Japan both turned and saw that the star started to rumble and glow.

"Stella – she's happy again," Italy tossed his hands into the air, rejoicing.

"But, how –" Germany tried to figure it out.

"Italy has been feeding her positive energy and now she is almost back to her full strength." Japan explained.

"How do you even know that, Japan?" Germany was again astonished at Japan's vast knowledge.

"I watch a lot of anime," he reminded Germany.

"Forget I asked," Germany shook his head, but was smiling. I should watch anime, it gives answers, he made a mental note.

The star continued to rumble and glow brighter.

"She says she's almost ready to take off!" Italy tried not to blow away from the sudden, strong gusts that emanated from the star.

Just then, the Allied Forces showed up on a ledge above them. "Hold it right there!" America said in his awesome hero voice. His plan of capture was flawless. He gave the order for his favorite ally to go forth, "China, I choose you!"

"Oh, no!" Italy screamed and started waving his white flag frantically. Germany loaded his gun and Japan's sword was already drawn.

There was a long silence.

"China's not here, but you would know that if you didn't run off so quickly!" Britain reminded him.

"Oh, crap." America's usual plan didn't work.

The star rumbled even more violently and started to float from the ground. The Axis Powers looked over at the once-bedridden star that they had cared for.

"Oooo, shiny." Russia commented. "I think I want shiny star in science experiment." He leapt down from off the ledge and began to walk toward the star.

Germany stepped between Russia and the star to stop his advance. "Over my dead body." He steadied the gun in his hand and it was aimed right at Russia's head. "Stella is going home and you can't stop her!"

Russia's eyes were wide as if he were surprised, but he remained smiling in the same creepy way as usual that made it seem like he had no reaction to a gun in his face. Just like Russian Roulette.

I can't tell what this guy is thinking, Germany tried to remain cool even as Russia moved closer to allow the gun's barrel to rest on his forehead.

"That's it, Russia," America cheered from the side-lines, "show him who's boss!"

The star turned red and suddenly shot forward, knocking Russia down. Silence loomed all around. The star then turned to Germany and spoke to him, it is alright now, do not be scared. You have proven that you are not selfish. You would lay down your life for your friends.

Germany couldn't believe that the star actually did talk and that it wasn't mad at him any longer.

Now I am ready to leave, the star announced to him, you gave me the last burst of energy that I needed. Say goodbye to Italy for me and tell him that I had fun here. And thanks for giving me a name.

"Y-yjah," Germany agreed, "I will." But was I the only one who heard her?

"Is Germany talking to that star?" Britain asked a little concerned for Germany's sanity now.

"Yes, he is!" France whined, "he is even worse than Russia! Oh, I can't stand it!"

The star jetted up and everyone was blown to the ground by the sudden burst. It started to rise higher and higher and was burning as it reached the atmosphere. Once everyone got to their feet, including Russia, it was hard to see the star anymore because the sunlight was blocking their view.

"Retreat!" America panicked and all of the Allied Forces dispersed quickly.

"We won!" Italy cheered.

Germany was still trying to adjust to the light so he could see the star.

"Do you think Stella found the answers she was looking for down here on earth?" Italy asked after the star faded out into space.

"Who knows, maybe she will tell others about us." Japan voiced his opinion.

"Others?" Germany looked at Japan who was smiling. "Is that supposed to be a good thing?"

"Yeah, she'll tell her friends how we saved her!" Italy was excited. "Then we can all eat pasta when she comes back!"

Japan shook his head, but continued to smile, "I do not think she even has a mouth."

Italy, Germany, and Japan returned to their campsite to find China sitting on one of the crates, sobbing. "Oh, me! Why would everyone just leave? Don't they care what happen to me? Whaa."

Somewhere far away in space, Stella was humming and relating her story to the leader of that galaxy. The story told of the friendliness and help she had received on earth and how much fun she had with the humans. The leader seemed pleased, but for some reason, all he could say was 'bulking.'

The alien leader set a course for earth, specifically in order to go to Italy, but upon entering the planet's atmosphere, the gauges all went haywire and he was redirected to America. He landed in Roswell, New Mexico. After some cover-up investigations by the government, America was able to find the alien. This began the friendship between America and his best bud, Tony...which almost has nothing to do with the original story.