Summary: Clint decides to wrestle with Thor.

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot." -Pat Benatar

"Do you not see the vital red bodily fluid pouring from the gash upon my skin?"

Thor manages to keep a stern face, despite Barton's outright laughter. He lowers his fist, panting as he breaks for air. Thor just stood there, studying his wound. They were only wrestling and Clint found it amusing that he managed to break skin first. He knew there were sore spots over his body that would bruise, but regardless, he mentally crowned himself the 'winner'.

Clint proudly eggs on the demigod, waving his hands at himself;

"Come on Thor, don't hold back, I can take it."

The 'big softy' just looks, "You scare me Arrow Man."

"Oh please. Come on, you know you want to."

"What are you two doing?!" Steve crosses his arms upon entering the vacant space, completely mortified by Barton's black eye and Thor's injury.

The taller boy answers with a smile;

"Arrow Man suggested we 'roughhouse'."

Rogers holds his head, "Guys..."

Clint swings his foot, ready for action, "Come on Thor."

He smiles, "I do not wish to injure you my friend."

He drops his fists, "So you've been holding back?! Not cool man!"

"Surely if I were to swing in full force you would be far less then my equal. I mean no disrespect."

Steve sighs from complete exhaustion, "He's right Clint, just stop it before someone gets hurt."

Barton snickers, "Steve! I broke skin!"

"...And Thor could break bone if he wanted to."

Clint brushes him off, throwing a playful punch towards Thor. He sighs, restraining his fist with one of his, "My Patriotic friend, I do not think Arrow Man speaks English any longer."

Barton chuckles, "Ooh! Burn!"

"Hi guys. What are you doing?" Natasha casually strolls into the room, mouth busy chomping away at an apple as she takes in her surroundings.

Clint rolls his eyes, begging to be let loose, "Thor!"

Steve raises his voice, "Stop bothering him Clint. He's a good guy but I strongly suggest you don't harass him."

Romanoff bites off a piece of her fruit, studying her fingernails;

"I take on the winner."

Rogers eyes widen, "Uh, no, that's dangerous. I'm trying to get them to stop Agent Romanov!"

She shrugs, "It's really not a big deal Steve."

"Yes it is! I mean, Thor fought with the hulk, you really want to tackle this guy?!"

Clint's eyes light up at the thought, "Oh yeah!"

Rogers freezes, tugging on his t-shirt, "You're sick."

Natasha jumps up after ditching her apple, pushing Clint to engage him in a wrestle. He smirks as they twist each other, laughing through their little game. Steve cringes when she hits him harder, though Barton doesn't seem to be phased.

A few minutes pass before Natasha gets bored, attacking him to the floor before brushing herself off casually, "Ready Thor?"

Barton mumbles from the ground, "Hey! I gave that to you!"

She smirks, "You did not. Come on Thor."

He shakes his head 'no', "Lady Romanoff, you are my friend and teammate. You are strong, but you are a woman. It would plague my conscience if I were to hit you."

She huffs shrugging her shoulders, "Oh come on Thor I can take it."

He just stand there, "No my lady."

"Hit me Thor. Come on. Thor! Come on, hit me."

Clint finally stands up, muscles sore and pulsing from her attack, "He's not going to hit Nat. Trust me, he wouldn't even punch me when I insulted him."

"I may injure you Lady Romanoff."

"Please?! Come on!"

He sighs, preparing a light punch before swinging forward. She dives down, knocking him in the back of his knees to take him down. 'The son of Odin' does a double take, shocked the instant he hits the ground.

Natasha just shrugs her shoulders, wide grin spread over her face. Thor smiles letting his head hit the ground;

"I've underestimated you Lady Romanoff. I was not expecting that."

She glances at Clint, "Ready for more?"

He nods, anxcious for another fight. Rogers catches onto his arm;

"Uh, no. You've got a black eye, you're bruised, and you're shaking."


Rogers shakes his head in surrender, "Whatever."

Natasha cringes, "Oh man Clint you do look awful. Ready for more?"

He smiles. Thor gives him a look, standing back on his feet;

"Our physician is up a flight of steps with Metal Man. I recommend you pay him a visit."

Barton just yawns casually, "Please. This is nothing. Once, I went on a mission with a bullet in my chest."

Natasha nods in agreement shifting her weight in anticipation to tackle her equal;

"Yep. So, you ready for more Clint?"

Rogers shakes his head in disbelief, "No! There's no more fighting. Go find something constructive to do."

Clint growls, face cringing with disappointment; "Killjoy! Why don't you go find something constructive to do?"

Natasha takes his wrist, ready to throw her friend to the ground before he tugs back at her. She giggles;

"How about this, loser owes the winner a foot massage."


She swings, knocking him to the ground. She plants a gentle foot over his abdomen, glancing at her fingernails;

"Get up Barton. My feet hurt."

He sighs, smile on his face, "Can we follow through with that tomorrow? I'm tired Nat."

She shakes her head, "Excuses, excuses. Fine! Tomorrow then."