Phan - Chapter 1

Dan's POV

Dan stared at the writing on the screen.

"I didn't know what to think, I had just never noticed this before. For the first time I was seeing Phil in a new way, a beautiful, true love kind of way. The way his soft hair danced in the wind, the crystal blue of his eyes. The smile that could light up an entire room. I, Daniel Howell, was completely and utterly in love with Phil Lester."

Ugh, Dan thought. What is it with these people? This is disgusting! Phil is my best friend, I'm not freakin' in love with him!

Dan angrily closed down the webpage and sat back in his chair. He didn't understand why he had even bothered to look at the fanfiction, he usually found it funny, but it was getting to him a little now. He was always going over it in his mind. He couldn't see himself liking Phil in that way. He was straight, and Phil was his best friend. JUST his best friend.

Dan signed off and stood, stretching and looking towards the clock. It was 10:30am, Saturday.

"I guess I better get dressed" he said to himself, and proceeded to his wardrobe. He chose some boxers, a purple space top and some skinny jeans that hung just a little too low (but when did Dan Howell ever wear a belt?!) and shoved them on, looking in the mirror to fix his hair quickly before leaving his bedroom.

He walked into the living room and was surprised to see Phil already up and dressed, looking at something on his laptop. Phil was usually one to have a lie-in on Saturdays, it would be rare to see him before at least half 11.

"...Morning" Dan said. Phil continued looking at the screen for a moment before tearing his eyes away and looking at Dan. "Morning!" he said with a smile. Dan walked into the kitchen area and filled up the kettle, getting out two mugs and putting them on the counter. He made two coffees and carried them back into the living area, handing one to Phil.

"Thanks!" Phil smiled at him, gratefully taking the mug and sipping the coffee, a content smile on his face.

"What are you looking at?" Dan asked.

"This new Delia Smith recipe. We need to try this!" Phil said, turning the laptop to Dan to show a picture of some unbelievably delicious brownies.

"Well Hallowe'en is coming up, we could make one and transform it into a graveyard? Would make a pretty good video" Dan suggested.

Phil grinned. "That's a great idea!"

Dan sat down next to Phil, sipping his coffee as the two sat in comfortable silence. As carefully as he could, Dan kept sneaking little glances at Phil as he scrolled down his twitter. How can people think I love this guy? Dan thought. It wasn't like he didn't like Phil, of course he did. They had been close for years and he trusted Phil more than anyone. But he just couldn't see himself loving Phil. It was just so out of the ordinary when people think that someone that is like a brother to you, could be your boyfriend. Just... no.

"Why are you staring at me?" Phil asked, and Dan realised that Phil was looking directly at him and had been for about 5 minutes.

"...Sorry, I was daydreaming, didn't mean to stare at you" Dan stuttered.

"...Alright, I hate when that happens. That's quite a good video idea actually. 'Awkward Staring'. Mind if I use that?" Phil asked.

"Go for it" Dan replied.

"So we're still going shopping and stuff today, right?" Phil asked.

"Yeah definitely, I want to film some stuff outside for one of my videos" Dan said. "Do you wanna head out now?"

"Yeah sure" Phil said, shutting down his laptop and standing. "I'll just get a jacket and then we can go"

Hey guys! So yeah, Dan is being a bit ignorant at the moment, but within the next chapter or two the story should develop further and some changes will happen. If you've just read this - THANKYOU! I hope you'll go on to read more of this, I will be posting new chapters asap. Reviews (good or bad) are more than welcome, it would be nice to hear what you guys liked, or what you think I should improve on. Or if anyone feels like talking like discussing Dan and Phil or something, I love to talk to people so feel free to message me :)

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Thanks again for reading! :)