Morning lit up the cave and dark blue eyes opened slowly. Their owner stared at his destiny who lay sleeping with his back arched towards Merlin. Merlin watched him for a while, not daring to move or close his eyes in case Arthur was taken from him again. He listened to Arthur's gentle breathing and memories of last night filled him with fervour and excitement.

He edged a little closer to Arthur, taking in the scent of the skin on his neck, gazing at the strands of blond hair.

Arthur began to stir. "Merlin," he murmured.

"Arthur," whispered Merlin in his ear.

Arthur turned towards him, not yet fully awake. He began to come round, slowly, and stretched, accidentally digging Merlin in the ribs as he did so.

"Prat!" said Merlin.

"Come 'ere you!" growled Arthur, mock-whacking Merlin on the head.

"Ooh, are you going to put me in the stocks again?" said Merlin.

"Now that sounds like an offer I can't refuse."

They both laughed and then their expressions became more serious.

"Why do you have do be so cute?" breathed Arthur.

"Well, I guess it just comes naturally!"

Arthur leaned towards Merlin, gently kissing his forehead, his nose, his lips. Merlin responded, running his hands through Arthur's hair. Their kiss grew deep and Merlin felt Arthur's arms wrapping tightly around him, pressing against him.

Arthur released Merlin's mouth temporarily. "I never want us to leave this cave," he said.

This time, Merlin pulled Arthur's mouth onto his own, kissing him more passionately and losing himself in Arthur's desire, giving into him. Last night was beyond amazing but this morning was even better.

"Are you hungry?" said Merlin after quite some time.

"I guess I could eat!" said Arthur. "I need to replenish my energy levels!"

Merlin conjured up a delicious breakfast and they ate, before leaving the cave for a short while and taking in the fresh air.

Before long, they returned to their bed in the cave, Merlin lying in Arthur's arms.

"I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you, Merlin. I'm sorry I left you."

"I'm sorry I didn't get to you before Mordred did."

"Well, if you had, perhaps we would not be lying here together now. Perhaps we would not have admitted our feelings to each other or to ourselves. Maybe you would not have revealed your magic to me. We would probably have gone back to Camelot and carried on as before. Perhaps everything was meant to happen exactly as it did."


"I hadn't thought of it like that."

"You've done so much for me over the years. I don't know how to begin to repay you," said Arthur.

"You already have repaid me" grinned Merlin. "You can repay me again if you like!"

"Just you try to stop me!"

"Okay!" laughed Merlin, leaping off the bed and running across the cave.

"You!" said Arthur, chasing him. Just when Arthur was about to grab him, Merlin used his magic to create a hedge between them, waist high.

"Oh, playing hard to get, are we?"

Merlin laughed at that and dissolved the hedge. Arthur moved towards him and Merlin edged back until he was leaning against the cave wall.

"I like playful Merlin," said Arthur, his hands on the cave wall, each on either side of Merlin. He lifted Merlin up and carried him back to the bed. "Now, where were we …"

Merlin lay limp in Arthur's arms and felt their lips crash together. Nothing else mattered. They continued from where they had left off before breakfast and loved like never before.

"So, what happens now?" asked Merlin, hours later.

"We head back to Camelot."

"I mean, about us?" said Merlin. "I don't know how people are going to feel about the king being with a man."

"Actally, I'm not the king," said Arthur. "Gwen has the crown."

"But you will be reinstated?" said Merlin.

"In time."

"The once and future king," murmured Merlin.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing," said Merlin.

"We will return to Camelot and you'll be appointed court magician," said Arthur. Perhaps we should keep this quiet for the time being."

"Yes, I think that would be best," said Merlin. "Just between the two of us. I want to continue to be your servant."

"Merlin, you can't be my servant. Not now. You deserve so much more than that. I should learn to do things for myself."

"But it's what I want, Arthur."

"Merlin …"

"Please, Arthur. To start with at least. I will go back to my own room. I can't wait to see Gaius again!"

"And I know he'll be so glad to see you. Let's stay here one more night," said Arthur. "We can go back to Camelot tomorrow."

Merlin propped himself up on one elbow. "There's something I've been wondering about, Arthur. That day, when you communicated with me to let me know you were alive? How did you do that?"