Guardian Angel
Chapter Sixteen: Dinner
"Never change egghead. Never."
"Only if you won't... featherbrain."
Rainbow blinked, her laughter abruptly stopping. Twilight paled and immediately began to panic. 'Oh no. I've done it now. Did I offend her? Is featherbrain an insult in pegasi culture!?'
Her worrying was for naught as Rainbow burst right back into laughter. "Th-that's a goo-good one Twi. Didn't expect it f-from yo-you. Featherbrain huh?" She stuttered out, voice punctuated by giggles, "Now weren't we going to get some food?"
"Y-yes." Twilight tentatively responded, releasing the breath she'd been holding in, "I was wondering if you'd like to try out the new place that opened up last month. I've been meaning to go, but I just haven't had the time."
"Sounds good to me. Lead the way."
With that the two set off in a brisk trot. Their destination quickly came into view. It was a simple building, white with red shingles. Red banners hung off the roof, proudly displaying the restaurant's logo.
The inside of the restaurant looked very much like the outside, with more banners hanging on the walls. A sea of hardwood stretched out across the floor, punctuated by smaller red carpets. 'If Rarity were here, I'm pretty sure she'd say this was marvelous or something equally as disturbing.' Rainbow thought, with a wry grin.
After seeing them enter, a waiter trotted over, clipboard at the ready, "Greetings ladies, I am Quick Service and I will be your waiter for tonight. I'm assuming a table for two, is that correct?" he greeted.
"Yes. Just the two of us." Twilight responded.
"Excellent, if you'd follow me please." he said, beckoning for them to follow. They briskly arrived at their table. It was placed in such a way that the occupants could look out the window. Twilight and Dash quickly got seated and the saddlebag from the librarian's back was placed on the ground beside the chair. "Please make yourselves comfortable whilst I fetch the menus. I hope your date goes well."
"Date? What...?"
"I'm not dati- we're just friends." Twilight sputtered, oblivious to the slight look of disappointment on Rainbow's own feelings hurt, she felt a dull ache course through her. 'Why do I feel this way. I mean I like Rainbow Dash... but am I ready to try dating again? Is she even interested in dating somepony?'
Meanwhile Rainbow was having some more disappointing thoughts, 'I like her... but from her reaction it seems that she isn't so enthusiastic. I think I'll take a leaf out of Twi's book and wait a bit. It's for the best,' she reaffirmed internally, as much as she didn't want to.
"I'd merely assumed that...erhm never mind." Trailing off, Quick turned and made his way away from the two patrons. The air seemed to grow dense, almost suffocating. It was as the phrase went, 'thick enough to cut with a knife'. Returning with a pair of menus, he began a hasty apology, "I'd like to apologize for my assumption. It was not my place. Now, I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders."
He trotted off, leaving the two bookworms to browse through their menus. Rainbow immediately noticed how expensive the food was... but did it look ever tasty. The flame cooked salad caught her eye, it looked so appetizing. According to the menu it was coated with spices and cooked over an open flame. 'Wonder what Twi's getting. Knowing her it's probably the simplest thing on the menu.' If there was one thing about Twilight Sparkle's eating habits, it's that she was very boring in that regard. Rainbow even recalled one time having a discussion on that, but what brought it on she couldn't remember.
Quick Service returned, two glasses of water on a tray. He set them on the table gently, along with the tray. Pulling a notepad out of his apron, he got ready to jot down their orders. "Are you ready ladies?" He asked, keeping a level tone to hide his earlier blunder.
Rainbow, ever quick, spoke up first. "Yeah, I'll have the Spitfire Salad and a side of bread sticks."
Twilight quirked her eyebrow before explaining her own order, "I'll have the Minestrone soup and some prench garlic bread."
Jotting their orders down, he gave a nod and walked off. Twilight shook her head slightly, "You do know why it's called Spitfire salad right?"
"Uh... it's named after the Wonderbolt?" Rainbow stated obliviously.
"Wrong. It's actually named for- You know what? I'll let you figure it out." She finished with a sly smile. After a few minutes their waiter approached and swiftly deposited their meals, along with cutlery. The aromas wafting immediately took over their senses, Rainbow's spicy meal more prevalent.
Twilight raised her glass in a toast, and clinked it against Rainbow's, who had mimicked her action."I'd like to dedicate this toast to a successful Nightmare Night and concert. That was the most fun I've had in a while and well, the opportunity came up today. So I though what the hay, let's celebrate." The unicorn finished with a smile. Rainbow grinned right back and looked down on her meal. A mass of orange and yellow peppers greeted her, interspersed between lettuce leaves. A few embers flickered on the meal and all of the chopped vegetables had a nice crispy look to them. Some smaller leaves were scattered about, colored in a mix of orange and black.
Grabbing her fork, Rainbow jabbed a small amount of salad onto the utensil and brought it to her mouth. She plopped it into her mouth, gingerly chewing. 'This isn't so bad, I wonder what she's on about.' A few mouthfuls later Rainbow realized why it was called Spitfire. Her mouth felt like the inside of a fireplace. Scrambling she gulped down her entire glass of water in a few gulps, sighing in relief as the burning died down. She paled as she realized that there was still about two thirds of the salad left. Thankfully their waiter planned ahead and left a pitcher of water nearby, so Rainbow refilled her glass.
On the other side of the table, Twilight held a hoof near her mouth, shaking with mirth. This was too great, as soon as she'd seen the word spitfire, she knew that would be Dash's choice. Rainbow glared across from her, a challenging look in her eyes. Twilight gulped. If her suspicions were correct, which they usually were, then her future looked a lot hotter all of a sudden.
Rainbow watched with glee as the unicorn squirmed. 'This is so much fun, though I do miss how she looked earlier.' While her brain had been processing the fact that her mouth was on fire, Twilight had moved a hoof to her muzzle, attempting to hide her giggle fit. In Rainbow's opinion she looked cute. 'Oh jeez. I'm turning into Fluttershy. I'd never describe something as 'cute'. But I guess with Twilight it isn't so bad.'
"Rainbow Dash you are not getting me to try that. I'm perfectly happy with my soup." She warned, wary of the pegasus' next move.
"Come on Twi. Lighten up a little? 'Celebrate' like you said?"
"By celebrate I didn't mean roast the inside of my mouth."
"Come on... please?" Rainbow pleaded.
"I'll come by and help around the library?"
"I have Spike and Owlowiscious to do that."
"I'll read some history books..."
"No, we both know you'd just fall asleep on top of it."
They both chuckled, as they knew that was exactly what would happen. One time Twilight had attempted to get Rainbow to read a historic text, on the great Commander Hurricane no less, but that had ended with Rainbow asleep, drooling on the image of the good commander.
"So you're still not gonna try it?"
"For the last time, no."
Rainbow grimaced, she had one last trick to play. Remembering what the Crusaders did sometimes, she pulled a pout that would make even Rarity proud. She immediately noticed Twilight's resolve weakening. 'Now to execute the rest of the plan.'
"Aww, come on Twi. Just one tiny bite." she cooed.
"Noo- alright. Just a small bite..." Twilight knew she'd regret it, but the pout Rainbow pulled off had shattered her resolve. 'Damn her for being so cute.'
"Yeessss!" Rainbow squealed, her plan had worked. Twilight levitated her own fork, still unused, and jabbed on a few pieces of the spicy meal. She hesitantly brought it into her mouth, and upon Rainbow's not-so-subtle encouragement, bit down on the food. Her eyes immediately watered, and all moisture in her mouth ceased to exist. 'Sweet Celestia. It's like the gates of Tartarus opened in my mouth. Is boiling lava now an ingredient? How the hay did she manage to eat a third of her meal before needing to chug a glass of water!' She thought as she gulped down her drink, Rainbow's snickers clearly audible.
Twilight retorted with a barb of her own, "Laugh it up now, but you've still got another two thirds to go."
"Oh ponyfeathers..."
Several more glasses of water and an hour later the two finally left. Twilight had paid for the meal, leaving a generous tip. Any attempt by Rainbow to help pay was promptly shot down. They now just walked through Ponyville, the sun having set almost an hour ago.
"The days are growing shorter, winter's going to be here soon." Twilight mentioned.
A groan sounded from Rainbow, "You do know that means I'm gonna have a bunch more work than usual."
"Come on Rainbow Dash, it's not so bad. You can always stop by my place afterwards. We can curl up together by the fire, sipping hot chocolate and reading a good book..." She trailed off, a look of horror present on her face. 'Goddess! I just blurted one of my fantasies out loud! In front of her no less... What are you doing Twilight!' She mentally berated herself.
Rainbow was thankful it was dark outside, otherwise the raging blush on her face would be very noticeable, "Huh Twilight. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting with me," she teased. She couldn't possibly be... right?
"Uh- I...well- bluh," was all Twilight could muster. The situation was rapidly deteriorating and it took all of her willpower not to teleport away just there.
She was Twilight Sparkle, personal protegé to Princess Celestia and the element of magic. She'd faced down Nightmare Moon and Discord almost singlehoofedly and yet here she was completely dumbstruck when talking to one of her closest friends! 'An incredibly cute friend, one you find very attractive.' Her brain added, further confusing her. It wasn't just physical attraction either. Twilight very much liked Rainbow's personality. She was brave, creative, spunky and the embodiment of loyalty to boot. It was hard not to be attracted. 'Well it's official now. You're undoubtedly in love Sparkle. Now what are you gonna do?' She internally monologued, 'Maybe pull a page from that filly you love's book and do something!'
Rainbow walked silently, looking on with a bit of curiosity. Twilight was acting very strange today. Unbeknownst to them, they'd arrived at Twilight's home and now stood near the front door. She continued to look on, wondering what the unicorn was up to.
Twilight decided that it was time for action.
"Rainbow I... well," she began, attempting to voice what was currently running through her brain. "They say actions speak louder than words right?"
"Yeah Twi, but I don't see where this is go-"
Her question was interrupted by Twilight's lips crashing onto her own...
And here we have it. The start of the romance!
Unfortunately, I have some less than savory news as well. Schoolwork is picking up, with final projects rearing their ugly heads. Thus I'm dropping into a bi-weekly update schedule. I'd love to post a chapter a week, but it just doesn't seem realistically possible.
Thanks to Red-Dream for the fantastic beta work.