Rikki leaned back in her chair, enjoying the late afternoon sun as it stung her skin gently. She couldn't imagine anywhere else in the entire world she'd rather be. Everything was perfect at this moment and she wouldn't change a thing. The waves crashed gently onto the shore as the sun beat down on her skin.

"Hey you." Zane leaned over from his seat beside her and took her hand in his gently. "Ready to head in?"

"Never." Rikki answered without opening her eyes. "Let's just stay here forever."

The pair sat together quietly as they listened to the shouts of their friends' beach volleyball game a few feet away. They were far enough from the water that they didn't need to worry about anything other than the sunburn they would face tomorrow. Cleo, Lewis, Will, and Bella were in the middle of a heated volleyball battle that was nearing it's end. Lewis and Will were up by one point and were just about to win, much to Bella and Cleo's dismay.

"Cheater!" Cleo shouted across the net.

"Me? Never." Lewis shouted back innocently.

Bella shouted indignantly. "You liar, Lewis!"

"Hey, don't talk to my teammate that way." Will called back playfully.

The shouts all blended together as Rikki pulled her eyes open to gaze into Zane's. They weren't normally so mushy with one another, in fact, Rikki couldn't remember the last time they'd just looked at each other so simply. But it seemed to fit at the moment.

Rikki let her eyes close once again, savoring this rare moment. Cleo and Lewis wandered in from the volleyball game, Lewis teasing Cleo flirtatiously.

"There's no shame in being a loser." He joked as he ruffled her hair. "You can't win all the time."

"Yeah, yeah." Cleo rolled her eyes as she made her way to Rikki's towel. "Lewis and Will won by one point." She said in a monotone voice. "Better call in the circus. New attraction in town."

"Jealousy is not a pretty color on you, Cleo." Lewis said in a mock-serious tone. "It makes you look old."

Cleo squealed as she chased Lewis across the sand, playfully swatting his arm before tackling him down in the sand.

Bella flopped down onto the towel beside Rikki with a sigh. She laid down, losing her eyes as she enjoyed the warmth of the sun. "Perfect, huh?" She murmured.

"Mm hmm." Rikki hummed lightly, not bothering to open her eyes.

Lewis wandered back to the rest of the group, carrying Cleo over his shoulder as she playfully punched at his back. He dropped her down gently onto the sand and sat down behind her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "We should get you girls inside soon." He said absently. "The moon will be up before too much longer."

"Yeah, yeah." Bella waved her hand at Lewis dismissively. "We've got plenty of time."

"Still," Lewis pressed. "This full moon will be closer to Earth than any other in a year, we need to be extra careful just in case-"

"Stop." Cleo pushed one hand over Lewis's mouth, effectively silencing him.

Lewis deflated, giving up on his warnings.

"Ew!" Cleo shrieked, pulling her hand back. "Lewis licked me!"

Lewis rolled on the sand with laughter as Cleo wiped her hand on her towel.

Bella and Will laughed as they watched the pair playing with each other. Will checked his watch, groaning. "Lewis is right." He admitted. "We need to get you girls inside."

Zane sat up slightly from his lounge chair. "I need to stop by the cafe right quick." He muttered. "Check and see how the new manager is working out."

"Right." Rikki nodded slightly. Ever since the Sophie incident from two years ago the job seemed to have been jinxed. No one they hired seemed to want to stick around longer than a few months. Zane and Rikki had night hopes for the newest addition, a 24 year old local from town.

"Ok." Lewis stood and shook out his and Cleo's towels, sending sand flying through the air. "Sorry." He said sheepishly as Bella and Will spit sand out of their mouths. "We'll head down to the boat shed and get everything ready." He turned to Rikki and Zane. "See you two in a bit?"

"You got it." Rikki couldn't quite seem to sound as happy as she was trying to. There was a sadness in her voice that seemed more and more pronounced as the sun began to set.

"Hey." Zane heard her tone. "No tears today, ok?" He knelt down on the sand next to her.

"I'm sorry." Rikki choked up slightly.

"You'll be back before you know it." Zane smiled warmly up at her, instantly making her feel both happier and more upset. She was realizing just how much she was going to miss him.

A week ago, Rikki's Dad had been offered an amazing job opportunity in central Australia. It was simple work, but it paid way more than he'd been expecting. The job was setting him up with a small apartment to live in, but he had decided that it would be better for Rikki to spend the last semester of her senior year of high school in America with her Aunt Mags. Rikki had fought him bitterly, but he had put his foot down. He refused to let Rikki live with her friends or with Zane. His job site was miles away from a decent school. Plus, he said, it would be a rare opportunity for Rikki to live in another country. This was Rikki's last full day in Australia for the next 6 months, and she was miserable about it. Still, she and Zane had promised to call daily, and her friends were going to keep her updated on everything that she missed out on.

The six friends made themselves comfortable in Lewis's huge, concrete lined basement, where the moonlight couldn't reach them. There was a somewhat somber feel to the air as they played games and told jokes until late into the night.

The next morning came way too fast for any of them to be happy about it. Rikki hugged everyone quickly before leaving with Zane to get to her house for any last minute packing she needed to do. Lewis, Will, Cleo, and Bella would be meeting her at the airport later for proper goodbyes.

"Promise me you won't fall in love with some tramp while I'm in Florida." Rikki lectured.

"I've already promised three times!" Zane grabbed Rikki's shoulders and held her close. "You're my girl." He whispered, kissing her gently on the forehead.

"You be careful, I mean it." Cleo said seriously. She hugged Rikki so tight she couldn't breathe. "Don't let anyone find out our secret."

"I promise." Rikki hugged her friend back, trying not to get too upset.

"And you have to take tons of pictures, ok?" Bella joined in on the group hug.

"Of course I will." Rikki choked out. This was the first time since the change that she and Cleo would be separated, and the first time since she met Bella that she wouldn't see her practically every day.

"Now boarding flight 212 to Florida, United States." Came the voice over the intercom.

"I guess this is it." Rikki quickly brushed a small tear off her cheek. She gave hugs to Lewis and Will before wrapping her arms around Zane one last time.

"I'll see you soon." Zane kissed her on the mouth, making her forget for just a second that she wasn't going to see him for half a year.

Then, the harsh reality crashed back down around her. With a last look at the best friends she'd ever had, Rikki followed the hall down to the gate for her plane.

The flight was way too long. Rikki had always thought she'd love to fly in an airplane, but this was miserable. Her seat was too small and she couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. Once they finally landed she walked stiffly down the ramp.

"Rikki! Hey, Rikki!" A thin blonde woman waved at her enthusiastically. "Over here!"

Summoning what she was sure was a fake-looking smile, Rikki took her time walking over to the woman who was now jumping up and down. "Hi, Aunt Mags."

"Oh, Rikki." Mags pulled her in for a bone-crushing squeeze. "I'm so glad you're here! Come this way, we'll get your bags and then I have so much to tell you!"

Rikki felt like she was walking in a dream as she followed her constantly chattering Aunt out to the waiting car. She learned all kinds of things. She would be attending Blue Valley High School beginning tomorrow, Mags (who kept telling Rikki to call her Maggie) was allergic to dogs, and Mags had already set up a course schedule for Rikki, one she assured her that she would love.

Rikki kept waiting to wake up, preferably back home in Australia. She didn't want to start a new school, or meet new people. Her phone bleeped loudly. It was a text from Zane.

'Make it to USA alright?'

'Yes.' She typed back. 'I miss you.'

'I love you.' Zane answered.

Feeling marginally better, Rikki forced herself to make stilted conversation with Aunt Mags. Before too long they pulled into the driveway in front of a huge white home.

"Listen, Rikki," Mags began as she cut off the engine. "I know this is a huge change for you, kiddo, and I know you miss your friends, but I know you're going to love it here." She smiled encouragingly.

"I'm sure." Rikki couldn't keep the sarcasm from her voice.

"Ok then." Mags seemed satisfied that her words of encouragement had done the trick. "I'm sure you're completely jet lagged. You'll probably want to get some sleep, you've got school in the morning!"

Rikki stood inside her temporary home, taking in her surroundings. Everything was white and brightly lit, making the place look bigger than it actually was.

"Your room is just through here." Mags gestured up the stairs.

Rikki's room was the first one on the right. It was a decent size, with a huge window that looked out towards the ocean, which was maybe half a mile away. For the first time, Rikki felt a wave of sleepiness wash over her. She fell onto the bed, not even bothering to take off her shoes.

"I'll just let you get some rest, then." Mags whispered as she switched off the lights.

Rikki was asleep in minutes, her dreams filled with memories of Australia, mermaids, and Zane.