I really wanted to have a story on Pidge so here we go.

The italics is flash backs.

Pidge POV

We were running and running not knowing when to stop. How could we when the hunter was close by, ready to spill our blood. I could hear my sister breathe in and out deeply as we continued. How long was this going to last? Not long for there was a crack and searing pain on my cheek. I didn't look back nor reach up to feel the cut because that's what he wanted. For a moments pause, then he would have the perfect opening. But I wouldn't let that happen. Not now or ever. My sister knew the same as she tugged at my hand urging me faster. I complied and we raced into a near by space port. We ran up to a counter and my sister gave the worried looking lady money for two tickets to Arus, home to the Voltron Force. There we would be safe.

The lady hesitated for a moment and my sister said something to her that made her hand the tickets over without another pause. She always amazed me with her talents. We hopped onto the craft and were off the planet just as the hunter stepped into the space port. He looked up at our craft, and I knew that he knew we were on board. He smiled and waved at us before turning and walking back out of the port. I looked farther up from the port to see our little village be burned to the ground as well as our family. That was the hardest day of my life.

"Pidge? Hey Pidge" I was snapped out of my memories and looked to see the Force looking at me with concern.

"Hey are you okay?" Allura asked placing one hand on my forehead to check for a fever.

"I'm good" I said.

"Okay" Keith said but he looked un sure "as I was saying, Daniel you and Vince will have to wash the lions for a month. That also means helping Pidge and Hunk clean up all the oil spills" both Daniel and Vince groaned. Nothing is bad as cleaning up the oil spills. They don't like to come out of your clothes.

"You both better get started" Lance said with a smirk. The two cadets trudged out the room there heads down.

"Pidge a word please" Allura said giving me a look that said she wasn't taking no for an answer. I followed the future Queen of Arus into the kitchen was she began to make lunch. I waited a bit not knowing what to do.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Yes" she said turning to me "is there something I need to know?" she asked. I was taken aback. Where was this heading?

"No, why?"

"You have seemed a little dazed after the incident with Daniel getting inside of Voltron" she said watching my reaction. I kept a smooth face. I so did not like were this was going.

"I've been a little upset that after all my years of work and I still cant figure out the mechanics of Voltron and here comes three cadets who figure out that you can change the center's then I could figure out in years" man he was rambling but he needed to lie. Allura gave him a sympathetic look.

"You have helped Voltron so much Pidge. Don't let a few things get you down" she gave me a sisterly hug.

"Thanks Allura. I need to clear my head" I said.

"Of course" she let me go and I almost ran out of the castle. I ran until I was at Arus Lake. It was a gray day so no one was there. I walked up to the waters edge and took a deep breath, breathing in the clean air. Then I heard a rustle of bush and spun around to find five men facing me with knives and rope. The biggest man stepped foreword showing that he was in charge.

"We've come to get you Pidge" he said showing of his rotten teeth.

A cliffy, yay =). Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Next one should be out on Wed. hope you liked it so please review.
