E/O challenge word: charm

A/N: So, de-aged!Dean comes with a ton of ideas. Maybe I'll keep going with this one, my plot bunnies went wild xD

Little Troubles

"I hate witches. Friggin' unnecessary and beyond gross-"

"Dean, shut up."

Dean eyes Sam, senses on high alert for any sign of amusement. Because if Sam laughs, Dean can't be held accountable for his actions.

"I'm not enjoying this any more than you." Sam holds his brother gaze for the sole reason that if he looks anywhere else he'll burst into laughter.

"Liar," Dean growls.

Except it doesn't really sound like a growl.

Dean's high-pitched voice emits from a shorter than usual body. He's mutinous and glowering as well as any grown man turned eight-year-old can.