AN: This is it. The last chapter. I'm not sure you all got an alert for Chapter 19. If not you might to read that one first. ;-) Thanks for your support, your lovely reviews, hope to see you again. ;-)


She woke to an empty and cold bed when it was still dark outside, the moon glistening through the half closed curtains, bathing Castle's bedroom in a soft light, smoothing down the edges. It was a peaceful setting, a peacefulness that resonated within her whole being, knowing that today was a beginning and she looked forward to it. So with a new, formally unknown lightness to her heart she got out of bed in search of him.

They had talked to her dad for about two hours and while Jim Beckett had taken the news surprisingly well, he was mainly happy his daughter was out of harm's way for once and for all. Having found the murderer of his wife didn't matter as much to him as to know his daughter could finally move on, live the life she deserved, without fearing it would be taken away from her again.

After learning about the probable press disaster to come he decided to go to his cabin until things would settle down. He had invited them both to come along, bring Alexis and Martha as well and to Castle's surprise Kate had said she would think about it.

When they had left, Jim had taken Castle aside, pulling his daughter's boyfriend into a bear hug and thanking him. For what exactly Castle still wasn't sure, but it wasn't important anyway. It was over and Kate was safe. It was all that mattered.

They were beyond tired when they entered the loft late in the evening, his mother and daughter had waited for them, dinner ready and wanting to hear everything. But they realized quickly that neither Castle nor Beckett were in any condition for long explanations. They settled for tomorrow, opting to give the couple some time alone and retreated to their rooms for the night.

After that it had been only waiting, mainly in silence and Kate had held it together until Espo called late in the night to inform them the DA had pressed charges against Bracken. It was officially done and this was the moment Kate allowed herself to believe it. Placing the receiver back on the table with shaking hands, Castle had only to wait a second until she was in his arms, letting go. Her tears soaking through his shirt and for him there was nothing else to do than to hold her until she calmed down.

She had finally lifted her head from his chest, were it had rested for the past twenty minutes and looked at him, a small, tentative smile on her face and to him she had never looked more beautiful. Her make-up was smeared, her cheeks tear stained but yet there was a glow to her he had never seen before.

"Let's go to bed, Castle." She murmured, taking his hand and pulling him with her. "It's been a hell of a day."

They had fallen asleep in each others arms, knowing when they woke up, the world would be a different one for them.


Kate finally found him in the living room staring out of the window. She watched him for awhile, before silently making her way over to him. He startled when her arms sneaked around him from behind, her front pressed to his back, her cheek resting between his shoulder blades, while his hands covered hers over his stomach.

They didn't speak, just breathed together, watching the sun slowly dawn over Manhattan. Its golden beams reaching for them, warming them and bathing the room in an orange glow as if to welcome the couple on the other side of a wild river they had successfully crossed.

Kate pressed a kiss into his neck and Castle pulled her around, position her in front of him. Her back now pressed to his front, his chin resting on top of her head.

"It's beautiful," she whispered, fearing if she spoke any louder she could burst their little bubble. Castle hummed into her hair in response, lacing his fingers through hers.

"We should join my father at his cabin," she said so quietly that he wasn't sure, he heard her correctly. "A couple of days away from the city would do us both good."

"Yeah?" He breathed.

"You think Martha and Alexis would want to join us?" She questioned, turning her head to look into his stunned face.

"I'm not sure with Alexis' classes, but we'll ask them," he promised when he found his voice. "Maybe we can go ahead and they could join us on the weekend?"

"Yeah, that would be great," she smiled, placing a tender kiss at his jaw.

"And when we get back?" He asked not really sure what he was going for.

She looked at the dawning sun, getting brighter and brighter with every minute and suddenly she knew exactly how to answer his question. They were ready for the next step.

"When we get back," she said, turning in his arms, grinning up at him, her arms once more sneaking around his waist. She wanted to see his expression when he heard what she would say next.

"When we get back?" He prompted, grinning back at the mischief in her eyes.

"I'll move in."

"You what?" He stuttered, all color draining from his face. "Move in?"

"I thought …," Kate stopped. She had been sure he would be thrilled, probably thought about it for some time already. "Maybe you're right. It's a bit early." She tried to paddle back, hoping he wouldn't realize the hurt in her voice.

"Shut up," he growled, before his lips came crushing down on hers.

She gasped in surprise, feeling his grip on her tighten when he deepened the kiss, crushing her to him until the need for air made them break apart.

"Wow," was all she got out, while trying to catch her breath.

"What is wow?" They heard Alexis ask from the kitchen and turned around, seeing the amusement about having them caught in action all over her face.

But Castle didn't care, didn't care at all when he answered his daughter with the brightest smile on his face.

"Kate's moving in."