First lesson on a Monday morning was agony, any student -or teacher for that matter, will tell you that. Chris, Nathan and Matt sat in the senior biology class. Due to lack of teachers who were willing to work at McKinley a few juniors had to join the class. They were supposed to be dissecting some weird squishy thing that was placed in front of them as they entered the classroom, Matt wasn't sure what it was, not that he was actually listening to begin with. Matt looked around the room and noticed that the only person other than Chris who was even trying to do some work was the weird kid who sat alone in the corner of the room, Lucas.

"Matt!" A voice interrupted his train of thought. "Matt!" The shrill voice kept yelling at him until he looked over to where the voice was coming from. Amber Tyler. The junior was the head-cheerleader and all-round mean girl.


"Will you come help me with this I don't want to touch it," She began. "It's so gross!"

Matt knew for a fact that she didn't really find it gross, she didn't have a problem with the last dissection project they had done. Still, it would be rude to just ignore her, he decided, getting up and walking over to her desk.

He sighed as he took hold of the cutting knife. Amber seemed to take this as a sign to start the conversation.

"Imogen has a massive crush on you."

This wasn't exactly news to Matt, he had heard, along with everyone else in the school, about Imogen's latest hissy fit. He started to blush with embarrassment, he was honestly flattered, but Imogen was not his type, neither was Amber.

"Really?" He said, trying to sound interested.

"Yeah, but you could do better," she said quickly.

"I like a girl with a voice, I used to sing in the choir-"

"Yeah, yeah, really interesting," She interrupted. "But you don't like Imogen, do you?"

He looked over at Chris and Nathan who were giving him weird looks then they looked at each other and shrugged. He then in turn, shrugged at Amber. Matt continued to cut up the fleshy-blob in front of them, stabbing it randomly as he genuinely had no idea what he was supposed to be doing. Chris looked over at what he was doing and rolled his eyes. Chris was a laugh to be around and he was great at video-games but he took his work way to seriously. Senior year was to have fun and party not study and do homework. As the bell went signifying the end of the lesson, Amber put her hand onto his shoulder.

"You, me, breadsticks at eight," She declared loudly.

"Amber, I'm really flattered and you're a beautiful girl," He began, she smiled cockily at beautiful. "But I will have to decline."

"Why?" The smirk on her face had dropped to a scowl, "I'm head cheerio!"

"I just don't think we have much in common."

"Hey mate, you coming?" Chris said. Matt sent him a look of appreciation.

Rumor had spread around the school that Glee club was back up and running. The only members were two freshman girls but that was enough to start up the slushy's. Liz and Katie went into the choir room after there maths class and sat in the chairs on the front row and waited for Mr Schue to show up. Being in Glee had really affected their popularity while Liz wasn't particularly popular she just kept to the drama club, Katie was quite a popular girl, she was funny and liked to make other people laugh. Katie was beginning to feel the effects of being in Glee, her old 'friends' wouldn't even talk to her, at least she had Liz though; who was quickly becoming her best friend. Both girls giggled as they chatted at one hundred miles an hour. Liz's friend Jonathan hadn't shown up to school today, she wasn't worried at first but now he wouldn't even return her texts.

"Immy!" Amber called out to Imogen, who was doing her make-up in the bathroom mirror.

"What do you want?" Imogen said, her voice having a cruel quality to it. "Suddenly decided I'm just as cool as you and now I'm worthy for the great Amber Tyler to talk to."

"Look, I'm sorry alright, I was a bit out of line."

Imogen rolled her eyes and the continued to glare at Amber.

"You know quite a lot about music right?" Amber continued ignoring the glare.

"Yes, what of it?"

"I'm auditioning for Glee."

Imogen's expression was priceless, "Amber, that is social suicide!"

A few seconds of silence lasted before Amber sensed that Imogen wasn't going to offer her any help.

"I talked to Matt for you," Amber said coyly. "That's how sorry I am!"

"Really? What did you say?" Imogen whispered with wide, worried eyes.

"I basically told him how awesome you were and that he'd be stupid not to ask you out on a date."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing, he's thinking about it."

Imogen looked up at Amber who was smiling sweetly. "I can't believe you'd do that for me, thanks Amber, you're a good friend."

"So I'm forgiven?" Amber said.

Imogen giggled before pulling Amber into a hug. "Yes you're forgiven!"

He's bound to ask me out now, Imogen thought, especially since the head cheerio recommended me! That was so sweet of Amber.

"So will you come with me to audition for Glee, please!" Amber said.

"Okay then, lets pick out songs!"

Matt likes a girl with a voice, I'll show him a voice, Amber thought.

When Mr Schue finally arrived for the first Glee meeting he wrote the word 'friendship' on the board before turning and smiling at Liz and Katie. "So girls, I was thinking for the first meeting-"

A loud bang was heard in the room as the door swung open and hit the wall behind it, before two girls stalked in and smiled at Mr Schue with an air of confidence.

"Can I help you girls?" Will asked calmly.

"Were here to audition."

Liz and Katie looked at each other with shocked eyes, the two most popular girls at school wanted to join Glee?

Will Schuster could barely contain his grin, he was getting a real glee club again, maybe if Imogen and Amber joined lots of other people will too. "Take it away, Amber."

Amber smiled and nodded to the piano player who began to play the music for her song.

Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me
I think they're O.K.
If they don't give me proper credit
I just walk away

She shook her head and turned and strutted across the choir room.

They can beg and they can plead
But they can't see the light, that's right
'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash
Is always Mister Right, 'cause we are

Amber then started to shake her hips and shimmy along to the beat. Doing hand gestures along with the lyrics.

Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl

Some boys romance, some boys slow dance
That's all right with me
If they can't raise my interest then I
Have to let them be

Some boys try and some boys lie but
I don't let them play
Only boys who save their pennies
Make my rainy day, 'cause they are

Amber jumped up and sat on the piano along kicking her legs out in front of her. She then patted the spot next to her and Imogen, taking her queue, sat next to her, swinging her legs out in the same motion and providing the backing vocals.

Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world
Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world

Boys may come and boys may go
And that's all right you see
Experience has made me rich
And now they're after me, 'cause everybody's

A material, a material, a material, a material world

Living in a material world (material)
Living in a material world

"That was great Amber!" Mr Schue said. "Take it away Imogen!"

Imogen hopped off of the piano and gave Amber a high-five before taking the floor and singing herself.

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game up
Get your game up, get your, get your, game up

You can't stop looking at me, staring at me
Be what I be, you can't stop looking at me,
So get up out my face,
You can't stop clicking at me,
Writing 'bout me, tweeting 'bout me,
I can't stop, it's what it gone be,
My swagger's in check

Imogen's dance moves were included as she hit the chorus, moving her arms sharply with each beat of the song.

Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor
My swagger's in check
Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor
I got it in check

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game up
You're a hater, just let it go

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game up
Get your game up, get your game up

Amber then joined in with the dancing and both girls swayed their hips in sync.

You can't stop shouting at me, calling at me,
Be what I be, you can't stop looking at me,
So get up out my way,
You can't stop YouTube-ing me,
On repeat, runnin' this beat,
You can't stop, it's funny to me,
I'm laughing all the way

Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor
Get, get, get on the floor
Get, get, get on the floor
I got it in check

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game up
You're a hater, just let it go

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game up
Get your game up, get your game up

Hi hater, kiss kiss
I'll see you later
Hi hater,
It was very, very, very nice to meet you

Get on the floor...
Get, get, get...
Get on the floor...
Get on the floor...
I got it in check
Get on the floor...
Get on the floor...
My swagger's in check
Get on the floor...
Get on the floor...
I got it in check

Katie clapped with Liz and smiled sportively at Imogen and Amber but she was secretly a bit disappointed with how good they were, they were so popular and got everything they wanted. She wouldn't be happy if they just took over New Directions, all Katie wanted was to sing and she was not going to let them stop her.


Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it :) I decided I'm going to post the list with everyone's names at the end of every chapter to try and avoid confusion. I also want to let you know that this story will NOT get abandoned half way through like a lot of stories like this one. If I don't update it for a long while feel free to hassle me about it, lol ;)

Imogen Moralez
kaleigh Morgan
Eleanor Cruz
Lucas George
Amber Tyler
Elizabeth Daniels
Matt Cameron
Chris Ferguson
Callie Johnson
Katie Henderson
Ellie Leener
Jonathan Jones
Nathan Williams

Question time!

Now you know all the characters and what they're like, what pairings would you like to see?

(To remind you, I will pick the pairings myself, I just find it interesting to see what you guys think :D)