Hey everybody! This is Gretta's Mistake, my very first fan fiction. This was redone on July 11th, 2013, and it was rudely requested by an anon (Flaming people, don't you love it?!) . So here we go and I hope you like it.

Chapter 1
Let's get this rolling

Gretta's POV

I sipped my cucco and noodle soup, sitting alone in the lavish and enormous dining hall, wishing I had a chainsaw, 'cause I wanna watch the whole world burn.

Why did he have to kill family? Doesn't he know I value family above everything but myself?

He's lucky he's cute.

I stared mindlessly into the broth and looked at myself, my jewel-like blue eyes, my glistening noir hair braided by my slender and manicured fingers. I had a petite frame, good for my fighting style, not so much for my breasts. I shook my head to break away from my thoughts, seeing as my husband just walked in, looking tired and quite irritable, but I ignored it, thinking of Nabooru's bloody corpse.

"Hello Gretta." He smiled, eyeing his soup with a smile, obviously thinking of the many times cucoo swarmed him as well.

"Hey." I said without any real emotion.

"Had a good day with the library, I assume." He seemed to put away his anger at politics, trying to start up a conversation.

"Yep." I got up, my white dress brushing against the table, gesturing for the servants (thankfully competent hyleans) to take away my bowl.

"Gret?" I looked him in the eye. "Why do you look like you want to slaughter someone with your bare hands? I just wanna leave the blastzone." He tried to crack a joke, but my negative demeanor took away all happiness in the room.

"I'm fine." I said, spitting the words out. He got up and brushed his rough yet comforting hand across my cheek.

"You know where to find me dear… I'm always up for it." I bit away my smile and left without another word, shaking my head and praying in my mind to not let my love for him destroy my hate.

-later that night-

I looked through my wardrobe under the dim light of the torch lit on the west wall. Eventually, after I turned half my wardrobe upside-down, I found the faded, grey robe that was more special than it looked, it was an invisibility robe. Of course, I was doing some mid-night sneaking, though you won't learn where yet.

I exited my dark room, invisibility robe on, and walked into the well-lit stone hall. There were some soldiers chatting, and from their conversation, they were on break. I crept up behind the tall one, who was talking with a small but bulky soldier. I ignored their dreary conversation, it was getting to boring.

I followed him after he finished his conversation, leaving the castle town, or what's left of it, as I never got around to rebuilding it. Outside the drawbridge, there was a cozy little cottage, lit by candlelight, with only one window. The soldier, whose name was Aaron, knocked the door 10 times, different lengths between each one though. Eventually, the wooden door opened to show a very pretty woman with a slim and stealthy look, like me (Though she still was a bountiful harvest). She had a set of light green eyes that I would kill for, though I never tried. This woman was my personal maid, the second highest ranking person in the castle that is employed under us, Tania. She was also the leader of the gossip club.

"Hello Aaron. How nice of you to come." She smiled, the sweetness almost making me sick.

"My lady." He did a small respectful bow and walked inside, me trailing behind him. The cottage was lit by a bonfire, the heat and light making it a homely feel, and the wooden benches surrounding the fire, filled with happy chattering women is nice. I never was much for social gatherings.


"We missed you!" the maids chattered and chirped eagerly as Aaron asked around and chattered with the other girls. I took a seat behind Tania, next to nobody, but I could hear the conversation.

"ORDER!" the room instantly shushed as Tania rose her and smiled sweetly. "Well. Did anyone find some juicy rumors?" she scanned around the room as some of the girls rode their hands in respect.

"Well… we heard that the library is having an extension." A red haired girl spoke.

"Old news dear. Good try though." She smiled patronizingly. "Anyone else?" there was silence "well have I got a juicy bite for you! I saw Gannondorf wandering around close to Princess Zelda's cage last night…" my eyes widened and I leaned in slightly.

"Wait… she's alive?" I heard Aaron ask. I mentally thought the same thing, wasn't she executed while I was in Zora's Domain last year?

"Yep. I saw her while I was making my rounds last month, and I kept tabs on her, not speaking of corse, but I saw she was occasionally tortured. I found Gannon once close by, but I left so I won't feel his wrath." Her description piqued my curiosity, knowing that we absorbed the triforce piece from her. I got up from my position and sneaked out from the little cottage, taking extra care to be silent, Tania having ears of a god.

-later, the next night, Gannondorf's POV-

I slipped out of my room, my amber eyes scanning the hallway that was lit by the torches latched on the walls. I smiled, satisfied that I could 'visit' Zelda for a bit. I walked silently through the hallways, heading to the east prison ward, where the worst prisoners and Zelda are kept.

Entering the prison cell, I saw Zelda across the bars, looking at the wall, her dress muddled and tattered, hair tangled and sprawled across her face, which had a glare frozen on it.

"Hey Zellie!" I smiled and entered her prison cell, patting her on the head.

"The mad king Gannondorf has come to visit me…" Zelda growled at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"You're getting creative…I like it." I purred in her ear and she hissed at me. "Why are you so angry?" I asked, amused.


"And what's wrong with that?"


"I'm gerudo."


"We don't usually believe in wedlock. My forefathers never got married, just screwed women for the children we want." I shrugged. She looked at me, disgusted.




"Can't." she raised her eyebrows. "She wants to wait until we secure Termina under our rule. Also, you're pretty good in my opinion." I smiled charmingly, not that it would do much.

"Arrogent slug… you and all your slutty race." My smile instantly disappeared and I slapped her in the face, a look of hurt undertoning her hatred.

"Don't you DARE insult the gerudo, whore." I growled. She whimpered slightly and nodded. "Now if I were you, get comfortable, were having some fun today." A tear fell down her pale cheek.

"…Anyone feel like slapping a certain gerudo king?" My heart sank as a familiar snarl echoed behind me.

"H-hello dear…" I mumbled as I looked into my wife's fiery gaze. She tried to bite back her tears, but I knew she was sad as much as she was angry.

"DON'T HELLO DEAR ME YOU SLIMY ASSHOLE!" I winced at her booming voice, her eyes shooting daggers.

"I-I can explain." I whimpered.

"NO YOU CAN'T MR, WE DON'T BELIEVE IN WEDLOCK." I whimpered, remembering that I proposed to her. She walked up to me and bitch slapped me in the face. My cheek hurt immensely, but I couldn't do anything back, thinking of Ursula and her eerie threat when we got married.

"Gretta, you're being a bit rash"

"I can't BELIEVE you!" she fumed. She shot another glare my way and stormed out of the room. Shocked, I ran after her, ignoring Zelda's cruel chuckle. She turned the corner, and I did as well, but she seemed to disappear. I stood there is shock, wondering what exactly I got myself into, but I wouldn't know, it's only in Gretta's hands.

**Gretta's history

She was a science experiment conducted by the experts in the lake laboratory. The different major races had people giving different strands of DNA to him where he constructed a stable 46 chromosomes and made Gretta. Her biological mother (the egg cell) was Ursula, the sheikah queen. Her dad was Darunia and her donors were Nabooru, Hera the fairy (She'll be important later) Sarah (a hylean) and Fin the zora.

She knew Gannondorf from childhood training among the gerudo and fell in love with him. She fights mostly with magic, but she uses broadswords for easier pray.