Sherlock and John's car speed off the highway as Moriarty chased them with his black car. The new case with Moriarty had left Sherlock and John traveling to the desert of all places. Moriarty was apparently masking himself as a workman as they dug up artifacts of a pharos tomb. Luckily Sherlock and John had gotten wind of it just in time to get in the way and now look where they were. They were being chased away into the middle of a sweltering desert.

"Hurry, Sherlock he's ganging on us!" John yelled to his friend. Sherlock glanced into the mirror, stepping on the gas. Sand flew everywhere, dirtying the car they had barrowed. John looked out the window and his eyes widened as a gun poked out from the tinted windows. "DUCK!" John yelped. Sherlock frowned at John, not understanding, but soon understood as glass broke from the windows as bullets broke through. Sherlock kept low, trying not to get hit. That's the last thing they needed right now. The heat was enough of a burden already. A gun wound would just make this situation even worse. Sherlock went a little faster, hoping that Moriarty would soon be lost in his dust, but as he felt the car swerve he knew it was too late. Their tires had been blown!

"Hold on!" Sherlock called holding tight to the steering wheel. Their car twisted, spinning backward into Moriarty's car. The cars screeched, flinging their riders around inside. The doors burst open, trying to pull their riders out. Sherlock clung to his seat, trying his best to hang on. It was no use. With a tight pull of the speed whipping the car around Sherlock was yanked out of the car and thrown into the crumpled remains of Moriarty's car. The last Sherlock heard from his loyal friend was only a shout he had heard a thousand times, but maybe this time it would be the last.


Well, what do you think? i decided to write this one since i'm having a little bit of writers block for the other fics. i know what i want to happen in them i just don't know how i should write it. in other words it's the usual. So anywho...Trapped is about your favorite characters trapped in the desert with a criminal mastermind. just the usual for Sherlock and John right? Enjoy and thanks for reading!