Title: Surrendering

Summary: Sequel to Offerings. Zero tries to figure out where he stands with Kaname.

Pairings: Kaname x Zero

Rating: Rated M for a sexual situations and language.

Disclaimer: Vampire Knight does not and will never belong to me.

Chapter 01: Out in the Cold

Standing in the middle of a clearing, Zero exhaled and watched as his breath temporarily fogged in the air. He scowled in annoyance and turned his collar up to the cold, hating that he had to do security rounds in such weather. Being alone in the cold dark gave Zero too much time to think and he didn't have anything sufficient enough to distract him from his issues as he waited for something to happen.

Even though his situation with Kaname had fallen into a complacent understanding of sorts, Zero still had his reservations about it. Whenever Kaname was around, Zero's protests were more readily dismissed, but the pureblood had been gone for over two weeks. To Zero's surprise, the hunger wasn't as unbearable as it would have been before Kaname's indiscretion had altered the sealing bond on his powers, but he was suffering in other ways that managed to be far more painful.

"Damn you," Zero muttered at the surrounding night, the anger welling up inside of him over Kaname. He looked up at the full moon and once again sighed as he tried to settle the beast inside that was aching for the pureblood's presence in more ways than one. He had accepted the vampire's presence in his life, but Zero still had his insecurities over what they had become—over what they were becoming.

"And what have I done to incur your wrath this time?" Kaname murmured from behind Zero, startling the hunter. When Zero tried to turn around with his weapon drawn, Kaname prevented him with a firm embrace from behind that prevented him from moving. "Always so quick to draw your weapon…"

Zero's heart rate accelerated from the rush of adrenaline and he growled when Kaname's hands started to wander. "Fondling my trigger?" Zero snapped, inhaling sharply when one of Kaname's hands moved along the front of his pants. "When did you get back?"

Nuzzling Zero's neck and scenting him subtly, Kaname teasingly kissed the side of his throat. "Why, did you miss me?" Kaname asked, wondering if he was going to get an honest answer. When Zero answered with nothing more than a huff and putting away his gun, Kaname lowered the coat collar that was blocking him from complete access. "Shall we?"

"I'm on duty," Zero protested, trying to pretend that his shuddering was from the cold rather than the sensuous trail of kisses Kaname was bestowing on him.

Releasing Zero and stepping in front of him, Kaname initiated a kiss as he pressed closer to the hunter. Zero gave in with minimal resistance, his hands seeking out the pureblood and entangling his fingers in silken hair. It was so easy to get lost in the experience, but all it did was make Zero's eyes rim red with a complicated lust. "I'll tell the Chairman I was in need of your presence," Kaname offered, hugging Zero closer and wishing they could move to a warmer area.

"That leaves Yuki patrolling all by herself in the cold," Zero pointed out, not sure why he was being so resistant to the idea of reacquainting himself with Kaname.

"We can't have that now, can we?" Kaname commented as he leaned down for another round of kisses on Zero's all too tempting neck. "What about right here….?"

"Are you nuts?" Zero indignantly asked. "It's fucking freezing out!"

"I would heat you up," Kaname promised with a lusty laugh that cut straight through Zero.

"You're only saying that because you're not going to be the one flat on his back in the snow," Zero complained, earning a chuckle from Kaname.

Before Kaname could say anything further, Ichijou's voice called out from the darkness, "Kaname-sama, if you would…"

"Come find me later," Kaname murmured to Zero before pulling himself away from the comfort and warmth of the hunter's presence. Only then did he leave to attend to his business with Ichijou.

Huffing in annoyance, Zero turned his collar back up against the cold, still feeling the heat of Kaname in his very core. Waiting until he could no longer hear their footfalls, only then did Zero return to his patrolling duties. Still, he was partially distracted by both what had just happened and what was to happen yet.

Wishing there was something for him to take his aggressions out on, Zero stalked through the cold wintery darkness, spoiling for a fight that never came. It was as silent out as he wished his thoughts were and that was of little use to him. "Damn it," he swore again, annoyed that his inner beast wouldn't rest now that it had tasted Kaname, brief as it was.

He finished making his rounds on time, meeting up with Yuki at the appointed place near the chapel. "All quiet on your end, too?" Yuki brightly asked, unaware of Zero's foul mood.

"Yeah," Zero gruffly answered, still not happy about it. A fight would have made him feel better, but it was not to be tonight.

"So what are you going to do for the rest of the night?" Yuki prompted Zero as they started heading back to the dorms.

"I don't know," Zero lied, still feeling awkward about his relationship in context of her. Some part of him still harbored a feeling for her, but it was nothing compared to what he felt with Kaname. That still angered him on some levels, but he was slowly coming to terms with it. "You?"

"I have a massive report due next week that I have to work on," Yuki replied before filling him in on the inane details as they continued walking to the dorms. Zero paid half attention to her words, his mind still on his upcoming meeting with Kaname. Judging by how hands on Kaname had been, Zero knew exactly what he was in for when he finally made his way over to the pureblood's dorm. It wasn't as if he was resistant to the idea—if anything, he was a little too eager for what was to come next. After all, it had been weeks and his body ached for more than just some pure blood. No, it missed the very touch and feel of Kaname's skin against his, missed that heat that flared between them as the night passed into day and he positively ached for a release that only the aristocrat could give him.

Zero's thoughts were interrupted by Yuki waving her hand in front of his face and demanding, "Geez, are you even listening to me?"

"Sorry," Zero apologized, feeling bad that he had been caught being so inattentive.

"What's got you so distracted?" she asked, before getting a knowing grin on her face. "I bet I know."

"Shut up," he gruffly ordered, less than amused that she had found out about his relationship with Kaname.

Humming with interest, she commented, "He's due back soon, isn't he?"

"Whatever," Zero flippantly replied, trying to play it off as if it were no big deal. "It's got nothing to do with me."

"Uh huh," she said with a laugh, sounding like she believed anything but that. "Whatever you tell yourself, Zero-kun."

Before Zero could say anything else, they had finally reached the girl's dormitory. "Have a good night!" Yuki wished him with a playful wink before stepping inside and disappearing from his sight.

Waiting until he knew she was safely on her way up to her room, Zero turned toward Kaname's dorm and started walking. As much as his pride wanted him to go back to his own room, he knew that he would never be satisfied with just that. No, he would seek Kaname out and quench his thirst the only way he knew how.

A/N: So it's been quite some time since I first dabbled in this fandom. 2009 to be exact. Wow, how did that happen? I kept promising there would be a sequel eventually and here it is! The start of it, anyway. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did Offerings. I know it gets off to kind of a slow start, but the next chapter should more than make up for it, hopefully.


"Shall I show you?"

The next chapter will earn its M rating, let's put it that way~. I'll be posting on Sunday, January 20th, so I hope that you can enjoy this until then!