Lose control -

I don't own ouran highschool host lcub

warning : TWINCEST = BOYXBOY don't like don't read

Today is the first of December! Dammit man " Hikaru said while staring at the calendar in his phone with his legs on the meeting table, in the company him and Kaoru work in since they graduated

" yeah .. What's so wrong about it ? " Kaoru added as he entered the room all of a sudden staring at Hikaru's eyes

" naa I just have deadlines to meet.." Hikaru said as he took a look back at his twin's eyes "were you crying ? " Kaoru nodded as Hikaru jumped and sat beside his brother in a rush "what's wrong? "Kaoru hided on Hikaru's shoulder as he whispered " I tried so hard to be the best that I could be but .. it seems.. I always end up alone" Hikaru hugged him tightly " Kaoru listen to me , if anybody leaves you than they are the one who's losing you ! fuck them all honey " as he fondled Kaour's hair " C'mon let's leave "

" but Hikaru we have a meeting "

" fuck the meeting "

Hikaru took his twin's hand and left the company to his car. " Hika .. we have to go back or we'll end up in a big problem " Hikaru didn't care and he start driving to any place but here " are we going back home?…. Hika why don't you answer me ? "

Hikaru said in a quit tone " yes sweety we are going back home , I was thinking about this for a very long time now .. and since you broke up with that bitch and the company will kick me out soon anyways, I thought that we have to spend some time together "

Kaoru was surprised " .but.. umm okay sure "

as they stopped for the traffic light, Hikaru took kaoru's hand and kiss it " that bitch .. I don't know how she left you " kaoru's heart was rushing and his face was red " ahh .. I .. " hikaru was so serious and kaoru didn't know how to react " hika .. the police is asking us to move " " oh yeah sure " kaour didn't know what to do .his thoughts were running in his head and he was shaking .. he never was this nervous before , well , not because of Hikaru anyway , but this very first time .. he doesn't know what to do " SOOO here we are .. Kaoru we are home "

" ahh yeah "

Hikaru opened the door by his key , this normal apartment is the place they live in now after they decided to start their own life without their parents money or help

Hikaru was setting in the floor taking kaoru's shoes off " OH! Hika I can do it myself ! "

" bro you were setting here since like 3 minutes without making any move HAHAHA " kaoru's face was completely red

" hika .. I don't know .. I am nervous I don't know why ... tell me .. what are you planning to do ? " Hikaru captured kao's face " making love to you "

"WHAAA " Kaoru screamed out and Hikaru laughed " HAHAHA I am kidding .. well , I'd want to .. and I know you do " Kaoru stood beside his brother " this is awkward right .. I thought we both were straight .. "

" I am gay for you "

" Oh hika stop making those quotes, now seriously , why we are home again? "

" told ya , want to spend some time with you alone.. I used to hang out with my ex every time I want to stay with you just because you always replaced me with your ex .. but now thank god we both are single again , got me? "

"umm .. I didn't replace you … hika .. I need a hug " tears were about to fall from his eyes , hikaru brought him to their couch and put him on his lap and hugged him so close that they felt their hearts were beating together ..and kaoru cried " I have been missing… in this old life, I though I'll be gone away awhile… cause I just don't know..I thought we'll be fine and we don't have to worry .. but this.. every time we are away from each other .. I feel ..pain " he cried at his brother's shoulder and Hikaru hugged him back

" no more separation… I promise..I'll not allow you to leave me either" Hikaru took a glance at his brother and removed his tears by his thump and smiled warmly to him, whispered to his ear " I love you kaoru.. I know you don't see me that way .. I wish I can tell you about every thougt i ever had about you and me ..but "

kaoru brought their lips together in a deep kiss , Hikaru was in shock "yes hika! I see you in that way !.. I love you too " both their faces were red " ah.. I see .. Come here play boy " as they kissed again and again " Hikaru .. I want you to lose control... "

Suddenly Hikaru stopped and looked back at kaoru's eyes" no .. won't go that far until we both are sure of what we are doing and until you are sure of your feelings..okay baby ? " kaoru was kinda shock and mad " whatever Hikaru .. I'll go sleep I am tiered" Hikaru ran after kaoru and captured his back and whispered to his ear with that sweet sexy tone of him " hold one ... why the rush..we're not done yet .. are we.? What's the point in chasing if I can't enjoy your face and..we can't be wrong tonight ..can we? .." kaoru was all red again and his breath was fast "I don't need to change this *kiss* atmosphere we made .." hikaru's hand were totally moving on kaoru's chest and stomach

" ahh…hika.. " Hikaru kissed his twin's cheek some light kisses

" you know I am gonna find a way to make you have your way with me … make it hard … I like to fight for you .."

the kisses were down his neck now and they were deep " make it hard ! OH baby.. you are making me hard" Hikaru smiled and started playing under kaouru's shirt as kissing him everywhere "…oh…you're just … a good kisser..ummm"

Hikaru pushed kaoru to the couch and was on top of him just staring at his golden eyes for awhile then he whispered

" kao.. how much do you love me ? "

" so so much …it's like if I was running you'd be the only one who I'd be running to .. umm and.. if I was crying I know you would be lining the cloud that would pull me through..and when I am scared I would just tell you cause you are the only one who is always there for me ..love you hika.. "

" kaoru I am in love with you … you are all mine " and he hugged him while kaoru was still lying in the couch " I am all yours " Hikaru smiled to him warmly " still I can't lose control now " kaoru laughed " don't worry big brother , I will make you lose it "

so here's part one xD lol this is my first fanfic here please feedback and wait for part 2