Author's Note:

It's been a while since I've gotten the time. Hi everyone! It's Nina (if I haven't revealed myself) and it's been more than a year since I started writing "Sweet Kisses." This idea first popped up during my last year of middle school (8th grade) as a way for me to improve my writing. I'm currently now in my sophomore year in high school (trippy stuff eh?) and I couldn't be any happier with how this story turned out to be. This will be the last chapter, (SORRY) aside from huge pressure and academics, AP College Prep Classes as well as the "Geek Life" slowly consuming me, I need to let go of some things. I will however publish some of my old stories on my profile. No theme whatsoever. Just a bunch of random stuff. So keep a look out.

Again this is Nina, Sakura-chan 0998 signing off. Thank you for all the love and support.


I now introduce the final chapter of "Sweet Kisses: Chapter 13: Wedding Cake"

Sakura's POV:

As I made my way back home from work; covered in cake flour and the smell of burnt muffins, I saw a familiar shiny black car in the distance.

"What..wait..isn't that Syaoran's car?" I asked myself.

I immediately scurried home to see what the entire ruckus was all about… As I got to the front porch, I halted to a complete stop. It's as if I didn't want to knock on that door. I was afraid, what would they be talking about. Father wasn't strict at all like Touya, but some part of me thought that he might not accept who I've managed to fall in love with…

I just stood there, not knowing what to do…

Syaoran's POV:

"You do not know how happy you've made me Mr. Fujitaka! I assure you she will be in safe hands!" Syaoran said enthusiastically.

"I'm confident that you won't fail me…." Fujitaka smiled, "My future son-in-law…"

"I promise… if I ever break her heart myself, which I highly doubt will ever happen, then I myself will leave and not cause any more trou-"

Syaoran's words were interrupted by the sound of Sakura dropping her bag in shock. She stood at the doorway, eyes wide and open with disbelief…

"Wait…you're leaving…me…" Sakura uttered.

"WAIT IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" Syaoran and Fujitaka both said.

They were too late however, Sakura had dashed off out of the house and ran as fast as she could.

"Dangit Sakura," Syaoran said," Mr. Kinomoto, I'll be right back. I'll fetch Sakura."

Just as Syaoran was about to run off, Fujitaka grabbed him by the shoulder…

"I think you might need this…" Fujitaka placed the engagement ring in Syaoran's trembling hands, "Who knows, this engagement might happen today when you least expected it."

Fujitaka's smile radiated from the distance as Syaoran ran off to chase his daughter who was now out of sight.

"Oh Sakura, if only you inherited your mother's sense of detail, you would have seen the whole picture…" Fujitaka held onto Nadeshiko's picture," Right darling? Our daughter's grown up, yet she still acts like our sweet baby."

The silhouette of Nadeshiko's image, not seen by Fujitaka himself, latched on to his arm…as if she still existed in this world. Her lips parted and mouthed out…

"I agree, Sakura has finally blossomed..."

Sakura's POV:

I continued to run and run like I had no destined path…Syaoran…those words..I never knew that his mouth could utter such words in that specific order…

I ran ahead to go to Tomoyo's apartment, maybe then she could give me some comfort. As I arrived at the complex, I paged for her door to open…

"Neh Tomoyo-chan? Are you home?" I said into the call box….

There was no reply. I hastily turned around…Where else could I go to? I was so lost and confused. I looked to the distance; a familiar crown peeked from the distance. It was the thing that pulled me to it…

Syaoran's POV:

I ran every street so far in the neighborhood and there was still no sign of Sakura.

"Dangit Sakura where did you go…." I scratched my head.

I crouched down and rested to regain my breath once more. A nearby vending machine took my attention…

"Okay maybe I'll get a drink or something…"

BEEP BEEP BEEP…the machine went. The bottle of green tea dropped to the bottom and clanked against the glass pane of the machine…

I looked at the glass, at the corner was an odd random shade of blue that seemed to attract a lot of attention….

"I never looked there…" then I took off walking, "Sakura…."

Narrator POV:

It seem as though destiny did have a way of leading people together…whether by decision of God, by the Red String of Fate, or any other method, it always led Sakura and Syaoran to each other…Syaoran tried to call Sakura and ending up calling her father since she dropped her bag at home. Nevertheless, both continued walking towards the famed King Penguin Park of Tomoeda.

With heavy steps, Sakura was the first to arrive. There was an abundance of children, an immediate lack of giggles and screaming allowed the rustle of the wind and the squeaking of the empty swing sets to screech in the distance.

"It's been so long, it's almost like yesterday when Tomoyo and I used to play around here afterschool." Sakura uttered going into the Penguin Slide.

She was utterly confused with what she wanted with her life now. Thinking of her family doing their own business, Tomoyo getting married off soon…where she would take her place. She patted her skirt looking for her phone…

"Dangit Sakura, you dummy," realizing that she abandoned her phone after all the ruckus. "Dad must be pretty worried about now…and…."

She didn't say his name, was he worried about her? Did he ask the same questions she did? Sakura leaned her head back.

"What did he even see in me…." She uttered to herself.

"I saw my whole world…" a voice broke through the silence.

Syaoran's suited figure, his tie messed up and his mahogany hair rustled from running around. Sakura's eyes widened, she retreated against the corner of the slide as Syaoran climbed up the small flight of steps.

"That first day, the first time you worked at the front of the café…." Syaoran uttered as he began to sit down. "I asked myself why I haven't met you earlier, why I didn't get to grow up with you, and why I met you just then."

Both continually looked at the floor, Sakura couldn't utter a word as she continued to listen.

"I saw…my whole future when you had your back turned against me when you first served me at the café." He continued, "I saw the girl whom I wanted to spend my days with, the one whom I pictured to be my wife, the girl whom I wanted to grow old with."

Sakura's tears slid down her cheek as Syaoran held her face in his hands.

"I want you to be that girl Sakura. I wouldn't ask for more…"

Syaoran slid his hand down his pocket and fished out the ring, it gleamed and sparkled with his movement. The simply-cut diamond was a sign of his hard work and dedication, and of course his undying love.

"Marry me Sakura-chan?" he popped the question.

Overcome with emotion, Sakura immediately latched on and threw herself at Syaoran, giving him a big hug as well as a sweet "Yes."

The wind was cool, the birds fluttered as the church bells rang.

They rang and rang and rang as the seasons changed. But eventually those bells had begun to rung for them.

Walking down the aisle as they were showered with white petals, Sakura and Syaoran happily rushed off into their vehicle. The overwhelming sight of their family and loved ones witnessing their profession of love for each other was beyond words. It was all that both dreamed of. The wheels of the car began to turn as both Syaoran and Sakura collected their thoughts as well as their breaths. She rested her head on his shoulder, slightly cuddling and nudging closer to him in the peak of newly wedded bliss.

"Hey Sakura…" Syaoran said.

"Yes my dear?" she sweetly said.

"I'm kinda jealous of Eriol…." He mumbled out.

"How come? Did he do something?"

"Well…I mean…him and Tomoyo has kids and everything…."


Syaoran blushed from his thoughts.

"I-I was hoping….that maybe we could get to work on making some of our own…."

Sakura's eyes widened, she began to stutter.

"S-s-sy-Syaoran…you rascal." Flushed in a deep shade of red.

Syaoran held her hand in reassurance, smiling and kissing her forehead.

"I'll take care of you. Now and Forever."