When he awoke, John was a little foggy on the details, but gathered from Sherlock's rantings that there was something to do with heart failure (that much he could still recognize, as damage didn't just disappear on its own), a hyperbaric chamber, and Sherlock being clever. The latter being entirely obvious, as Sherlock would have pointed out, as he was always clever.

He also managed to gather that Sherlock was impressed by Moriarty's 'burning the heart out of him', although furious at the same time. It was an interesting combination.

"What's that?" he asked, spotting a colourful sheet of paper on the table near his bed, partially covered by Sherlock's discarded scarf.

"Nothing," he said hastily, trying, and failing, to cover it up more.

John gave him The Look. The one that meant Sherlock would no escape this.

He sighed. "I graphed your vital signs. And coloured them. I may have been slightly bored."

John grinned. "Is my being in hospital boring you?" he teased. "You can go home, or on a case, or something, as long as you're careful. Of course, I'm talking to you, and you're never careful. Risking your life to prove you're clever." John's grin faded a bit when Sherlock didn't crack a smile. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Sherlock declared, straightening up as if that would convince him. John knew better than that.

John repeated The Look. He knew Sherlock would give in. And with a sigh, he did.

"You're not dead," Sherlock said seriously, "and that's all that matters. My boredom is irrelevant."

John smiled. He also made a note to ask Mycroft who this reliable source was that informed Sherlock he did not have a heart. Because if Mycroft had not taken care of him, which was entirely possible, as soon as John was feeling better, he would.

Not to mention Moriarty. John wasn't too bothered by the smoke damage, he figured it would happen sooner or later, but the heart damage he could do without, what with running around London after Sherlock all the time. He was assured he would recover fully, but that still didn't negate the fact that it happened in the first place.

Not to mention what could have happened if Mrs Hudson was home. John didn't even want to think about that. If anything had happened to Mrs Hudson, Sherlock would have extubated himself, left AMA, and tracked down Moriarty and choked the life out of him with his bare hands.

Thankfully, that didn't happen. But Moriarty was still out there, and they both knew that he wouldn't stop until he succeeded.

John hoped that he'd have the chance to show him what burning really was.

Pity Moriarty didn't have a heart to burn.