Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Bleach © Tite Kubo

A/N: Here comes the third part, finally! It has been so long, nearly a year, for this story. Edits of the previous chapters have been fixed. They will need to be re-read, probably. Um, the thing with Kagome being more powerful than Ichigo was an issue that was pointed out to me, which is now fixed. Ichigo is more powerful, especially because of all his hollow/shinigami abilities. He doesn't have any quincy abilities or anything like that though.

Warning(s): Gore.

Pairing(s): Kagome and Ichigo

Uncommon Occurrences - Part III

Metastacia had anticipated Kagome's attack, obviously, because he saw it coming. What he didn't expect was her sudden disappearance and reappearance, but behind him, all along, plunging the sword she had in her left hand right into his hunched back.

Howls of pain erupted from his hoarse throat and he swiped a largely clawed hand out, trying to graze and hurt the Miko.

A slice of Kagome's other sword solved the problem of an oncoming attack as Metastacia suddenly lost a hand. "I am not weak!" The sentence was whispered in his ear before he felt the purity of Kagome's right sword plunge into the back of his neck.

Gargling and gasping spilled from the Hollow's lips and Kagome dragged her right arm upwards, the shining blade swiping through Metastacia's mask like a hot knife through butter. "No more torment, Metastacia." It was a harsh whisper and a glorious shout as Kagome jumped away from the falling body of her enemy.

Glaring down at the dying hollow, she allowed her swords to dissipate before the Miko brought up a hand with glowing tendrils of purity tangling up and around her fingers and hand. "No. More. Torment!"

The Hollow's body was bathed in an ethereal light.

Kagome's eyes faded to their normal colour and Ichigo exhaled in drastic relief.

The outburst of power she had let out had also healed her stomach, which he was grateful for, and his touch had caused the swirls to disappear; all of his power slithered back into his skin and he felt whole again.

"You have to save them, Ichigo." Nodding, the Shinigami allowed Kagome to slide down the wall and he kissed her forehead.

"Rest now."

As soon as he exited the fortress, he was greeted with a positive view; Inuyasha was up fighting, Tetsaiga held strongly, Wind Scars ripping up the earth one-after-another, a red-haired woman wrapped in fur pelts was attacking the Illusionist with a fierce and vengeful spirit.

Looking over to the fallen, great big dog, he saw it standing and shaking off its injuries, as if it hadn't been speared with hundreds of spikes half-an-hour ago.

Many wolves of all shapes and sizes were attacking the enemies fiercely.

Fascination and surprise sparked in Ichigo as he watched the huge dog launch itself onto the big, purple demon before digging its razor-like teeth deep into the shoulder of the oni.

Quickly, Ichigo helped Inuyasha dispose of the Illusionist by flashing Hichigo's black claws before plunging them into the chest of the enemy and ripping out his heart; his body fell to the floor with a weighted thud.

An earthquake of sorts drew Ichigo's attention to the elegant dog again and he smirked in a Hichigo way as he realised that the purple demon had hit the floor, dead.

Inuyasha growled as Ichigo took his kill, 'I'm kinda glad he's alive, though. But what about Kagome?' Not allowing his mind to linger, Inuyasha watched as Juromaru was overpowered by many of the walls, his masked face hitting the floor as the wolves sunk their teeth into him. Juromaru's muted screams were ignored.

Sesshomaru turned to face the half-breed that had brought them all here. 'No-one attacks the Lord of the West.'

With Juromaru being feasted on and Byakuya dead, Naraku took a step back before leaping to the entry of his fortress. The evil being watched as Kageromaru leaped from Juromaru's chest and launched itself at some of the wolves, slicing and dicing with his mastered skills of the scythes in his hands.

Unexpectedly, Kageromaru was ripped from the wolves and was clenched in the hands of Ayame, the wolf princess. "I will kill you all." Her words were vicious but promising, and in a split second, Kageromaru's head was rolling away from his tiny body.

Panic sparked within Naraku as he watched his incarnations being slaughtered like they were nothing. The reinforcements from Inuyasha's side has been completely unexpected, and the red-eyed half-demon was suddenly terrified for his own life.

Sesshomaru allowed his inu-form to fade as he watched Naraku run inside his fortress.

Ichigo, seeing Naraku retreat inside, immediately flash-stepped after him, catching up and overtaking the half-demon. Stopping in front of the half-demon, Ichigo felt Hichigo's anger swell and bubble at the sight of the being that had the audacity to attack what he considered his. "You're not going anywhere."

Drawing his zanpaktou, he called out to Zangetsu, smirking when the eagarity of his sword responded. "Ban-kai." Power swirled and flared, singing Naraku, forcing him to step back.

Through the haze, Naraku watched as a figure wrapped in black step out; the butcher-like sword he had been carrying now resembled a traditional katana, only longer and black. "You don't deserve a quick death, but I am eager to feel your heart in my hands, so that is exactly what you get."

Hichigo charged at Naraku with a fierce ferocity and before the black-haired spider knew what was happening, there was a sword in his gut and white skin and yellow eyes in his face.

Feeling himself already begin to regenerate, Naraku smirked. "Nice try-"

The villain had a shocked expression on his face as Hichigo's empty hand was suddenly wrapped around his heart, and with a deadly pull, it was out of his ribcage and throbbing in the open air.

"You are not immortal, bastard." Squeezing the heart in his hand, Hichigo allowed a malicious laugh to escape his throat. "That's for hurting Kagome." Blood exploded from the organ and it gave under the pressure of Hichigo's fist.

He felt some of the droplets hit his face and watched in satisfaction as the body flaked and crumbled. "That baby was just a ruse. You wouldn't be so stupid to actually have your heart outside your body."

Everyone gathered outside the fortress and Inuyasha began digging pits for the bodies with his hands, Ayame at his side, helping him. Soon enough, the wolves were at their sides helping.

Kagome grieved quietly at the loss of Kouga and Hakkaku as she watched people bury the bodies. Inuyasha had told her to go find Sango and Miroku because he knew she couldn't handle the blood and the burden of burying her once-alive suitor.

Said friends stood at her side, each clutching a hand and listening as Miroku said a prayer for their fallen comrade.

Ichigo approached Kagome slowly, a burdenous smile on his face. "I'm sorry about your friend," nodding, she pulled her hands from Miroku and Sango's before holding her hand out to Ichigo. Knowing what she wanted, her gently placed the Shikon Jewel in her palm, the murkiness of the bauble immediately disappearing as her purity removed the corruption.

"I wish the Shikon Jewel would disappear and never return." The bauble glowed and before she knew it, the thing vanished.

"How did you know that was the right wish?"

Kagome smiled. "Someone once told me that I was selfless. I just needed a selfless wish, I guess."

Smiling brightly, Ichigo placed a hand on her hand and laughed, "good job, Kagome." She smiled back at him.

One Month Later…

"You know, we never really got around to that first date." Misaki almost squealed in delight at Ichigo's words before she was promptly shot down by her daughter's response.

"Who said there was going to be one? You may know everything about me, but I know next to nothing about you." Ichigo smirked before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and drawing her in close.

"Hence the dates." Rolling her eyes, Kagome pushed him away and walked over to Inuyasha as he stepped out of the well house. "Hey, how is everyone?"

"All missing you, for a start. And, um, me and Kikyo, we…"

Placing a hand on the half-demon's shoulder, Kagome smiled, "you're good for each other. Just remember, romance her, and she'll be at your feet like a puppy." Ichigo snickered and muttered a quiet retort which Kagome didn't hear but Inuyasha did, if the growl was anything to go by.

"Alright. Hey, Strawberry, take care of Kagome, y'hear?" Nodding, the orange-haired, newly eighteen-year-old grinned.

"Sure will. Romance, dine and date and she'll be at my feet." The men laughed and Kagome felt a blush sprinkle across her cheeks.

"I hate you guys," was Kagome's grumbled reply before a pout settled on her face.

They both chimed a "sure you do" before bursting out in laughter.

Three Months Later...

After Kouga's and Hakkaku's funeral in the Feudal Era, everything had began getting normal again. Sesshomaru returned to his palace with Rin, Jaken and Ah-Un, resuming his reign.

Ayame, whilst still grieving for her beloved and his best friend, decided she needed to travel, alone, to clear her head.

Kikyo's soul had been returned once the Shikon was destroyed, and she began living a life with Inuyasha and Kaede, helping her sister with herbs and healing. Together, they built a life in Edo.

Miroku and Sango, finally, yes, finally!, got married. Living on the outskirts of Edo, they made a living of hunting down low-level demons and making little weapons for the village.

Kagome, well, she continued to travel back and fourth between both times, never truly belonging to either, and after Ichigo confessing to her, which was completely unexpected, she felt the need to admit she liked him too. Not as strongly, but she was definite that they would be able to be together.


Whew, very first story completely finished. It's a short one, but I feel quite proud. What did you guys think? Please review and tell mer your thoughts!
