Before this gets started, I've got a few things to say. I won't be updating this as often as I did Until I Remember. Once a month should be the usual, at least until june. The reason is that I've got too many stories on my plate to start another full time one. But I didn't want to keep you waiting for six months just because I can't manage my time.
A cool breeze blew through the field, combing the tall grass and chilling the beads of sweat on Link's brow. He paused for a moment to wipe it away before returning to the task at hand.
Malon had mentioned seeing some ashweed sprouting in the field. Since ashweed was poisonous and potentially deadly for horses, it had to be removed. And since the weed had extremely tough roots and was nearly impossible to pull, the job fell to the new guy.
Link didn't mind the hard work, and he knew it hadn't been given to him out of spite. He liked the challenge. It was a breath of fresh air compared to his life a few months ago. Not that it was easy, just that he wasn't on the edge of death.
Link wrapped his hand around the thick stem and began to pull. At first the plant was stationary but as he battled with the roots, Link felt it slowly giving in. The dirt suddenly released the weed and Link lost his balance. He began to fall backwards, and was already bracing himself for the impact.
The sky was full of fire. The clouds seemed to be nothing more than dark masses, floating across a sea of hate.
Link slowly rose to his feet, staring around in shock and fear. The earth was barren, sprouting only dead grass and thorn bushes.
He tried to speak out but his throat was dry and his tongue felt heavy. Link suddenly knew that someone was watching him. He spun around quickly, though his movements felt slow as if the air was syrup.
Finally, Link's eyes rested on a figure standing off in the distance. Its back was hunched and its face was hidden. Then the figure revealed its face and Link saw a pair of eyes that glowed red with hatred and malice.
Link tried to take a step back, wanting to escape the murderous eyes, but his body didn't listen to him. Link found himself stepping toward the silhouetted figure, advancing on the terrible thing.
Then a voice began speaking to him, not through physical means, but inside of his mind. The voice was blurry, an indistinct buzz.
But suddenly the voice became loud and clear, a titanic siren burning in Link's thoughts, pushing aside anything else he could think of.
"Pain… Hate… Sorrow…" The voice blared, cutting into Link's heart and mind like a searing knife, "Fear… Darkness… Yours, forever…"
The words burned in Link's mind, carving a home inside of him so that they might live there forever. The sound faded away, replaced by a deep ominous laughter.
Link felt his body begin to slip away from him, and he collapsed to the ground.
His vision faded and he was lost.
Link woke up in his bed. At first he was confused, but then with a sense of sinking dread, he remembered.
Link jumped out of the bed and started run back outside, but Talon stopped him in the hallway.
"It happened again, didn't it?"
"Yeah, same as all the others."
Talon sighed, "Link, this is the second time this week, fifth this month."
Link averted his gaze, "It's not like I can control it, whatever it is. It just happens."
"I know, but that's part of the problem. We lost more than three hours worth of work today. Between your, episode, and me having to carry you back to the house. And Malon worrying about you the whole time. I know you don't mean to, but every time it happens…" Talon shook his head sadly, "It kills me to see her like that, and I know you don't like it neither."
"I don't, it kills me too. But I don't know what to do."
"Yeah I get it. But you know how it's been. The sales aren't what they were, and we can barely scrape together enough money to stay on our feet. I'm sorry Link, but I really can't afford the time these, visions, waste. I'll give you a few days to try and sort it out, but the next time it happens…" Talon stopped talking for a moment, and Link could see that the speech was hard for him. "I like you, I really do, and so does Malon, and Ingo too, I think."
"I get it, I know." Link said sadly, "I appreciate what you've done for me, and I'll try to get it under control."
"Yeah, I hope you can do that. I'll give you until the end of the week, that's four days. After that I'm gunna have ta' hire someone else. Sorry…"
"It's not your fault, "Link said, turning back to his room. "I guess I'll go now. See you soon, I hope."
"Yeah…" Talon said, "See ya' soon."
It didn't take long for Link to pack what he needed. He'd kept all of his old equipment together, so Link didn't have to go looking for it. As he picked up the Master Sword and strapped it onto his back for the first time in what seemed like forever, Link felt a pang of sadness well up inside of him.
He'd promise Malon that he would never leave again, but here he was. Hopefully it wouldn't be for long, though.
Link looked back on his room for what seemed like the last time. It was scarcely furnished, and undecorated. A spartan chamber.
Link left the room behind and headed for the stairs, descending them slowly. He savored each step, each creak of the wood under his feet. That room was home, and these stairs were home. This place was his home, and he might be leaving it forever.
He needed to find the cause of the visions, and he needed to stop it. But what could it be? Did he have any enemies left from his time as a hero?
With a stab of dread, Link recalled a name.
The sage of light. The man who had stolen his memories and nearly gotten Malon killed. The man who had purposefully destroyed Link's mind and infected him with guilt so that he would become a puppet to be used against the dark king.
Link could imagine no one more capable of doing it. Rauru had some sort of magic, and was able to get into Link's head. It must be him.
Link left the farmhouse with a heavy stride and started to walk toward the gate, but a voice stopped him dead in his tracks.
"Where are you going?"
Link turned around to see Malon standing in the doorway of the barn, watching him with a sad look in her eyes.
Link sighed, "It's the visions, Talon says I'm becoming a burden. I'm going to make them stop, then I'll come back. I won't be more than a few days."
"But, I could talk to him. Don't go, I can change my dad's mind." she said, desperately searching for a way to make him stay.
"I'm sorry, but there's something else too. It's tied in with it. Some unfinished business. If I don't go now, it might come back later. I'd rather deal with it now than have it come here."
"But…" Malon muttered, her voice weak.
Link walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him. Malon collapsed into his grip and they stood together for a moment.
"I'll come back." Link whispered softly in her ear. "I always did before, and I always will. I promise."
The stillness continued for a moment longer, then Link released her. Turning away, he headed for the gate and kept going. He wanted to stop and go back to her, to stay with her like he'd promised before, but Link forced his feet to keep going in a torturous march.
Link crossed the wooden drawbridge and entered the city. As he approached the heart of Castle Town, Link saw the crowds of people who were rebuilding the once desolate place.
In just a few months, the city had been cleaned up and some of the damage had been repaired. However, the broken fountain stood as a reminder of the tragedy.
Link walked past the town square and straight toward the monumental temple that had remained untouched through it all. He walked through the heavy double doors and was surprised to find a man inside.
At first the man didn't notice him, and Link simply walked toward the open chamber near the back of the temple. But before Link was able to get there, the man saw him and began to speak.
"Hey, uh, son. Don't go over there, it's dangerous."
"How's it dangerous?" Link said without stopping his progress.
"That's the entrance to the sacred realm. There's no knowing what's there. The only ones who've gone in are the dark king and the hero of time." The man said, running toward Link with the intent to block him from the entrance.
"Well I've got reason to go in again," Link said, darting around the man.
He disappeared into the chamber and was lost from sight.
Link found himself in a mystic place. There was light coming from all around, though there didn't seem to be any singular source.
As Link walked, he felt light and warm. His footsteps didn't make any sound as they clapped down on the floor. Or what should have been a floor. There was no texture to this place, just plain fluorescent light that came from every direction. Just a glow that permeated the whole world.
"What do you want?" a tired voice said from behind Link.
Turning around, Link saw Rauru standing there. He looked the same as the last time Link had seen him. At the sight, Link felt anger flare up inside of him, remembering the last time he'd seen Rauru. Remembering how the man had refused to let him help Malon.
"I want my life back." Link said roughly, "I want my memories back, back to the way they were before. And I want the visions to stop. Whatever you're doing, I want you to stop it."
"No." He said simply.
"No? Why are you trying to ruin my life? That's all you done." Link growled.
"I could give you your memories back if I wanted to, but I won't. As for the other thing, I don't know what you're talking about."
The anger burned white hot inside of Link. "I did what you wanted! Now give back what you took. Give it back and stop lying to me! I know it's you, it couldn't' be anyone else. Now just stop it, stop it all and I'll go away. I'll leave you alone and you'll never hear from me again."
Rauru was silent for a moment, then he said slowly, inquisitively, "What if I don't? What will you do then? What if you don't go away?"
It was a test, the old man was testing him. Trying to see if he would stoop to the level he had last time.
Stooping to that level, Link drew his sword and took a step forward. Ordinarily it would have appalled him to pull his sword on a passive person, but Rauru could infuriate Link like no other.
"You know what I'll do. You're trying to steal my life away, all I want is for you to stop what you're doing, and undo what you've done. That shouldn't be so hard!"
"Go ahead," Rauru said, "Do your worst. You deserve the memories you have, and I won't let you strong-arm me into changing my mind. As if you could. You caught me off guard before, you won't do that again. Leave, now. Or I'll be forced to get my own revenge for that wound. And let me assure you, my methods are quite a bit different from your own."
Stirred up by the old man's words, Link leapt toward him brandishing his sword. The blade was about to make contact when suddenly Rauru disappeared from Link's sight.
From behind him, Link heard Rauru say softly, "Too slow…"
Then the whole world disappeared and Link lost consciousness.
This doesn't seem like Majora's mask now, but it will in the next chapter.
I'll be back at the beginning of next month with another chapter. I hope you'll read that too.