This is my second time writing a Soul Eater fanfic. It's my first time writing a Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood fanfic. Please go easy one me!

Anyway, this story in the FMAB world starts off when Ed and Al are going back to Central and Ling, Fu, and Lan Fan tag along. This is also before they find out Hughes is dead. This story in the Soul Eater world takes place during the sometime during the fights against Arachne and Archnophobia. Well without further interruptions, I hope you enjoy! :)

I felt the battle beginning to end. Mosquito thought he had the upper hand in this fight but when all of us used Soul Residence it was like magic. Kid was still wounded pretty badly though. Patty and Liz had changed back to human form to help him. I watched as Black Star made one more blow on Mosquito, making the tiny man smash into the tree behind him. He was a goner and he knew it. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Kid who had begun to get to rise to his feet.

"Maka!" he screamed my name in a hurry. "He's coming your way!"

I watched as Mosquito who we had brought down to size, tried to run away. Once he realized I was in his way it was too late and I had already begun to swing Soul into him when suddenly the ground shook rapidly.

"What the hell is going on, Maka?!" Soul shouted in scythe form still.

"I-I don't know!" Right when I said that I felt the ground from under me collapse. Mosquito jumped into the hole he created but he wasn't the only one. Kid and I fell as well. I threw Soul out and onto the ground above so he wouldn't fall with me. I knew he wouldn't be happy but I didn't care. I didn't want him to get stuck with me. That's when someone grabbed my hand stopping me from falling. Kid grasped my loose hand so he wouldn't fall as well.

Black Star tried to hold onto my hand but I started slipped. "Maka! You're too heavy!" he complained.

I blushed. "Shut up! Just try to hold on a little longer!"

"You're slipping!" He shouted.

I had to think of something fast. "Uh …" I hesitated. "Kid, Could you try climbing up?!"

"I can try," said Kid. "But you need to hold still!"

"That's pretty hard Kid!"

"I don't care just stay still!"

I huffed. I should just kick you off!

I tried to stay still as Kid grabbed hold of my waist. I blushed. Then when he was almost to my shoulders Black Star's body fell on top of us. The three of us fell superfast. "What the hell Black Star?!"

"I slipped!" he tried to explain and he grabbed hold of me holding on tightly.

"Hey! Get off me Black Star!"

I could hear the screams and shouts of our friends as we fell. Now I was really in for it. Soul would kill me.

As we dropped I felt the sun on my face and I squinted my eyes to see. Wait! Sunlight?! Weren't we in a hole?!

With my eyes still hardly open, I saw Mosquito staring up at us wide eyed as we came plummeting into the ground. Black Star saw him too however and before I knew it he had plunged into the tiny man and shouted, "Black Star BIG WAVE!"

Then came the explosion.

Ed frowned. "Al, can't you leave that cat where you found it?"

Al shook his metal head. "No! Brother, you're so heartless! Why would I do that?! Look at it's face."

Winry glanced at the cat who appeared to be crying. How do cat's do that?

"Al, we can't take him with us. Just leave him be!"


"Ed is right, Al," said Winry, surprising the both of them. "I would like to keep the cat too but not many people allow cats."

Al hesitated. "Fine."

"Thanks, Al," Ed said apologetically as Alphonse set it back in the cardboard box. "By the way, I wonder where Ling went."

"I don't," Ed told his brother. "He's so annoying. He and his little followers can just kiss my ass."

"That's not nice Brother," Al scolded.

Winry nodded. "Yeah, besides, his body guards were just protecting him."

Ed groaned. "Whatever. I can't wait until we see Hughes!"

"Yes, I want to stop by and thank them again," Winry agreed.

Suddenly a loud explosion was heard near central command center. Ed, Winry, and Alphonse swirled around in surprise. "What the heck?!"

"We're going Al!" Ed exclaimed, running in the direction of the explosion.


"Hey, you guys!" Winry frowned. She sighed and then tried to catch up with her two childhood friends. "Wait, for me!"

"Everyone! Stay calm!" Roy Mustang commanded as troops from central came rushing out into the streets. Mustang, Hawkeye, and a few other soldiers circled the dust cloud that had formed. Civilians stood back but still watched to see what would happen.

Ed and Al, with Winry straggling behind, appeared next to Mustang. "What's going on here, Colonel?" Ed asked him. "And why are you in Central?"

Roy glanced back at him, surprised to see him. "Lieutenant and I have been transferred to Central."

Ed groaned. "Oh, great, now I'll have to see you more often."

Roy kept his eyes on the dust cloud. "Relax Fullmetal. It's a bad thing for me too."

"So, what's up?" Al asked interrupting their stupid conversation.

"We don't know. We just heard an explosion near the main gate. If only this damn smoke would clear up."

Just when he said it, to everyone's surprise, it did begin to clear, revealing Death the Kid sitting on Maka who was sitting on Black Star who had smashed Mosquito.

"Get off of me!" Maka yelled at Kid who immediately followed her command. "Well, that was a nice fall," he commented.

Maka slowly got to her feet. "Sorry Black Star."

"Yeah, yeah," he said getting up as well. In his hand he held onto Mosquito's nose. "Wait, where are we?"

Death the Kid examined the area. "We're not in Death city, that's for sure."
Maka tapped his shoulder. "Why are guns being pointed at us?"

"You three!" Mustang shouted. "Drop your weapon, now!"

The three looked at each other in confusion. "We don't have any weapons," Maka told him with a shout.

Mustang pointed at mosquito who was dangling from Black Star's hand. "Put it down, now!"

Black Star, Kid, and Maka stared at the unconscious Mosquito. "He's not a weapon," Black Star said. "But I'll drop him, anyway. He feels funny." Black Star let go of Mosquito. With a thump he crashed into the ground. The meister trio jumped when suddenly Mosquito got to his feet. One look around and that's all it took for Mosquito to start running away.

"Hey!" Maka shouted after him. "Get back here!"

She took one step and suddenly the guns were aimed at her. Kid slowly placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head. "Leave him," he ordered.

"But-" Black Star whined.

Maka faced Mustang and glared at him. "What do you want with us?!"

Mustang kept Maka's glare as he spoke, "State your names!"

Maka glanced at Kid who nodded slightly. "I am Maka Albarn."

"I am Death the Kid."

"And I'm the big man! The coolest guy around! I-"

"Just tell him your name!" Maka shouted at Black Star. He frowned at her and pouted. "Fine. I'm Black Star."

"State your business here." The trio stayed silent. "State your business!"

Kid stepped forward. "I don't think we have to do what you say. You are holding kids at gun point."

"You aren't ordinary kids," Mustang told them. "What did you do? How did you cause that explosion?"

Kid did not answer making Mustang sigh. "Alright, you leave me no choice. Round them up men!"

Yes! I finished a chapter! I think I like writing Mustang. He's one of my favorite FMA characters anyway. Well anyway, until next time!