SORRY FOR LACK OF UPDATE! i got sick of slender for a while but now im back :D PARTY! and there will be a new chapter every tuesday and saturday.
ignore all of my other stories, i have abandoned them.

A deep, horrible snesation of danger filled the pit of my stomach. The knife in my hand seemed to weigh me down, and i could
see my hand shaking. The little girl in his grasp gasped and coughed, trying desperately to get as much air as she could from Slender
Man's recently loosened grip. The monster suddenly dropped the girl and she hit the ground with a thump, scrambling to get away as she
fought for breath. The monster ignored her, and just stared at me. There were two little indentions were his eyes might have been and
a clear nose, but other than that he looked like a fancy unfinished manaquin.
I narrowed my eyes and stayed low, looking as threatening as i could. Terror filled my senses but i stayed where i was. Frozen
in horror of brave, you know, same result anyway.
Slender Man slowly turned away, looking over his shoulder and staring out into the forest. I watched him intently, trying to predict anything that he might do. But he just turned back around and stood straight. he raised his right hand and pulled his sleve up on his right arm. Revealing a thin white arm and watch. He examined it for only a moment before looking back into my eyes.
"You better get going Emily, you're going to be late for school...again." And then he was gone. My eyes grew wide and i stood straight, looking everywhere and scanning the forest, but i was unable to locate him. How did he know my name? how did he know i was late for school on a regular basis?
But at least the feeling of being watched was gone.

That day at school, I slunk down in my chair in chemistry. It was 7th period and the bell was going to ring in 5 minutes.
The same thought had gone through my head the entire day. The Slender Man. Who was he? What was he capable of? Obviously hiding from people was not one of his special skills, and eliminatng those who saw him, determining from the fanbase and all of the super creepy girl who wanted to "go to bed" with him. The thought just disgusted me. Yeah, the guy was thin and i guess averagely strong for a
monster, but to- bleh. Another thing that bothered me was his voice. It was clear and soothing. It didnt sound hostile, it didnt sound
threatening. It wasnt the voice of a monster. And he didnt have a mouth, his face didnt move when he spoke, but his voice was there, and out loud. It wasnt in my head, it was nothing like when i was in the forest at first. That sound was eeie and whispered. But what could escape me was why he seemed to familiar, but more importantly, why didnt he kill me? There was a perfect opertunity. A foolishly
brave girl alone in the woods. What was-
The sound of the bell ringing broke me from my thoughts. Perhaps i was thinking to much. but then again, it was spring break,and that was a lot of time to ponder.
I got up and picked up my backpack, turning to the door when my friend Anthony came up beside me and awkwardly grabbed my backpack, "I'll get it."
"Oh, thanks but i have it." I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts, to try and descipher-
When i reached for my bag he pulled away, "No, i insist."
I gave a small chuckle and gave in, reluctent for a pointless argument, "Thanks, Anthony."
"No problem, Emily." He smiled.
We headed out the door, and Anthony followed close behind. When he reached the hallway we took a left towards the double doored
exit. I opened the door and headed out, looking around, feeling the eyes of other girls on me. I turned around and Anthony handed me my bag, "Thanks," I said, "I appreciate it." I turned away, ready to walk home like i do everyday but I was stopped when Anthony placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Wait," He said. I looked back to see an awkward expession on his face, "Do... do you need a ride? Because i mean i just got a new car, i can take you home."
"Oh," I said, looking down nervously, shuffling my feet, "sure i guess." Anthony was relentless, even if i had said no, he would still insist.
I walked next to him towards his car and smiled when he opened the door for me. I gave him a laugh, "What a gentleman!"
He chuckled and walked around the back of the door, getting in the drivers seat. While he was starting the car i took the time for my thought to wonder away from my encounter and examine Anthony's car. It had black leather seats and an impressive setup. The radio buzzed to life but didnt play, it was on mute. the words of the song flashed on the screen. A song i was familiar with and i enjoyed actually.
"Wow, this is one sexy car, what model is it?" I asked, feeling the door next to me.
"It's a Corvette, my dad is a car nut, he refused to buy me anything less, heh." He replied, putting the car in reverse and looking over his shoulder, watching for any teenagers walking behind the car.
"Nice," I said, slouching a bit. I turned and looked out the window to see three girls looking at me and snickering, whispering among eachother. I blushed, embarrased and looked away, keeping my eyes low as Anthony pulled out of the spot he was in, and onto the road. We stayed silent for a few moments before he decided to speak.
"You know," he began, his voice a little calmer than before, "I really like the way you dress, it's different, and rebellious."
I smiled and cleared my throat, "Thanks, the way you dress is clearly rebellious as well."
He was wearing a dark grey t-shirt with "Black Veil Brides" across the top of it, completed with spiked black hair and torn black jeans.
He laughed and shook his head, "Of couse, because wearing black screams, 'I DONT CARE' colen Capital d."
I looked out the window, laughing silently to myself. Anthony was really nice, and we seemed to share the same interests, but i just couldnt get the encounter out my head. It scared me. I adjusted my legs uncomfortably as we entered the forest, the sunny, happy, atmosphere turned eerie and dark. I shivered, the warm carn turning cold. This was the worse part about living near this forest. it was enough to turn a sane man crazy. It was miraculous that i was still aware.
Anthony rubbed his right arm, "Wow, it's cold."
Ever heard that the area got cold when the dead was present?
but that's just a movie.