Chapter 1 Gravitational Pull

I put down the manuscript I've been reading for the past hour. I don't think it is novel material. I sigh. I look around in my off-white furnished office, as if looking for something. The stress that I've been feeling lately can only be calmed by two things, books or a new submissive. I've been bombarded with new manuscripts at SIP, Seattle Independent Publishing, where I work, so that is not the solution I'm looking for. My last submissive, Adrian, was lovely, and that was exactly the problem with him. It's not love I need. I did not extend his contract.

I hear on knock on my door.

"Come in." I say.

"Miss Steele, Christian Grey is here to see you." Says my assistant Jose. I've always thought he has a thing for me, but I see him only as a friend.

"I'll be right out." I say. I like to greet and bring people to my office personally. I'm not even comfortable having an assistant to tell the truth. I get up from my white wooden desk, and make my way to the lobby.

A tall, copper haired man is standing in there. I've seen Christian Grey in pictures, but they don't give him enough credit. He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

"Mr. grey?" I stretch out my hand, and he takes it. His gray eyes widen, and I feel as if he were pulling strings deep within me. "Good morning. I'm Anastasia Steele."

"Anastasia." He acknowledges. My name rolls out of his mouth... His mouth... I've never heard someone say my name that sexy. "Christian Grey."

"Pleasure to me you." Pleasure indeed. "Follow me, please." I turn around, but catch of glimpse of him raising his eyebrow and… amusement maybe?

We walk to my office, and I wait for him to enter to close the door. He sits down, and I sit on my chair.

"So Miss Steele, you are publishing my mother's biography?" He asked, knotting his long fingers together on his lap.

"It's a favor for a friend. She is an exceptional journalist and a writer." I felt the urge to explain myself. What the hell? "She has quite an admiration for your mother. When she contacted her regarding the biography and she agreed, she asked me right way to publish."

"I see. What did you want to see me for then?" He asked. He seems so pretentious.

"Your mother wants to devote a chapter for each of her children. We've received the signed consent form from your brother and sister, but we haven't received yours." I say.

"That's because I haven't signed it. I like to keep my personal life, private." He said. God, I feel like giving him a well-deserved spanking. Didn't his mother show him manners? Mine did. It was one of her core values.

"I understand that Mr. Grey. This won't be a know-all inquisition, it's merely an interview and a few facts about you and your mother."

"I'll have to think about it Miss Steele." He says.

"That's fine." I grab one of business cards and hand it to him. "Please let me know when you've made a decision."

"I will." He said. "Thank you." He added. Does he even use those two words, eight letters, often?

"If you'll excuse me Mr. Grey, I have an meeting in five minutes." I say and get up. He raises his eyebrow again. Is this some sort of recurring personality gesture?

"Anastasia." He gets up and stretches out his hand.

"Christian." I shake it. There's a current, a gravitational pull, attracting me to him. He widens his eyes again. He feels it too. I wouldn't ever consider him as a submissive though, he seems rather authoritarian.

I walk past him and open the door. When he leaves my office I feel like a teenager lingering in my door, waiting for that beautiful pretentious man to leave SIP. I sit back down on my desk and call Kate to let her know he is considering it.

AN: Giving the Fifty Shades Trilogy a try. I hope you like it, if you do or have any suggestions, please review! Thank you:)