Review Replies
Brie45: Really. Nice. However, I love having to think strategically. I even do it in the HALO games (when I play with my friend on his game), while others run out and just shoot each other.
BlackLatios562 at your command: Thanks!
DZ2: Great ideas and men ARE forged in fire!
vampireharry the 2: Thanks!
Zatch Bell-01: I looked over it. I don't see where
remvis : Of course! Mew was (in this story) created by the Hylian Goddesses, so it might sense the Triforce of Power within Ash.
ultima-owner: So true on both accounts!
Jewlbunny: Wait and see!
"I have a thing. It's like a plan, but with more greatness". –The Eleventh Doctor
Pokémon: The King of Power
Chapter 12: The Rival
"Hi Ash! How have you been?" Ash's mother said with a huge grin on her face, "We just arrived on this beach a few minutes ago….." It was then she took in the sight of Ash's condition.
There were a few rips and tears in his tunic and there was a couple of scratches and scorch marks on his skin.
"Ash Ketchum! What have I told you about being so reckless! Just look at your condition!" She yelled out.
He scratched his head nervously and gave off a nervous laugh. "Just helping out a Zapdos."
"A ZAPDOS?!" Professor Oak screamed, rushing up to him with surprising speed, "Could I see your Poke Dex, then?" He finished, straightening up and looking around to see if anyone else saw that embarrassing outburst.
Ash pulled it out and Professor Oak looked over it. "You seem to be doing well. Let's see, you've caught a Krabby, Squirtle, and Charmander-which evolved into Charmeleon, Bulbasaur, Sandslash, Eevee, Shellder, Clefairy, Sylveon, Capterpie-which evolved into Metapod and then Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Gyrados, and Spearow-which evolved into Fearow. Not a bad haul."
"Thanks Professor" Ash said.
"It says that on hand, out of ten slots, you have Sylveon, Pikachu, Charmeleon, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Sandslash, and Butterfree. Notable sightings have been Zapdos and Ho-Oh….."
The Poke Dex fell out of Professor Oak's hand after he said the last Pokémon.
"Ho-Oh hadn't been seen for centuries." He muttered.
The group rested inside a restaurant ran by an old man. "It's funny. This guy used to have trouble getting customers due to an old woman running a rival restaurant, but evidence came out that the woman was hiring people to sabotage this one and she was arrested." Delia said after taking a bite of her food.
Their Pokémon were also out, enjoying some food as well.
"I must say, I've never seen a Charmeleon with such a red flame." Delia said, rubbing a hand over Charmeleon's scaly head, to which he let out a content sigh.
"His old owner-who also once owned Eevee and Sandslash-left him to die, he was in bad shape and his flame was almost out. I had to bring him to the Sacred Realm and re-light the flames using the Flames of Din" Din said.
"To think there are people like that out there…." Ash said in a growling tone of voice. His eyes flashed gold and the Triforce of Power shone brightly. "It sickens me."
As Brock was about to say something, the sound of screeching tires came from outside as a red corvette came to a screeching halt. There was a bunch of cheerleaders and a guy driving, with Gary Oak sitting in the back.
"Well, this will be a nice place to rest...maybe find some more Pokémon." Gary said, hopping out.
Ash stood staring at his former friend-turned childhood bully.
"Well well, if it isn't Ash. Behind as usual!" Gary said, walking up to his grandfather. It was then he spotted Sylveon.
"Huh?! What's THAT?!" He said, stepping back in surprise and pulling out his Poke Dex.
"Pokémon Unknown. No Data Available."
"Sorry. Sylveon here isn't native to Kanto or Johto." Professor Oak said, "Ash was quite lucky to find her."
"I've already got three badges." Ash said.
"Hmph. I've got four already." Gary said, showing off his badges in the case.
"And it looks like only three are from the Poster Gyms. I know about the different Gyms, Gary. There are 8 Poster Gyms in each Region-one in each of the largest cities on well-traveled routes. There are a total of fifteen Gyms in total." Ash said, glancing at them. "Also, I got this for beating Lt. Surge on my first try" He said, holding up his dog tag.
Gary scoffed. "You? Having skill? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Six-on-Six Pokémon battle."
Ash stretched and shrugged his shoulders. "Fine with me."
The two trainers stood on an abandoned section of the beach, wind blowing their hair (and in Ash's case, long hat) slightly. Professor Oak stood ready to referee.
"Go! Kadabra!" Gary said, releasing a Kadabra.
Ash looked down. "Ready for your first battle Sylveon?"
"Sylv!" It cried, running out onto the battlefield.
Gary started out things. "Use Psybeam!"
As a multi-colored beam shot out from Kadabra, Ash wasted no times calling out orders.
"Jump to the side to dodge, and follow up with Shadow Ball."
Sylveon narrowly dodged the beam and fired off an orb of shadows, which struck the Kadabra, dealing heavy damage from the Super-Effective attack.
"Get up!" As Kadabra struggled to its feet, Ash decided to wrap things up. "Now show them your new move. Dazzling Gleam!"
As the blast of light headed towards Kadabra, Gary reacted.
"What?!" Gary shouted, "Use confusion."
The two forces met in the middle and were at a stalemate for a short period of time, but Sylveon's better health allowed her to put more energy into her attack and it blasted through and struck Kadabra, knocking it out.
"Kadabra is unable to battle. This round goes to Ash."
"Come back Sylveon. No need to exhaust yourself anymore. Nice job out there!" Ash said.
"Sylveon!" It shouted, before running back to him and jumping onto his shoulder-nearly knocking Pikachu off.
"I've just gotten started. Show them what you've got Nidorino!"
As the male Poison-Type Pokémon came out to the field, Ash was glad he recalled Sylveon so he couldn't find out that she was weak to Poison-Types.
"Go Squirtle." Ash said, as his sunglass-wearing Tiny Turtle Pokémon came out of his poke ball to Gary's surprise.
"But I picked Squirtle! How?!" Before shaking his head. "Use Tackle."
"Squirtle, knock him back with Water Gun!"
As Nidorino charged, a blast of water sent him skidding back.
"This is getting nowhere!" Gary said, "Ash is proving to be better than other trainers I've faced. Use Poison Sting"
"Withdraw" Ash countered.
Squirtle drew it's body into its shell, just before multiple poisonous barbs launched by Nidorino would have hit it, bouncing off its shell.
"From inside your shell. Water gun!"
"What?" Gary said, "Can it even do that?!"
Without warning, a blast of water struck Nidorino-who was standing and looking just as confused as Gary was-and was finally knocked out.
"Nidorino is unable to battle." Now Professor Oak was looking at Ash with some new respect. Not only had he seen-and caught-rare Pokémon, but had also trained them well.
Recalling Nidorino, Gary thought about his options.
"If nothing else, I will have to increase my Pokémon's training-losing to Ash like this is embarrassing."
"Go Geodude!"
As the Rock-and-Ground-Type came out, Ash pulled out another Poke Ball.
"Get him Bulbasaur!"
"What?! I know a different trainer chose Bulbasaur!" Gary shouted, pulling on his hair. Yet, sure enough, there was a Bulbasaur in front of Ash.
"Tackle him."
"Now Bulbasaur! Razor Leaf! As Geodude approached the Bulbasaur at high speeds, multiple leaves flew out and struck Geodude, slicing into Geodude's rocky body and dealing heavy damage.
However, momentum carried it forward and it still sent Bulbasaur flying.
"Use Vine Whip to send it crashing to the ground Bulbasaur!" Ash yelled.
"Dodge it, Geodude."
Dodge it, Geodude nearly did, but the two vines wrapped around one of its arms and it was sent crashing to the ground, knocking it out.
"Don't even say it, gramps!" Gary growled out in frustration, recalling Geodude.
"Electabuzz, Get him." Gary sent out his electric type Pokémon.
"Charmeleon! Show him what you've got."
Gary was now staring at the Pokémon in shock. "But another trainer chose Charmander!"
"Found them in the wild!" Ash called out finally! "That's the advantage of going off-road and not using a car! You over-compensating for something?"
At this, Gary's face went red with rage.
"Counter with Flamethrower."
The stream of electricity met up with a stream of red flames, but the Sacred Flames of Din soon overpowered it and struck Electabuzz.
"Thunderbolt!" Gary ordered, and a stream of electricity struck Charmeleon, who stuck his claws into the ground. Pikachu an Ash had told him about that particular trick used against Lt. Surge.
After a while, the stream of electricity cut off. Both Pokémon were heavily damaged.
"Use Thunder punch!" Gary ordered.
"One last flamethrower!" Ash ordered.
As Electabuzz approached with a fist surrounded by crackling electricity, it found itself engulfed by a stream of red flames.
When the flames cut off, Electabuzz coughed out a cloud of smoke before fainting.
"Electabuzz is unable to battle." Professor Oak said, wondering how this was becoming a curb-stomp battle.
"Go! Doduo!" Gary released his two-headed flying-type Pokémon.
"Go Sandslash!"
As the two Pokémon stood off, Gary shouted "Use Quick Attack!"
"Let it hit you, then counter with Slash."
Doduo moved with blinding speeds, leaving a white trail of light behind it and struck Sandslash.
As Sandslash was hit, it's claws flash white and it slashed Doduo, leaving a critical hit.
"Gah! Slash has a high Critical-hit ratio!" Gary realized.
"Now, use Poison sting!"
"Counter with Drill Peck!" Gary called out.
The poisonous bars shot out by Sandslash were deflected by the vortex of wind around Doduo deflected it and Doduo struck Sandslash, knocking it out.
"Hmph! About time!" Gary said.
"Sandslash is unable to battle! Gary wins this round."
"Good job buddy, take a rest." Ash said, recalling it.
"Go Pikachu!"
Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and stood on the field.
"Drill Peck!" Gary ordered.
"Dodge it with Quick Attack!" Ash said, and Pikachu blurred out of sight before Doduo hit the ground where it was.
"Now Thunderbolt while it's disorientated!"
The bolt of electricity hit the bird while it was getting to its feet, and collapsed and fainted.
"Doduo is unable to Battle."
"Don't finish it. I'll turn this battle around yet." Gary said.
"Go Wartortle!" With that the Evolved form of Squirtle and Gary's Starter Pokémon took the field.
"Let's continue, Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"
"Counter with bubble beam!"
The two attacks met in a stalemate.
"Power it up!" With that, the bolt of electricity cut through the bubble beam and struck the water type, dealing heavy damage with the super effective attack.
"Water Gun!" Wartortle launched a stream of water and struck Pikachu with it. It dealt a lot of damage due to Wartortle's level of experience.
"Get closer and use Iron Tail/Focus Punch!" Both Gary and Ash ordered at the same time.
The two Pokémon ran close-Pikachu's tail glowing metallic and Wartortle's fist glowing white.
Both Pokémon moved to strike….and the attack's struck missed each other-hitting their opponent.
Both Pokémon were knocked back and landed on the field unconscious.
"Both Pokémon are unable to battle. However, since Ash has more Pokémon left he is the winner."
Ash scooped up his Pikachu as Gary recalled his Wartortle and stomped off in frustration.
As he stood with a huge grin on his face, he spotted a familiar golden wolf.
"Sylveon, can you watch Pikachu for me. I have something important that needs to be done."
He placed Pikachu down on and Sylveon sat next to him.
Ash headed over to the wolf-pulling out the Master Sword.
The wolf leaped and Ash's world turned white.
"We meet again. At last, the skills I have to teach you have entered the realm of true secrecy." Link said as Ash stood looking at him. "They are forgotten ways that do not leave our bloodline.
"Among the techniques I shall be teaching you are some that may even endanger you….Do you feel ready to learn these skills?"
"Yes." Ash said.
"Very well, but before we begin, I must test you to ensure you have mastered the last skill I taught you, the Helm Splitter. Now then, come at me!"
Ash charged forward and, without warning, slammed his shield into Link before jumping and doing a spin in the air, slicing his sword through Link's head and landing. He then turned and slashed him, knocking Link onto his back.
"Excellent. It appears you are certainly capable of performing my lost art. The fifth skill is…the Mortal Draw! Let it be hewn into your mind!"
"The ways of the sword are known to many creatures, and some have strengthened their guards against shield attacks and back slices." Link narrated.
"Should you encounter such a foe, the Mortal Draw is the most effective skill against them. Sheath your sword and shield and act like you don't see them. Let your instincts guide you. Wait for them to come to you, and then you quickly draw your sword."
Without warning, Link spun and drew his sword, stopping the blade inches from Ash's neck.
"There is no defense for this skill. Now try it."
Ash sheathed his sword and stood relaxed as Link approached him.
Without warning, Ash spun and drew his sword, the blade slicing into Link's chest.
"Hmm. That was a pointed strike, but do not forget that this technique leaves your life at risk. The fifth Hidden Skill, the Mortal Draw, has been passed on!"
Ash twirled his sword and re-sheathed it, standing at attention towards Link.
"There are still two hidden skills for you to learn….Do not neglect your daily sword training…May we meet again."
With that, the misty realm of Hyrule faded away.
Chapter end!
New Skill: Mortal Draw.
Lures enemies close by dropping one's guard, then strikes without warning.
In place of the statistics, I have an announcement.
I have a new story idea, in which Ash was the son of Itachi Uchiha.
He once had a brother, but he died fighting a Team Rocket base, but gave Ash his eyes (Naruto fans should know what that means)
The story has no title yet.
Ash stood watching Mewtwo and his clones fighting Mew and the natural-born Pokémon in a battle to the death.
Something snapped in his brain, and memories locked away flooded forward-especially those of his brother.
"This isn't right." Ash said, his eyes turning red and three lightning-bolt shaped lines extended from his pupil, with three fan-blade shaped designs in-between each one.
"To think Mewtwo started this. This scene it fills me with such….Anger…..Hatred…."
Without warning, a ribcage surrounded by orange flames surrounded Ash.
"MEWTWO! Stop this senseless fighting now! Or else…..I'LL DESTROY YOU!"